About HS CounselorWeek - weekly email
This weekly email searches main media outlets finding stories that may be of interest to high school counselors, college admission officers and related organizations, with links to the original stories. It is published by de facto, inc., publishers of other e-newsletters.
College Admissions - Larger Picture
Elite Colleges Lag in Serving the Needy Chronicle of Higher Education (subscription) - May 8, 2006 In 1940, James Bryant Conant, then president of Harvard University, laid out his vision of an egalitarian society, a classless culture based on educational opportunity, not chance of birth ...
Colleges Rethink Remedial Education Newhouse News Service (NNS) - May 10, 2006 To understand why a high school diploma is no guarantee that a graduate has what it takes to thrive in college, a short history lesson is in order: High schools were never designed to funnel mass numbers of young Americans into colleges and universities. Only a select number of students are on a rigorous track that prepares them to succeed in college...
An Illegal Advantage CBS News - May 10, 2006 Should it be cheaper for illegal immigrants to attend U.S. colleges than for U.S. citizens? Yes, according to lawmakers in California, Illinois, Kansas, New Mexico, New York, Oklahoma, Texas, Utah, and Washington ...
Getting Into a Top College Gets Harder For Young Americans Voice of America - May 10, 2006 Some of America's best universities have accepted an unusually low percentage of students for admission this fall. For example, the Wall Street Journal reported that Stanford University had a record low admission rate this year. The newspaper said the California school accepted less than eleven percent of the students who applied
College Admissions Process/Strategies
Finding a college 101: Web sites can help Tuscaloosa News (subscription), AL - May 9, 2006 Researching colleges can be so overwhelming these days that it can send you straight into the admissions office of that "safe school" Mom and Dad picked out for you in kindergarten.
Admissions process should be clear Stanford Daily, CA - May 11, 2006 Why are we here? We don’t mean this in a metaphorical sense. Rather, why did the admissions office decide that we should be admitted to Stanford? Perhaps we'll never really know ...
Applying for college? Peoria Journal Star, IL - May 7, 2006 - How to visit colleges: Visits should be pre-arranged with a college or university's admissions office. The best days to plan a ...
Savor your last years in high school USA Today - May 10, 2006 His advice to high school students: Enjoy yourself. Don't turn high school into a contest; don't sacrifice your real passions and ambitions for the sake of the college admissions process, because once you get into college, those passions and ambitions are what you are going to rely on to define your college experience.
Longer SAT could mean lower scores Seattle Times, United States - May 11, 2006 By Jay Mathews. College Board officials say they expect a decline of as much as five points, on average, in the math and verbal sections ...
Colleges Report Mystery Decline in SAT Scores New York Times, United States - May 11, 2006 Just two months after the College Board disclosed that thousands of SAT exams taken in October were erroneously scored, some by more than 400 points, a new ...
SAT scores drop; some see red flag USA Today - May 10, 2006 By Mary Beth Marklein, USA TODAY. Some colleges are reporting double-digit drops in the average SAT scores of applicants this year ...
SAT, ACT tests still play a role York Daily Record, PA - May 8, 2006 Even if some colleges are not requiring SAT and ACT test scores, some college officials, high school guidance counselors, parents and teens aren't discounting the tests's' importance...
Superstitions help students get through exams Indianapolis Star, United States - May 7, 2006 Rafee Obaidi of Phoenix would not describe himself as a superstitious person. An aspiring doctor, he will tell you that he tries to think logically about most things. Still, when it came to taking the one test he considers "make or break," the Medical College Admission Test (MCAT), Obaidi, 22, says there was no question in his mind that he would use his lucky No. 2 pencil
Space Survey
National Association for College Admission Counseling Survey AScribe - May 5, 2006 Despite headlines about the growing competitiveness among the nation's colleges and universities, more than 210 colleges and universities still have space available for qualified students in their Fall 2006 freshman and/or transfer classes, according to the results of the National Association for College Admission Counseling's annual Space Availability Survey: Openings for Qualified Students ...
Western News
A judge stands up for ignorance San Francisco Chronicle, USA - May 11, 2006 CALIFORNIA has spent some $50 million developing and administering the high school exit exam, as mandated by the Legislature and signed by Gov. Gray Davis.
A test of the state's school exit exam Los Angeles Times, CA - May 11, 2006 Hooray to Alameda County Superior Court Judge Robert B. Freedman in delaying his final ruling regarding the high school exit exam.
State ed board to work on community colleges KTVB, ID -(free registration required) May 10, 2006 ... colleges in Idaho, and that it wants to work with the interim committee appointed by lawmakers earlier this year to ensure that community college legislation ...
Students fear certification may affect their future Mid Columbia Tri City Herald, WA - May 6, 2006 The new certifications for high school diplomas have Mid-Columbia parents and teachers talking about how the changes will affect special education students, but the chatter hasn't yet trickled down to the business or collegiate communities ...
Diploma decision delayed San Jose Mercury News, USA - May 10, 2006 By Shirley Dang. An Alameda County judge left 47,000 high school diplomas hanging in the balance when he delayed a ruling Tuesday on the high school exit exam. ...
Literature - College Admissions
$50K FOR 200 POINTS: HOW RICH NY KIDS ACE THE SAT New York Post, NY - May 8, 2006 THERE'S the tutor who was begged to come back after a client's father reassured him that his son's memory was much improved because he "had dried out in rehab." And the tutor who had to explain to a mother that writing a school paper for her son would be wrong. ...
College Admission Obsession Taking Over Teen Literature Harvard Crimson, MA - May 7, 2006 Though the passage comparisons presented in the past week's editions of The Crimson illustrate a much more severe offense than mere setting-snatching, claims that the very premises of Viswanathan's and Megan McCafferty's ...
Vocational Classes
Vocational classes make a comeback Burbank Leader, United States - May 3, 2006 Training courses like woodshop, auto repair and cooking are returning to Burbank schools as students become more interested in them...
Cuts in college advice criticized Chicago Daily Herald (subscription), IL - May 9, 2006 At John Hersey High School this year, a full-time college counselor handles the ranks of teens looking to get a degree after high school, helping them navigate the treacherous waters of financial aid forms and admissions requirements ...
High School Ranking
What Makes a High School Great? Newsweek May 8, 2006 If you want to understand what's happening in some of America's most innovative public high schools, think back to your own experiences in that petri dish of adolescent social stratification known as the cafeteria....
Class Competition Newsweek, PA - May 8, 2006 How should we judge public high schools? Should it be on whether they prepare their best and brightest for college? Should it be on their emphasis on vocational training? What about their integration of alternative teaching methods and tracks?...
Students describe high school of dreams Pittsburgh Post Gazette, PA - May 11, 2006 Later starting times and working water fountains are hardly the stuff of dreams. But combine those modest measures with small classes, online courses, challenging academic standards and opportunities for internships and work-study positions and the result would be a "school of dreams,"
Kids should be allowed to screw up, learn from it Winston-Salem Journal, NC - May 6, 2006 ... So I say this to the "helicopter parent" who wrote her son's college-admission essay, hovered obsessively when he enrolled and tried to protect him from ...
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Big Picture
Space Survey
HS Rankings
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