About HS CounselorWeek - weekly email
This weekly email searches main media outlets finding stories that may be of interest to high school counselors, college admission officers and related organizations, with links to the original stories. It is published by de facto, inc., publishers of other e-newsletters.
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College Big Picture
Live and Learn -- Why we have college New Yorker - Jun 6, 2011 My first job as a professor was at an Ivy League university. The students were happy to be taught, and we, their teachers, were happy to be teaching them...
 | Is a College Diploma Worth Soaring Student Debt? PBS News Hour - May 27, 2011 As a growing number of students suffer soaring college debt, many questions are being raised about the value of higher education amid meager job prospects in a struggling economy. Jeffrey Brown gets four views on whether today's diplomas are worth the cost....
College Admissions Process/Strategies
Measuring a College for the Right Fit
The College Solution Blog - May 27, 2011 Q: What do admission officers feel are the three most important criteria points for a student and their family to look at to decide if it is a school the student should apply to?....
Demonstrating love of learning will set applicants apart The Record - NJ.com - May 30, 2011 How will you benefit from attending our college? What will you contribute to our college? While you may not see these questions on college applications, if you have answered them in your applications, ....
College Admissions: 4 Honors Programs That Rival the Ivies GoLocalProv - May 30, 2011 Honors programs are a phenomenon that did not exist when most parents went to college. But today, many schools are touting them as a competitive tool. Some are extremely substantive and others are light in content and benefits ...
| HSCW Counselors' Corners Post - Jun 1, 2011 The Perfect Graduation Gift Seniors, here are some recommendations on how to spend your summertime. College is about trying new things, so give these a spin, and you’ll hit the campus more flexible than Gumby after a yoga class
.... More
How to Help Your High School Senior Say Goodbye Huffington Post - May 29, 2011 The last dance, last pep rally, last yearbook... Senior year in high school is a long series of farewells, most of them highly emotional. As unsettling as it may be to leave their 13-year jobs as students, seniors' most wrenching farewells are usually their goodbyes to friends....
Campus Visits
Get a Head Start on College Visits U.S. News & World Report - May 31, 2011 As seniors finish the taxing college admissions process, sophomores and juniors are beginning their own search for a future home. ...
Answering Questions About College Visits U.S. News & World Report - May 30, 2011 The May 16 blog post, "Follow 9 Tips to Window Shop for Colleges," prompted a number of questions regarding college visits. I will address some of them in this week's column ...
College Price
Trying to Compare College Costs Washington Monthly - Jun 1, 2011 College is expansive. Pretty much everyone in America seems to know this in a general sense. But when parents and students are trying to decide which college is most affordable...
College merit aid produces bidding wars Washington Post - May 31, 2011 It is becoming a common scenario post-recession: Affluent applicants, shocked by college sticker prices and leery of debt, are choosing a school not because it is the first choice but because it is the best deal ...
Don't Believe a College Sticker Price U.S. News & World Report - May 31, 2011 When you are looking at colleges, don't believe the sticker price. Why? Because college are priced like airline tickets. Everybody pays a different fare. When I give talks to families with teenagers, that's one of the first points that I emphasize ...
How to Land a Full-Tuition Scholarship U.S. News & World Report - May 26, 2011 Though worrying about financing a college education is unavoidable for most people, a few people are either lucky enough to (a) have parents who foot the entire bill and will do the worrying for them, or (b) win a full-tuition scholarship...
How To Save A Year Of College Costs Wall Street Journal - May 26, 2011 "If you told your daughter or son they have $200,000 to get through college, what do you think they'd do?" a father of four asked me the other day. His answer? "They'd go to a junior college for two years and spend about $100,000 on college. And then they'd pocket the rest." ...
Do schools share too much with parents? CNN.com - May 31, 2011 (CNN) -- Are schools creating a new breed of helicopter parent? Teacher Terri Reh wants parents to monitor their children's entire educational career online.....
Books & Guides
Books: 'Best Four Years' is guide to college life Fayetteville Observer - May 29, 2011 One advantage of Shepard's book over more detailed college manuals is his fresh perspective on the changes on campuses since parents were last handed their diplomas.....
New book helps students navigate college aid issues The Record - NJ.com - May 30, 2011 How will you benefit from attending our college? What will you contribute to our college? While you may not see these questions on college applications, if you have answered them in your applications, you will be setting yourself apart from other applicants and making a persuasive case for your admission....
Schools weigh importance of class rankings The Patriot-News - May 31, 2011 John Kocsis is graduating second in his class at Cumberland Valley High School. He never had a chance at valedictorian, he said, because of choices he made....
Valedictorian titles spark competition Atlanta Journal-Constitution - May 24, 2011 Katie Sanders hoped her hard work and study would earn her valedictorian status at Woodstock High School last year. But in her senior year, Sanders’ class rank fell to third and the coveted titles of valedictorian and salutatorian went instead to two students...
Community service opens doors The Star-Ledger - NJ.com - Jun 1, 2011 While putting together plans for the summer, don’t forget to leave quality time for volunteer activities or projects. Incorporating service into your life is incredibly rewarding and almost always habit-forming. In fact, it can open doors for lifeL...
In Defense of Independent Admissions Consultants The Chronicle of Higher Education - May 31, 2011 Independent educational consultants have long been criticized by journalists, authors, and even some within the college community. This fast-growing profession attracts people from a variety of backgrounds....
SAT Test Demanding Teen Information Prompts Regulator Query Bloomberg - May 27, 2011 U.S. Representatives Ed Markey and Joe Barton asked the College Board, owner of the SAT college entrance exam, to explain how it collects and stores data from students as the government seeks to bolster teen privacy laws...
Tuition hikes, cuts in aid pinch Florida college students Orlando Sentinel - May 27, 2011 College students across Florida will return to classes this fall facing steep tuition increases and a variety of other cost hikes — all at a time when they'll be seeing less financial aid from the state....
Goal: Better community college grad rates Houston Chronicle - May 29, 2011 After years of dramatic enrollment growth, Texas community colleges are taking the next step: making sure more students graduate with a two-year degree or a certificate...
Poor sleep linked to kids who bully eMaxHealth - May 31, 2011 A study from University of Michigan researchers found kids with behavior problems like aggression and bullying are twice as likely to have some sort of sleep disorder that leads to daytime sleepiness. The study was conducted on elementary school ...
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