About HS CounselorWeek - weekly email
This weekly email searches main media outlets finding stories that may be of interest to high school counselors, college admission officers and related organizations, with links to the original stories. It is published by de facto, inc., publishers of other e-newsletters.
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Big Picture
WHAT IT TAKES TO MAKE THE CLASS Chronicle of Higher Ed - May 26, 2015 In the popular imagination, admissions is about selection. But for many colleges, it’s really about recruitment. Most of the work involves encouraging potential students to apply, and admitted ones to enroll. To illustrate how that works, the University of Evansville, ...
What College Applications Shouldn’t Ask New York Sunday Times - May 24, 2015 Over the last several years, the federal government has been pushing school districts across the country to dial back disciplinary policies under which children are suspended for minor misbehavior ...
Can we really prepare kids for both college and career? Hechinger Report - May 26, 2015 SAN DIEGO — Ana Sical, 25, once thought she was destined for a full-time job at the Jack in the Box fast food restaurant where she worked for three years alongside her mom, dad, aunts and uncles. Instead, ...
College Admissions Process/Strategies
Building a College List: A Free Resource The College Solution Blog - May 21, 2015 Creating a college list can be intimidating. And it’s no wonder since there is a lot riding on drawing up a solid list of promising colleges and universities.. ..
The right college fit test Long Island College Prep Examiner - May 25, 2015 Finding the right college fit can seem like searching for a needle in a higher education haystack. That’s because there are over four thousand colleges to choose from, a host of different college ranking lists offering various opinions .. ..
Gap Year
How my 'gap year' changed my life CNN.com - May 25, 2015 For some, it will be moving away or starting a career. For others, graduation marks the beginning of a gap year -- when someone takes a year or longer to travel, volunteer or work at an unusual job. ...
5 Key Questions to Ask on a College Visit Huffington Post - May 26, 2015 As high schools say goodbye to the Class of 2015, members of the Class of 2016 are making summer plans that include college visits. Often built in as part of a family vacation, summer campus visits can give students a chance to see a college that's too far away to visit in the fall...
| HSCW Counselors' Corners Post - May 28, 2015 School Counselors, as seen by a College Admission Officer
College admission officers work hard, long days. Fall brings many days far from home, visiting five or six high schools a day, and meeting student .. More
Changes to SAT Leave School Counselors Divided US News University - May 26, 2015 High school guidance counselors are facing challenging times, with changes in to the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) leaving some counselors torn on how best to prepare students....
Countdown to College: What to do when the kids come home for the summer Charlotte Observer - May 24, 2015 When college kids return home for the the summer, everyone needs to know this: Parents can’t revert to treating their college students the way they did in high school. And college students need to remember that they aren’t living in a dorm or frat house any longer....
 | Understanding the Teenage Brain and College Admissions WNYC.org - May 25, 2015 Neurologist Frances E. Jensen looks at the science of the adolescent brain, and provides insights that translate into practical advice for both parents and teenagers in The Teenage Brain: A Neuroscientist's Survival Guide to Raising Adolescents and Young Adults.r....
Does My Teen Need to Take SAT Subject Tests? TeenLife Blog - May 25, 2015 My daughter spent several months preparing to take her SATs. After two tries, she was happy with her scores and relieved to be done with the standardized testing portion of her college application. That is, until her guidance counselor recommended she take several SAT Subject Tests.....
New SAT complicates choices for rising juniors Moorpark Acorn - May 22, 2015 If junior year of high school isn’t stressful enough, the new SAT is creating even more test anxiety for the class of 2017. After years of losing market share to the ACT, the College Board is making major changes to the SAT, and the new test will look more like the ACT. ....
Dos and Don'ts of College Savings Morningstar - May 26, 2015 Question: I'm worried about how we're ever going to afford college for our children. What can we do to increase their odds of getting financial aid in case we can't save enough?...
Career technical education provides alternate path to success District Administration - May 26, 2015 In today’s education landscape, it’s common for teachers, school counselors and administrators to encourage students to graduate high school and earn a four-year college degree. For years, we have seen this as the “right” path and perhaps the only path to success. But this one-size-fits-all approach isn’t a viable on ...
ABQ skills-based hiring gains traction Albuquerque Journal - May 26, 2015 Most New Mexico employers face challenges when seeking workers trained in science, technology, engineering and math, but a novel program in Albuquerque to assess worker job qualifications based on their skills rather than educational achievement may help alleviate the problem. ...
Concealed handguns in college gets major boost in Texas KXAN - May 27, 2015 AUSTIN, Texas (AP) — Texas took a giant step closer to allowing concealed handguns in college classrooms late Tuesday, with House lawmakers giving their preliminary approval to a so-called “campus carry” measure, barely beating a midnight deadline.. ..
Teen Drinking
BOOZE BOASTING ON FACEBOOK SWAYS TEEN DRINKING The Spirits Business - May 25, 2015 The study revealed young people believe their peers are drinking more alcohol than they actually are, and by correcting these misconceptions “hazardous” drinking can drop by 50%.....

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Gap Year
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