About HS CounselorWeek - weekly email
This weekly email searches main media outlets finding stories that may be of interest to high school counselors, college admission officers and related organizations, with links to the original stories. It is published by de facto, inc., publishers of other e-newsletters.
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Job Skills Expectations Unmet Inside Higher Ed - Sep 3, 2014 College presidents want to help graduates find jobs but believe their institutions are struggling to do so, according to a recent survey by Gallup and Inside Higher Ed...
Colleges see gay students as a new market The Hechinger Report - Sep 3, 2014 Josh Bergeleen was raised in a fundamentalist Christian home in Austin, Texas, where, growing up, he “didn’t know that gay was a thing.” He came out at 18, shortly after becoming an undergraduate at Emory University..
College Admissions Process/Strategies
Applying to College Early Decision The College Solution Blog - Sep 2, 2014 This is the time of year when high school seniors aiming for prestigious colleges and universities contemplate applying Early Decision. When students apply early decision, they promise that they will attend if the institution accepts them. Students must make this commitment before they know what kind of financial aid or merit awards the school might provide......
Understanding Early Decision in College Admissions Pleasanton Weekly - Aug 28, 2014 Early Decision is an application program offered by many colleges and universities that provides an early admission decision in exchange for the student's commitment to enroll. A student may only apply ED to one college, and, if admitted ED, a student must withdraw all other applications and enroll at the ED school......
The Universal College Application vs the Common Application About.com - Sep 2, 2014 While the Common Application is still the online application format of choice for the majority of colleges that do not use their own applications exclusively, a growing number of schools have also begun to accept the Universal College Application. Some use this newer format exclusively or in addition to their own institutional application.......
The Most Overhyped Component of College Admissions Huffington Post - Sep 2, 2014 What major should I chose? One of the most common questions we get about the college admissions process is the major selection. From our experience helping 5,000 students through workshops and individually through the process, we conclude that the major selection is the most overrated entry on the common application.......
Plan the perfect college visit OCRegister - Aug 29, 2014 KNOW YOUR STUDENT -- Any parent of a teenager knows that each child is unique; they are interested in different things, and they mature at different rates. It’s important to know when your student is ready to begin making college visits. ....
Can You Answer These 10 College Interview Questions? Teen Life Blog - Aug 30, 2014 If you’re going to college, expect to be interviewed by a college representative. It’s a vital part of the college admissions process. Why? Colleges want to get to know you: Who you are, what your goals are, and how you will contribute to the student population....
5 Questions You Should Ask on a College Interview Teen Life Blog - Aug 29, 2014 College interviews can be very nerve-wracking. It might seem like the college is interviewing you when you sit down for that appointment. But in truth, you are also interviewing them....
| HSCW Counselors' Corners Post - Sep 3, 2014 Three Big College Changes You May Have Missed This Summer It’s always good to be so busy having a great summer vacation that you lose track of the bigger world. Relaxing is important, and helps school counselors maintain perspective... More
9 tips on how to be a good college parent Washington Post - Sep 2, 2014 Emory University psychology professor Marshall Duke has given speeches for more than 30 years to nervous parents preparing to leave their children at the school. His last speeches to parents happened at orientation recently, but his wisdom should continue....
College Admissions: Student-Parent Agreements GoLocalPDX College Admission Coach - Aug 27, 2014 Congratulations, you’re off to college! But before you go, consider making some deals with your parents about how you’ll relate to each other now that you’re leaving home. Sometime in August or September you’ll start your college adventure. Freedom and new friends beckon...
Testing that can catch you by surprise Charlotte Observer - Sep 1, 2014 So you thought your student was done with standardized testing. You were probably proud of yourself that you had finally mastered the differences between the SAT and the ACT, and then, surprise, up pops the very stealth-like SAT Subject Tests. What?..
Big changes in store for AP® DC College Admissions Examiner - Sep 3, 2014 While proposed changes for the SAT Reasoning Test have received lots of publicity and are being closely monitored by parents, advisers, test prep companies and college-bound students, the College Board’s overhaul of the Advanced Placement (AP) program hasn’t received nearly as much attention...
Top 10 U.S. colleges for an accounting degree USA Today - Sep 1, 2014 Are you interested in math and business? An accounting major may just be the right fit for you. This major involves lots of math classes, as well as courses in business, marketing, finance, statistics and economics....
Are “Affordable Elite” Colleges Growing in Size, or Just Selectivity? Washington Monthly - Aug 29, 2014 A new addition to this year’s Washington Monthly college guide is a ranking of “Affordable Elite” colleges. Given that many students and families (rightly or wrongly) focus on trying to get into the most selective colleges, we decided to create a special set of rankings covering only the 224 most highly-competitive colleges in the country...
2015 Best Colleges Preview: Top 10 Best Value Schools US News - Sep 2, 2014 ?For the majority of prospective college students and their families, cost is a major factor in determining which schools are viable options. Knowing which schools are best buys – which colleges provide the highest quality education for the lowest price – is imperative....
3 Mistakes That Will Cost You a College Scholarship Business Week - Sep 3, 2014 College campuses are springing to life again as students gear up to start a new academic year. For many freshmen, the school they’ll be getting to know in the next few months will be the one that not only agreed to let them in but also offered to help pay the tuition bill. According to the National Center for Education Statistics....
Expert Advice: What You Need to Know About Direct PLUS Loans Nerd Wallet - Aug 28, 2014 When deciphering your financial aid award letter, it’s important to notice how much of your financial aid is in the form of student loans, which you’ll have to pay back, rather than in the form of scholarships and grants.....
Career & Techincal Education
Shop Class Makes a Comeback Business Week - Aug 28, 2014 Two years out of high school, Evan Fischbach is earning $40,000 a year. His secret: shop class.
Fischbach, 19, wanted to work on cars ever since he took an automotive class in his junior year of high school in Saline, Mich....
Vocational education is making a comeback ESchool News - Sep 2, 2014 When you think about vocational education, you might conjure up a picture of a mechanic or a carpenter. Historically, vocational education, rooted in learning a particular skill set, was positioned in direct contrast with traditional higher-education learning, based primarily on academic theory.....
Momentum for Four-Year Degrees at Community Colleges Michigan Radio - Sep 1, 2014 Since 2003, when South Texas College, Midland College and Brazosport College received permission to offer bachelor’s degrees, several other community colleges have tried to acquire the same authority.....
Tennessee promises students free community college World Mag - Aug 29, 2014 Free college might sound too good to be true amidst national concern over the rising cost of higher education, but that’s what Tennessee is promising its high school seniors. On Aug. 15, applications opened for the Tennessee Promise, a scholarship providing two years of free tuition at any of Tennessee’s community or technical colleges.....
New phone app is creating an anonymous outlet for bullying WCYB - Aug 28, 2014 WASHINGTON COUNTY, Tenn. - A new social media app could be creating an anonymous outlet for bullying. The app is called Streetchat and we found out it’s being used by students at least 50 high schools in our area ....
Local teen teaches kids to battle bullying with kindness KATU - Sep 1, 2014 A teenager from Oregon City has come up with her own solution to bullying: a campaign to teach kindness to kids. "They love to know that they're doing something that's helping others, as well as themselves," said 14-year-old Madisyn Montgomery, who started the campaign called "Continue to Find Kindness" last year. ...

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