About HS CounselorWeek - weekly email
This weekly email searches main media outlets finding stories that may be of interest to high school counselors, college admission officers and related organizations, with links to the original stories. It is published by de facto, inc., publishers of other e-newsletters.
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College Costs: Rising, Yet Often Exaggerated New York Times - Economix Blog - Aug 22, 2013 “Soaring college costs” is one of those phrases for which journalists and speechwriters seem to have a save-get key. It’s become conventional wisdom that the cost of attending college has risen far more than the cost of just about any other major item in family budgets....
College: It's not just 'Made in the U.S.A.' Los Angeles Times - Aug 20, 2013 For many college students, the semester abroad has become a rite of passage. But while many Americans study abroad for a semester or two, it is a rarity for high schoolers to apply outside the United States for their bachelor's degree. ...
ACT's Low College Readiness Rate Foreshadows Common Core Shock Huffington Post - Aug 21, 2013 Only one-quarter of high school seniors who took the ACT college admissions test this year scored high enough to be considered ready for college or the workforce. U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan called the finding "truly disturbing" in a statement to The Huffington Post....
As price of college rises, so does federal aid Boston.com - Aug 19, 2013 WASHINGTON (AP) — With college costs continuing to rise, more students are receiving federal financial aid, though state and institutional aid remains largely flat....
Why Colleges Act as They Do Inside Higher Ed - Aug 13, 2013 Do increases in federal spending on student financial aid drive up college tuitions? Do cuts in state budgets for public colleges impede college-going? Do public and private colleges admit and award financial aid in similar or different ways?....
College Admissions Process/Strategies
'Where Should I Go to College?' The Atlantic - Aug 19, 2013 Where should you go to college--assuming you're a high school student and getting ready for this new phase of your life? Where should you encourage your son or daughter to go--assuming that you're a parent?....
To do list for seniors (Part 1) (Video) Seattle College Bound Examiner - Aug 20, 2013 With senior year getting closer every day, there are a few tasks that students should do before college application season gets into full swing. ....
Seniors Applying to College: You Need a Plan! The College Solution - Aug 19, 2013 How do you tackle applying to college? Short answer: with a plan. Map out what you are going to do when and then you work your plan. It is both as easy and as hard as that. Here are 5 tips for making a plan that will help you get your applications done with a minimum of stress and drama....
College Admissions Applications
12 colleges with uncommon application questions DC College Admissions Examiner - Aug 19, 2013 More than two weeks past the Common Application launch date, about 180 member colleges have yet to post complete applications on the Common App site.....
Countdown to College: Slow down on early applications Charlotte Observer - Aug 19, 2013 The Common Application went live Aug. 1, and some very eager students have already submitted their applications. Not so fast. Early may not be better. There is applying before the deadline and then there is the crazed family, most typically a parent, who is intent on submitting all the college applications in August....
7 college application mistakes to avoid CBS News MarketWatch - Aug 6, 2013 (MoneyWatch) The college application season has officially begun. The newest version of the Common Application, which more than 500 mostly private colleges and universities use, is now available to high school students who are eager to get a jump-start on their applications....
College Admissions: Demystifying Early Admissions 2013 GoLocalProv - Jul 29, 2013 Over the last 10 years, early admission programs have become an increasingly important aspect of college admissions. Many colleges are filling 30-70% of their freshman class via early action or early decision.....
Visiting & Interviewing
How to Succeed in an Admissions Interview Huffington Post - Aug 20, 2013 Many colleges and universities offer admissions interviews with either admissions staff or alumni in order to get to know prospective students. This is your chance to not only discover how well you might fit into a certain college's environment, but also to present yourself as an ideal candidate for acceptance. ...
SATs, ACTs, & AP
Top SAT exam tips Leesburg Career Coach Examiner - Aug 20, 2013 The next SAT examination is fast approaching. Preparation for the October, 2013 exam will take strategy and practice. Time is of the essence, so it's now time to quit procrastination. ....
Prepare for the SAT on a Budget US News & World Report - Aug 19, 2013 Aiming for a high SAT score doesn't necessarily mean shelling out for high-cost test prep. While big price tags are common in this industry, there are still many options for improving your score on a tight budget....
