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About HS CounselorWeek - weekly email
This weekly email searches main media outlets finding stories that may be of interest to high school counselors, college admission officers and related organizations, with links to the original stories. It is published by de facto, inc., publishers of other e-newsletters.

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Big Picture

Education spending gap widens between college haves and have-nots since recession
Hechinger Report - Jan 25, 2016
Students are getting the message that a college education is a necessary prerequisite for a middle class life. Today, more than 85 percent of high school graduates eventually make their way to college. ...
Report: Community College Students Struggle To Transfer
WGBH.org - OnCampus - Jan 19, 2016
A new report released Tuesday finds only 14 percent of community college students nationwide transfer to four-year schools and earn a bachelors’ degree within six years. The report by the Community College Research Center at Columbia University's Teachers College shows while the vast majority of students intend to earn a BA, few succeed....
Facing growing scrutiny, colleges set out to prove their value
Hechinger Report - Jan 22, 2016
Virrginians who want to know where their state tax dollars are going, and families concerned about what their tuition money pays for, may be surprised at the answers they get to these questions from Virginia Polytechnic Institute. ...
Will A Change To College Admissions Make For A More Caring World?
WBUR.org - Radio Boston - Jan 22, 2016
On Wednesday, the “Making Caring Common” project announced its report for college admissions. Over 80 members of college admissions boards and education scholars endorsed the new recommendations in “Turning the Tide: Inspiring Concern for Others and the Common Good through College Admissions.”...
Education Department to Prioritize College Completion
US NEWS - Jan 21, 2016
The Obama administration has one year until it hands over the keys to the White House to the 45th president. And until then, the Department of Education plans to make increasing college completion its top priority, especially for the most underserved students....
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College Admissions Process/Strategies

Should You Go to College in Canada?
TIME  - Jan 21, 2016
Both familiar and foreign, Canada has fine schools at bargain prices. But you'd better bundle up. It’s a foreign country but just a 90-minute flight from New York or Boston. The natives speak English–and French. Their brand-new prime minister is 43 and even has a tattoo...
'Storytellers own the world': Dean of admission shares 2 tips on how to write the perfect college essay
Business Insider  - Jan 24, 2016
The vice president and dean of admission at Reed College — a liberal arts school in Oregon — recently went on Reddit to answer questions about the college admissions process....
Waiting for your college admission letter? Remember to keep calm, carry on
Paciific Daily News  - Jan 24, 2016
For many high school seniors who’ve submitted college applications to their choice, safety and reach schools, the period between January and March is a time of anxiety as they wait for college admission letters to arrive.....
Dealing with rejection from dream colleges
New Canaan News Online  - Jan 21, 2016
With the college application process all but over, many high school seniors now face the inevitable fear of getting a thin envelope containing a rejection from their dream school. ...
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Campus Visits/Interviews/Fairs

Show These 5 Traits During College Admissions Interviews
US News  - Jan 25, 2016
As students go through the often nerve-wracking experience of applying to college, they occasionally overlook the admissions interview. These interviews can sometimes be the tipping point between an acceptance or a rejection, so it is important to put your best foot forward....
Skyping the College Interview
Gazette Newspapers  - Jan 23, 2016
The use of Skype for admissions interviews is becoming ever more prevalent. Wake Forest on its website tells you, “We take interviews personally… Whether face-to-face or via webcam,...
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Social Media

Does social media affect college admissions, how to prepare your profiles
Canada Universities Examiner  - Jan 21, 2016
After months of agonizing work high school seniors are sitting back waiting while college admissions officers review their applications. Well, they could still do something to ruin their chances of admissions despite the perfect college application, post something wrong on social media...
Study: College application process gets social
USA Today  - Jan 26, 2016
The traditional elements of a college application — GPA, test scores, extracurricular activities, recommendation letters, essays — may seem thorough enough. But according to a new study, there may be one more factor a school looks at: social media....
Archives - Social Media
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Gap Year

