About HS CounselorWeek - weekly email
This weekly email searches main media outlets finding stories that may be of interest to high school counselors, college admission officers and related organizations, with links to the original stories. It is published by de facto, inc., publishers of other e-newsletters.
College Admissions - Larger Picture
Many Transfer From a 4-Year Campus to a 2-Year One New York Times, United States - Jan 18, 2006 Community colleges are best known as steppingstones: Students with dubious academic records, shaky finances or no family tradition of higher education often spend two years at a community college gaining confidence before transferring to a more glamorous four-year campus...
Latest employee perk: College admissions aid USA Today - Jan 17, 2006 Baby boomers, who fueled a rise in company-supported day care nearly a generation ago, are driving a new employee benefit: help with their kids' college admissions...
College face more accountability over admissions San Jose Mercury News, USA - Jan 16, 2006 .It was a time-honored tradition, an offseason coaching version of one-upmanship. The game, unnamed by its participants, was, "How Low Can You Go?"
"You'd go to the convention and hear guys say, `This kid's got no chance to qualify, but we'll get him in,'"
College Admissions Process/Strategies
College applications often go above, beyond Stockton Record, CA - Jan 16, 2006 STOCKTON - As colleges across the country evaluate applications from prospective students, submissions often come with unexpected extras. "I had a kid a couple years ago that sent me several pictures of his pet lizards," said Damon Fugett, University of the Pacific's assistant director of admissions. "It's really weird when I get the picture of the pet and no one else is in the picture."
The SAT essay doesn't let good writers shine Virginian Pilot, VA - Jan 18, 2006 Writing the perfect SAT essay in 25 minutes is like telling the Iron Chef to cook his most delectable dish in less than half an hour. Both must take shortcuts to get the job done. While sound in concept, the SAT essay stifles writers, limits thought and creativity and fails to distinguish students for fair college consideration...
SAT may be split over different days Monsters and Critics.com, UK - Jan 18, 2006 NEW YORK, NY, United States (UPI) -- The College Board is considering allowing U.S. high school students to take the three-part SAT in three sittings instead of one four-hour marathon...
Northeast News
Guidance counselors object to swapping MEA for SAT Central Maine Morning Sentinel, ME - (free registration required) Jan 18, 2006 AUGUSTA -- Ethical questions are prompting Maine high school guidance counselors to speak out against the state education commissioner's decision to swap the Maine Education Assessment test for the SAT....
Regional rethinks student ranking Asbury Park Press, NJ - Jan 13, 2006 LITTLE SILVER — Red Bank Regional High School officials are reconsidering a proposal to eliminate class rank from student transcripts but, after meeting with parents Wednesday night, decided to proceed with a change that would give students more credit for taking advanced placement courses...
Pataki Is Set to Defer College Aid New York Sun, NY - Jan 17, 2006 By JACOB GERSHMAN - Staff Reporter of the Sun. ALBANY - Governor Pataki is expected today to propose tightening financial aid regulations ...
College Admissions - Pressure and Stress
Sanity 101 USA Today - Jan 19, 2006 Parents of adolescents usually strive for an aura of calm and reason. But just two words can trigger irrational behavior in parent and child alike: "college admissions".
Juniors stress over making the grade Connecticut Post, CT - Jan 18, 2006 I think I can speak for all juniors when I say this is by far the most difficult year of high school. This is the time when your grade point average is crucial because it is the first thing colleges look at.
On a race track to college Contra Costa Times, CA - Jan 12, 2006 Are high school kids overly focused on getting into colleges?
"That's like asking if the sky is blue," says Tiffany Young.
Young, a senior at Miramonte High School in Orinda, shoulders a full load of college prep and advanced placement courses while also finding time to volunteer at John Muir Medical Center, participate in Academic Decathlon, public speaking, French club and even run her own corsage business.
The Ordeals Of College Admission TheDay (subscription), CT - Jan 15, 2006 There's plenty about being a parent that remains a mystery, but I never thought one of them would be the experience of my children's applying to college. ...
College Admissions Essay
Bess Kargman: College application essays for sale Sacramento Bee, USA - Jan 18, 2006 College admissions officers around the country will be reading my application essays this month, essays in which I describe personal aspirations, academic goals -- even, in one case, a budding passion for the sitar. What they won't know is ...
The agony of the essay, the thrill of admission Indianapolis Star, United States - Jan 19, 2006 It's college deadline crunch time, and nothing spells anxiety like the application essay. Grades are black and white. SAT scores are, too. But essays are supposed to be Technicolor...
College students on the 'write' track Newsday, NY - Jan 13, 2006 Inspiration struck as Rachel Cassidy returned home from visiting a Rhode Island college with her parents last summer. "I kind of looked down," the Bay Shore high school senior said, "and saw my shoes. And I thought: 'my sneakers.'"
Financial Aid
College financial aid can save you lots USA Today - Jan 16, 2006 Your high-school senior is starting college this fall, but you're not one of those sentimental parents who puddles up at the thought of your baby chick leaving the nest. In fact, you're counting the days until you can turn your child's bedroom into a sun porch...
Changes in the offing for student loan programs MarketWatch - (free registration required) Jan 16, 2006 WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) -- Congress, searching for savings in the multi-billion dollar business of loaning college tuition money, is exploring a wide range of ...
Web Sites and Tools
College Competition, Made Easier to Size Up New York Times, United States - Jan 14, 2006 HIGH SCHOOL seniors waging the yearly battle to gain entry to the college of their choice know all too well that the odds increasingly militate against success. The universe of top-tier choices is fixed, while the ranks of competitors seem to do nothing but grow...
News For Your Web Site dBusinessNews Boston (press release), MA - Jan 19, 2006 BOSTON -- ConnectEdu, a leading provider of technology and services for education planning, today announces the launch of its Connect! Version 3.2 Web-based software for high school students, parents, counselors and administrators engaged in the college test preparation, search, application or financial aid process...
College-bound students can learn from her experience The Desert Sun, CA - Jan 17, 2006 DESERT HOT SPRINGS - Amber McCartney may be halfway through her junior year at Stanford University, but she still clearly remembers how bewildered she was as a high school student, trying to apply to college...
Gangs and Bullies
Anti-bullying program is money and time well spent Charlotte Sun-Herald, FL - Jan 14, 2006 FThat's why I read with interest that the Charlotte County school system has a new anti-bullying program. Seminars will teach kids to get help with a bullying situation before it gets out of hand. It's part of a nationwide effort called "Bully Safe USA"...
Op-Ed Contribution
This young generation's time has come !!!! Student to Student , NH - Jan 19, 2006 TIME Magazine did a big splash in its last issue on the work of Bono, Bob Geldorf and Bill Gates and his foundation in fighting world poverty. These guys are for sure local heroes and as an activist I admire their efforts enormously...
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Big Picture
Pressure and Stress
Admission Essay
Financial Aid
Sites and Tools
Op-Ed Piece
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