3 things to consider before enrolling in AP courses Chicago SAT Prep Examiner - Aug 20, 2013 Eventually, the cosmologists assure us, our sun and all suns will consume their fuel, violently explode and then become cold and dark. Matter itself will evaporate into the void and the universe will become desolate for the rest of time.....
| HSCW Counselors' Corners Post - Aug 1, 2013 The New Common Application is Here! August 1 is the big day, when the new version of Common Application debuts. Known as CA4, this new version of Common App offers the same benefits of using one basic form to apply to hundreds of colleges,.... More
The growing business of college prep Charlotte Observer - Aug 20, 2013 Students, parents, teachers, and school counselors agree on this much: The college-admissions competition has reached a fever pitch.It also has created a new class of entrepreneurs: professionals who make their living by helping students navigate the frenzy.... |
Matchmaker, Matchmaker Richmond Magazine - Aug 14, 2013 Life used to be so simple for parents of private high school students. Make sure Jimmy’s report card is up to snuff, dutifully steer him around two or three campuses,.... |
Navigating the College Search Beyond Rankings Huffington Post - Aug 12, 2013 The Princeton Review just released its annual College Rankings Lists. Their 62 categories cover everything from "Best Value" to "Top Party Schools." When it comes to doing your own college research, there are many factors to consider.....
America's Top Colleges 2013 Forbes - Aug 12, 2013 Do college rankings matter? With the price of a four-year education approaching a quarter million dollars, it’s worth paying attention.,.....
Her Campus's 2013 College Rankings HuffingtonP ost - Aug 19, 2013 Here at HC, we’re plugged into what’s going on at colleges across the country. With a team of more than 3,000 students at more than 200 colleges and universities contributing to our site, .....
Social Media
Move Over, Facebook: LinkedIn Opens Its Doors to Teenagers TIME - Aug 20, 2013 Since the days of Facebook’s Honesty Box, social-media websites have been the safe havens where teenagers go to gripe and gossip away from all the nosy adults in their lives. But times are changing: kids are spending more time carefully pruning their Facebook profiles...
Saying goodbye to my child, the youngster Washington Post - Aug 19, 2013 Eventually, the cosmologists assure us, our sun and all suns will consume their fuel, violently explode and then become cold and dark. Matter itself will evaporate into the void and the universe will become desolate for the rest of time.....
Some Advice For Parents Of New College Students Forbes - Aug 20, 2013 It’s mid-August, and 21 million young adults in the United States are getting ready for college. For many of these students, it is a first-time experience that inspires excitement, optimism and more than a little anxiety....
The High Cost of Senior Year The Star-Ledger - Aug 20, 2013 Claudia Mott is a certified financial planner, so to her, budgeting and looking ahead money-wise is second nature. But when her oldest of three kids started his senior year of high school, the Long Hill Township woman was in for sticker shock.....
The Financial Aid Lingo You Need to Know Her Campus - Aug 15, 2013 The college admissions process is stressful enough. By the time you get to filling out your financial aid forms, everything might just feel like a confusing, acronym-filled blur. FAFSA? SAR? EFC? Who even knows what all those terms mean? ...
The never-ending scholarship search MSN Money - Aug 19, 2013 So your kid got enough scholarships and grants to pay for most or all of freshman year. Congratulations! Tell him to keep looking. Yes, the past year was pretty fraught: writing application essays...
Mississippi increases graduation rate, test scores continue improvement Mississippi-Press - Aug 21, 2013 JACKSON, Mississippi -- More students scored proficient and advanced at every grade level on the Mississippi Curriculum Test, Second Edition (MCT2) and on the Subject Area Testing Program, Second Edition (SATP2), according to test scores released Thursday by the Mississippi Department of Education. ...
Regents set new policies for Georgia colleges OnlineAthens - Aug 14, 2013 ATLANTA — The University System of Georgia took several steps Wednesday to establish a more comprehensive approach to guiding the state’s 31 public colleges and universities. ...
Kids Involved in Bullying Grow Up To Be Poorer, Sicker Adults NPR.org - Aug 19, 2013 Bullied children and kids who bully others have more health problems when they grow up than kids who aren't part of the bullying cycle, a study finds. They're also more likely to have financial problems, including difficulty keeping a job......
What exactly is cyberbullying and how prevalent is it? The Christian Science Monitor - Aug 13, 2013 By the time I entered high school in 1990, I had already endured three long years of severe bullying. My school, just outside of Boston, Massachusetts, was not particularly welcoming to adolescent boys of my persuasion.......
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