How to Choose the Perfect Gap Year
TeenLife Blog  - Jan 22, 2016
Chances are you’ve heard and read plenty of information about gap years. Perhaps you want to consider spending a year or semester outside of a traditional classroom before college but your parents aren’t sure if it’s such a great idea. So what do you do next? Follow these steps to create a plan that fits everyone’s needs and desires.....
Students benefit from gap years
Daily Nebraskan  - Jan 25, 2016
In 2010, Michael Stark took a gap year. Well, gap years. Three to be exact. “It was interesting, to say the least,” said Stark, a senior biochemistry major at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. “For a year and a half, it seemed like I was living out the movie ‘Office Space’.”...
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HSCW Counselors' Corners
Post - Jan 21, 2016
The Ten Key Questions for National School Counseling Week
IMany schools have their plans well underway for National School Counseling Week, which starts February 1. There are plenty of pre-packaged lesson plans and activities online.. More

Wearing many hats: School counselors vital to student growth while juggling many roles
Worthington Daily Globe - Jan 22, 2016
Students need, and require, more than just reading, writing and arithmetic to have a successful education. A vital part of the educational system — and often misunderstood or overlooked — are school counselors.....

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Parents should be careful about how much they borrow
Charlotte Observer  - Jan 15, 2016
If you’re the parent of a high school senior and you’re thinking about how to pay for college without going broke, it’s a whole new, expensive world. From my perspective, there are just two kinds of money: “Great money – or Free money” – that would be gifts, grants and scholarships and then “Not-so-Great- money” – loans that need to be paid back....
3 Tips for Parents to Teach Teens to Take Academic Responsibility
US News  - Jan 25, 2016
Midway through the year, some high schoolers may have disappointing grades, but are reluctant to take ownership of their performance. Some teens are not emotionally mature enough for the independence many adolescents strive for....
The Truth About Senioritis
Huffington Post  - Jan 22, 2016
It's the seasonal affliction that all high school seniors and parents are warned about. Many high school seniors, fresh off of winter break and finishing up the last of their college applications,....
How to Get Into a Good College, According to Harvard
Yahoo News  - Jan 22, 2016
The pressure of applying to college seems to multiply year by year, but there’s a push to make the process less stressful and more authentic....
Controlling Parents = Mean College Kids
PsychCentral  - Jan 22, 2016
A provocative new study suggests use of a manipulative, deriding parenting style harms college kids in many ways including instilling a derogatory relationship pattern that kids may use with their own friends....
Archives - Parents
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A History Of The SAT In 4 Questions
NPR.org  - Jan 22, 2016
This weekend, college hopefuls will line up for the last time to take the SAT. That is, at least, the current version of the famous college entrance exam. The SAT, which remains a pillar of college admissions, has gotten a serious makeover (its first since 2005), and a new test will roll out in March....
What’s the difference between the SAT and the ACT?
MyCentralJersey  - Jan 26, 2016
High school students planning on attending college know that a standardized college admission exam lies in their future. For almost a century, the test of choice was the SAT. It was created in 1926 to allow college-bound students to take one entrance exam ...
Do SATs Or ACTs Predict Anything Colleges Need To Know?
Forbes  - Jan 22, 2016
To pull back the standardized testing curtain and reveal that the Coke/Pepsi SAT/ACT are about as “great and powerful” as the Wizard of Oz , I reached out to Bill Hiss, because he has studied the matter so closely....
Archives - SATs & ACTs
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4 Tips for Families Navigating College Financial Aid Amid Divorce
US News - Jan 21, 2016
Tiffany and Clem Clay always wanted the best college education possible for their children. That the Massachusetts couple now has six children between them – three from Tiffany's prior marriage and three from Clem's...
Why students missed out on $2.7 billion in financial aid last year
MarketWatch  - Jan 27, 2016
High school graduates are passing up billions of dollars in free money to help them pay for college, a new analysis suggests. By not filling out or completing the free application for federal student aid, or FAFSA, high school graduates lost out on as much as $2.7 billion in financial aid...
New FAFSA Security Rules Cause Hassles For Some College Aid Applicants
TIME  - Jan 22, 2016
Here's what you can do to avoid them. The U.S. Department of Education’s tough new security rules designed to prevent hackers from stealing sensitive personal and financial information from financial aid applicants are starting to draw complaints from some high school counselors....
2016 FAFSA deadlines are right around the corner
DC College Admissions Examiner - Jan 21, 2016
If you applied early and were hoping for priority financial aid consideration at Cornell, Dartmouth, Harvard, or Yale, you needed to submit the CSS PROFILE (and accompanying documentation) by November 1. Penn (November 2), Brown (November 3) and Columbia (November 15) were also looking for PROFILEs shortly after early applications were due.....
6 College Scholarship Myths to Steer Clear Of
US News  - Jan 21, 2016
Scholarships can cover a significant portion of college costs, but all too often students don't take the time to apply for them. They may be dissuaded from checking out scholarships because they've been misled by some common scholarship myths....
Archives - FinAid/Scholarships
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Career and Technical Education

