About HS CounselorWeek - weekly email
This weekly email searches main media outlets finding stories that may be of interest to high school counselors, college admission officers and related organizations, with links to the original stories. It is published by de facto, inc., publishers of other e-newsletters.
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College Big Picture
Only Half of First-Time College Students Graduate in 6 Years
New York Times - Economix Blog - Feb 26, 2013 A new report from the National Student Clearinghouse Research Center digs deeper into these graduation rates. It finds that of the 1.9 million students enrolled for the first time in all degree-granting institutions in fall 2006, just over half of them (54.1 percent) had graduated within six years...
The Real War on Higher Education Washinton Monthly - Feb 22, 2013 I've written before about rhetoric of some conservative politicians with regard to college. Rick Santorum has said that he believes “the left” uses universities to indoctrinate young people for the purpose of “holding and maintaining power.” ...
College Admissions Process/Strategies
The Truth About Need-Aware Admissions Huffington Post - Feb 26, 2013 Now is the time for high school juniors to begin developing a well-balanced list of target, reach, and likely schools to apply to this fall, and one of the most significant, and often times limiting, factors that families and students consider when deciding where to apply is cost.....
Grade pointless? Most colleges don't care about GPAs USA Today - Feb 27, 2013 Parents and their high school students are fascinated by the grade point average and what it means in college admissions, but the truth is that a number of colleges and universities are not all that interested....
Good Grades And College Aid: The Wake Up Story Forbes - Feb 22, 2013 Just because your child is a good student doesn't mean her good grades will translate into college aid. This kind of financial aid is called academic merit aid, and few colleges offer it based just on grades and test scores alone. ....
The Art of Applying: The Role of Artistic Talent in the College Process The Choate News - Feb 22, 2013 The college admissions process, which is just beginning for the class of 2014, is a complicated and stressful moment of passage for many. For an artist, the difficult choice of where to attend college may mean choosing between a liberal arts school and a conservatory or whether or to submit arts supplements. . ....
The Pros and Cons of Honors Colleges The College Solution Blog - Feb 22, 2013 After I published my last post on honors colleges, I heard from Stuart Nachbar, who produces amazingly in-depth profiles of primarily state universities at his website EducatedQuest, which I'd urge you to visit regularly. Stuart wrote a great piece on the pros and cons of honors college, which I'm sharing with you today:...
High School Seniors
College Admissions: How To Keep Your HS Senior Out of Trouble GoLOcal Prov - Feb 25, 2013 It's an insidious and highly contagious disease. No one really talks about it, and the American Psychological Association doesn't recognize it, but nevertheless, it exists. It affects only a small subset of society, high school seniors....
Is It A Parent's Right To Read Their Kid's College Essay? Huffington Post - Feb 18, 2013 About six months ago, an unspeakable evil entered our house -- the college essay process. Until then, we'd always been a fairly typical family, neither sensational or completely unremarkable. Just typical, with three kids, a dog, a cat and a fish named Nini. But that was before the Essay. Oh, the Essay....
Juniors: Create a Testing Plan True Admission Blog - Feb 26, 2013 Second semester of junior year in high school means testing. In addition to the SAT (upcoming on March 9 and May 4) and the ACT (on April 13 and June 8), students may be taking AP exams and SAT Subject Tests this spring....
SAT exam to be redesigned Washington Post - Feb 26, 2013 The famed SAT college admissions exam will undergo a thorough redesign by the College Board, which is calling it an “ambitious effort” to “better meet” the needs of students and schools.....
Low ACT Scores? What Now? About.com - Feb 26, 2013 There's so much hype surrounding a few of the country's most selective colleges that many applicants feel they need a 35 or 36 composite score on the ACT to get into a good college. The reality is quite different.....
A New SAT Inside Higher Ed - Feb 27, 2013 The College Board is planning to redesign the SAT, although the process is not expected to be speedy and the precise nature of the changes has not been determined.....
SAT or ACT? Issaquah Press - Feb 26, 2013 As spring rolls around, juniors start to think about college and with that, they start asking themselves questions about standardized tests, specifically the SAT and ACT. Almost every college accepts scores from either test, so the choice really comes down to personal preference. How do you decide?....
| HSCW Counselors' Corners Post - Feb 28, 2013 When Student Trust is Compromised The craziness that comes with college notifications in March has been matched by a different kind of madness in February. The Daily Pennsylvanian reports a former admissions officer at The University of Pennsylvania posted portions of applicants’ essays to her Facebook page. ... More
Adding Counselors Will Make Schools Safer Hartford Courant - Feb 22, 2013 As a high school counselor and coach in West Hartford, I recently testified before our state legislators on how best to support Connecticut schools after the December tragedy in Newtown....
Experts: Start Early In Your Search For College Scholarships CBS Local NY - Feb 25, 2013 NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) — There is a new mantra when it comes to scoring collegescholarships – it's never too early.
As CBS 2's Kristine Johnson reported, thousands of college dollars are given away each year – even to toddlers – and the competition isn't as stiff as you might think....
Student Athletes
After the Cheering Stops Edutopia - Feb 26, 2013 I grew up loving basketball, and Alan Seiden was the best high school basketball player I've ever seen. He was also my neighbor and a classmate at Jamaica High School in New York City.....
Vocational Education
Vocational education provides opportunities for job placement Examiner - Feb 26, 2013 With the economy still recovering from the 2008 financial crisis, vocational education will be an important component of the recovery process. Vocational education sometimes referred to as Career and Technical Education (CTE) or Vocational Education....
Parents - Do you know how you will pay for college? Denver College Admissions Examiner - Feb 26, 2013 As high school seniors begin receiving college acceptance letters from schools they have applied to, parents are forced to face the reality of how they will pay for college.....
Parents Are Robbing Retirement for College CNBC - Feb 26, 2013 Paying for your child's education is a laudable goal, but may not be realistic for some parents who could wind up jeopardizing their own financial future in order to help put their sons and daughters through college....
Technical and private colleges ink transfer deal 7DVT.com - Feb 25, 2013 ATLANTA - The Technical College System of Georgia and Georgia Independent College Association have inked an agreement making it easier for credit hour transfers and acceptance.....
Teen Dating Violence
Know the signs of teen dating violence Herald Review - Feb 22, 2013 For young teenagers, first dates can be exciting and fun as well as scary and stressful. The prospect of first love that can come with close friendships is always the dream. But what if those young hearts just starting to explore the world of dating and love encounter disrespect and abuse.....
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HS Seniors
Voc Ed
Teen Dating
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