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This weekly email searches main media outlets finding stories that may be of interest to high school counselors, college admission officers and related organizations, with links to the original stories. It is published by de facto, inc., publishers of other e-newsletters.
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College For Free: Tulsa's Radical Idea NPR.org - Jun 9, 2014 The average cost of one college year across all degree-granting intuitions in the U.S. was more than $19,000 in 2012, and we don't need to tell you what direction the price is heading. ...
College Admissions Process/Strategies
To Maximize Admissions Yield, Engage Students Huffington Post - Jun 5, 2014 The College search process certainly has changed over the years. We adults recall visiting with our guidance counselor at the end of our junior year to chat a bit about our goals and where we sought to be after high school....
Expert Advice: 8 Questions to Ask on a Campus Tour Nerd Wallet - Jun 8, 2014 Whether you are a prospective college student on the verge of making your final acceptance decision or a high school senior deciding where to apply, consider taking a guided tour of your potential college campus first..
What's That College Really Like? 6 Ways To Be A Wiser Visitor Forbes - Jun 10, 2014 Cynics will tell you that campus visits — a centerpiece of the Great American College Hunt — are largely a waste of time. No matter how diligently parents and their college-bound teens scour the country, all those dorms, libraries and food courts end up blurring together..
On College: Never say these things to your child San Jose Mercury News - Jun 9, 2014 Every time I think I have heard it all when it comes to what parents say to their children as they are about to embark on the college admissions process or even when they are mired in it, I get surprised....
How to Prepare Your Kid for College Culture Shock The Street - Jun 9, 2014 NEW YORK (TheStreet) -- Even though America's best and brightest high school seniors are moving on to college, there is no guarantee they'll make it through four years of college....
4 Things Parents Need to Learn Now About Student Loans Huffington Post - Jun 10, 2014 When determining how to pay for this massive life event, parents are often as confused as their students. With that in mind, here are four things parents need to learn now about student loans before anyone signs on the dotted line:...
| HSCW Counselors' Corners Post - June 12, 2014 The Surprise End-of-the-Year Report You’re just about to begin your summer, when your principal tells you about a new board-mandated counseling report that’s due in two weeks. In a perfect world, you knew about this last fall, and set up the benchmarks and collection ... More
Report: School Counselors Are Underutilized And Overworked NPR - StateImpact Indiana - Jun 3, 2014 Can you explain the job of a school counselor? If you ask that question regarding anyone else in a school- a teacher, the principal, nurse or custodian- the answer is pretty straightforward: Teach students, manage the school, attend health needs and maintain cleanliness......
How to choose junior-year classes with SAT-busting power SAT Prep Examiner - Jun 10, 2014 Your course schedule for your junior year of high school is a critical one. The courses you complete between now and your initial exam date for the SAT can help or hinder your pursuit of your target score – but which classes should you choose? .....
Take 4 Steps to Set Realistic SAT, ACT Test Prep Goals US News - Jun 9, 2014 Understanding how to set attainable goals is an important skill for all facets of life. Studying for standardized tests like the SAT and ACT is one area where setting proper goals can be the difference between success and failure......
High school students should get smarter this summer NorthJersey.com - Jun 11, 2014 Technology has had a huge impact on the college application process. In fact, every step of the process - from conducting college searches to submitting applications - can be completed online...
Financial Aid/Scholarships
Career & Techincal Education
5 High Pay Careers and Only 2 Years of College GoLocalProv College Admissions - Jun 9, 2014 According to studies from the Harvard Graduate School of Education and Georgetown University, about half of all the new jobs created between now and 2018 will go to individuals with an Associate Degree or occupational certificate. ...
More vocational school graduates opt for college Boston Globe - Jun 8, 2014 Education and vocation have always been intertwined for Nathan Espinal. As a student at North Shore Technical High School in Middleton, the Salem teen specialized in health assisting, with the goal of becoming a doctor...
Scott signs 'Dreamer' tuition bill, starts campaign swing Miami Herald - Jun 10, 2014 Gov. Rick Scott on Monday signed legislation that allows students who are undocumented immigrants to qualify for less expensive in-state tuition at Florida colleges and universities. The bill (HB 851), sponsored by Rep. Jeannette Nunez, R-Miami, was one of the most intensely debated during the 2014 legislative session in Tallahassee...
Education officials misspell ‘Kentucky’ on college prep book Las Vegas Review Journal - Jun 6, 2014 Officials at the Kentucky Higher Education Assistance Authority made quite the mistake when sending a college prep book to every junior in the state — a misspelling of “Kentucky.” The KHEAA spelled it “Kentucy” on the binding of the book. Oops!..
Texas high school tests show some improvements KENS-5 - Jun 5, 2014 DALLAS -- Texas high school students showed improvements on end-of-course standardized tests in biology and algebra, and posted strong passing rates on a history exam administered statewide for the first time but lagged in English, figures released Wednesday by the state education agency show...
Summer Jobs
What Jobless Teens Could Be Doing This Summer Wall Street Journal - Jun 8, 2014 Just because your teenagers don't have jobs this summer, it doesn't mean they have to lounge around in pajamas texting on their smartphones all day. True, the labor market for teens and college students is still rough. Hiring overall in the U.S. isn't robust—there are underemployed adults working jobs that teens used to fill....
Smart Summer Jobs for Kids US News & World Report - Jun 9, 2014 So your teen wants to make some money this summer? Or maybe your children want cash, and you've told them they need to work for it. Whatever your situation, here are some ideas and opportunities for your children to earn money over the next few months.....
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Teen Jobs
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