Should more kids skip college for workforce training?
PBS - NewsHour - Jan 26, 2016
Of all the U.S. high school students who graduate high school and go on to college, a large proportion will never earn their degree. How can educators better train those who may struggle in trying to pick a course of study? One solution may lie in putting greater emphasis on high school vocational training,...
State Ed. Chiefs Offer $35 Million to States for Career Preparation Initiatives
EdWeek (registration required) - Jan 22, 2016
CORRECTED A $35 million grant competition kicks off Tuesday, designed to help states build career and technical education programs that prepare students for highly skilled jobs....
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Student Athletes

Recruiting Column: Which colleges are the right fit?
USA Today HSS - Jan 20, 2016
There are nearly 2,000 colleges that offer athletic scholarships in the United States. That’s right, 2,000! And you need to decide which ONE will be the best fit for you.,...
How New Ncaa Rules Are Affecting Scholarship Offers
SwimSwam - Jan 25, 2016
A couple of years ago the NCAA changed its rules to allow coaches to guarantee scholarships beyond the first year. Some coaches do and some don’t. If a coach doesn’t offer a guarantee, then you need to ask. Guarantees should be listed on the scholarship agreement form..,...
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After more than a year of review, here’s what’s being recommended to revise Common Core in Tennessee
Chalkbeat Tennessee - Jan 26, 2016
First of all, it wouldn’t be called Common Core. Tennessee Academic Standards is the moniker being recommended for the revised K-12 standards for math and English expected to replace Common Core, a label that became associated with federal intrusion and helped to spark a 15-month review of the state’s current benchmarks......
Florida Senate moves ahead with "choice in sports" proposal
Miami Herald - Jan 15, 2016
A sweeping proposal to bring "school choice" to Florida high school athletics and other extracurricular activities passed its first Senate committee Thursday, despite concerns that it could encourage rampant recruiting of student-athletes......
Texas Lawmakers: Don't Single Out College Students Who Carry Guns
Texas Tribune - Jan 26, 2016
Texas senators on Tuesday urged the state's six university chancellors not to single out students who carry guns on campus when the state's new campus carry law goes into effect in August. .....
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Teen Dating

Teen Dating in the Digital Age: 10 statistics on how today's teens meet
AL.com  - Jan 26, 2016
Pew Research Center conducted focus groups with teens in cities across the United States to find out about their personal experiences with social media and ....
A glimpse into teen dating today
Pacific Daily News  - Jan 26, 2016
In a few ways, Elaine Damian and DM Retuyan are alike: both are single, responsible mothers; both have three children; and both are young enough to remember their teenage dating years. Both also have 17-year-old daughters.....
Online College Fair - CollegeWeekLive


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Soc Media
Gap Year



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