About HS CounselorWeek - weekly email
This weekly email searches main media outlets finding stories that may be of interest to high school counselors, college admission officers and related organizations, with links to the original stories. It is published by de facto, inc., publishers of other e-newsletters.
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Big Picture
How to Survive the College Admissions Madness New York Times - Sunday review - Mar 13, 2015 HERE we go again. At Harvard, Emory, Bucknell and other schools around the country, there have been record numbers of applicants yearning for an elite degree. They'll get word in the next few weeks. Most will be turned down....
| Why Many Smart, Low-Income Students Don't Apply To Elite Schools NPR.org - Mar 16, 2015 Right now, high school seniors across the country are trying hard not to think about what is - or isn't - coming in the mail. They're anxiously awaiting acceptance letters (or the opposite) from their top-choice colleges and universities. ....
The biggest problems with America's colleges CBS News - MarketWatch - Mar 13, 2015 In recent years parents, thinks tanks and politicians have complained mightily about the runaway cost of college. But this focus on schools' affordability has obscured equally troubling problems with higher education.....
College Admissions Process/Strategies
Making the right curriculum choices Moorpark Acorn - Mar 13, 2015 As high school students choose their courses for the next school year, I'm hearing a lot of questions about the importance of AP and honors courses. There is not one right number of AP courses to take to get into college, and the best curriculum choices depend on your interests and abilities as well as the colleges you would like to attend.....
6 Things You Need in Your College Decision Day Survival Kito Huffington Post - Mar 17, 2015 College decisions are coming out, and it's a super exciting (albeit stressful) time to be a senior. After months of hard work and waiting, these envelopes -- fat, skinny, and electronic -- are headed your way, and there's a whole myriad of things you could be facing.....
4 things not to do on your campus visit Charlotte Observer - Mar 16, 2015 High school spring break is the best time to see a campus in full swing; with students shuffling to classes, a cappella groups serenading and individuals and groups demonstrating their viewpoints. It's when you'll get your most honest read on whether the college is a good fit for you......
College visit: open house or individual visit?
Bay Area College Admissions Examiner - Mar 13, 2015 When it comes to the college search, visiting colleges is necessary to get a real feel for the campus. Many students can only visit college campuses once, especially if the campus is far away from their home....
Tips for an effective college visit Philadelphia Tribune - Mar 17, 2015 For high school students who are in the process of researching a variety of colleges and universities, admissions professionals recommend scheduling campus visits to get a better feel for the schools. Here are 10 tips for how students can get the most out of college visits......
| HSCW Counselors' Corners Post - Mar 18, 2015 Who Needs Harvard? We Do! The work of high school counselors just got a lot easier, and we have Frank Bruni to thank. His essay "How to Survive the College Admissions Madness"
... More
Parents: Saving for retirement is more important than kids' college fund Yahoo News - Finance - Mar 17, 2015 Flight safety instructions tell parents to put on their own oxygen mask before assisting their children. A similar rule should apply to money: Parents should make saving for their own retirement a priority over paying for their kids' college education. ....
I Survived the College Admissions Process and Your Kid Will Too Huffington Post - Mar 17, 2015 I'm a product of the college-crazed niche of American society. The SAT prep classes, the rigorous extracurriculars, the Junior year panic and college essay-writing hysteria. In some ways (let's be honest -- most ways).....
Got College Admissions Frenzy? Read "Where You Go Is Not Who You'll Be" New York Times - Motherlode Blog - Feb 13, 2015 It really is the season. Facebook updates, most at least self-depreciating, have begun announcing the college choices of my friends' children. Many include some big names in the campus world -- but for a lot of reasons, many don't.....
SAT changes mean decisions for 2016, 2017 classes WRAL - Mar 14, 2015 Big changes are ahead for the SAT - that college admission exam stalwart that generations have taken for entry into college. The exam is getting a major redesign, including an optional essay and updated scoring scale...
What Parents Need to Know About the SATs About.com - Mar 14, 2015 The SATs change every few years. The content shifts, the rules change, and emerging technology allows for new test-taking and scoring opportunities. Despite those changes, some of the basics of this college-prep test have remained the same.....
Gap Year
To Gap or Not to Gap TeenLife Blog - Mar 13, 2015 I have been applying to college for 20 years. Don't worry - I'm not bad at it (I did get in the first time around!), I just like working with students going through the application process so much that I have made it my career..
Five Hot Tips For College Financial Aid Forbes - Mar 13, 2015 I'm in the throes of reviewing college aid offers for my daughter, who has been accepted to five colleges. There's more than $150 billion available in student aid, but you have to act quickly to obtain it...
4 Ways to Increase Your Financial Aid Package GoLocalProv College Admissions - Mar 16, 2015 Over the next few weeks, many families with high school seniors will be comparing financial aid packages. The early returns for aid this year are not looking as generous as in past years..
Bill Creating Graduation Panels Passes Texas Senate Texas Tribune - Mar 17, 2015 High school seniors who have failed their state exams may still have a shot at earning a diploma. A bill providing them a way around the requirement continues to advance in the Texas Legislature.......
Alabama's state-of-the-art career-tech programs put students a step ahead Yellow Hammer News - Mar 17, 2015 Enhancing Career and Technical Education (CTE) has been a primary focus of mine during my service in Congress. Why? Because it empowers young workers to find good-paying jobs, helps prepare youth for a smooth transition from school to career, and lifts up communities throughout Alabama ....
Can Texas remain a manufacturing powerhouse? The need for skills gap coverage Houston Chronicle - Mar 17, 2015 In more recent decades, Texas, like other states, has placed a strong focus on preparing students for college. However, a large number of Texas high school graduates do not attend college. Without supplemental vocational education, these non-college bound students are not prepared for steady jobs with potential earning growth....
Teen Dating
Dating violence all-too common among teens Verde Independent - Mar 12, 2015 Teen dating violence is a surprise to parents, but not to kids, said Carole Benedict, director of youth outreach services at Verde Valley Sanctuary.
Can games help prevent teen dating violence? boingboing.net - Mar 16, 2015 Games can be an inviting tool to educate young people on social issues -- like how to recognize the signs of an abusive relationship, how to help a friend or to seek help for oneself. ...
Big Pic
Gap Year
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