High School Counselor Week
Weekly stories, facts, trends, and other information from around the country
October 3, 2019
Federal judge upholds Harvard’s admissions process in affirmative action case
CNN – October 1, 2019
A US district judge in Boston has upheld Harvard’s admissions process following a challenge from a group representing Asian American applicants who believe the school discriminated against them.
National Scholarship Providers Call on Congress to Stop Taxing Student Scholarships
Yahoo! Finance – October 1, 2019
During its national conference in Minneapolis, the National Scholarship Providers Association (NSPA) joined with Scholarship America and other member organizations to call on Congress to change the law.
Self-Reflecting After Varsity Blues
Inside Higher Ed – September 30, 2019
At the NACAC National Conference, speakers were quick to point out that no college admissions officers were charged in the scandal. Nor were counselors employed by high schools. But panelists wondered what they can do to reform an admissions system that many believe locks in inequities.
Changes in College Admissions Deadlines Mean Changes for Counselors
Post – October 2, 2019
Counselors’ Corner with Patrick O’Connor Ph.D.

Tribune News Service – October 2, 2019
College Admissions Strategies with Lee Bierer
The ‘extracurricular’ question lives on
Post – September 25, 2019
The Explorations Blog with Nancy Griesemer
NACAC Agrees to Change Its Code of Ethics
Inside Higher Ed – September 30, 2019
Move is designed to end pressure from Justice Department, but what will the impact be on the admissions landscape?
Goal-Setting Can Help Counter Stress For College-Bound Students
NACAC Admitted Blog – September 27, 2019
Gen Z students from across the globe are increasingly internalizing the same harmful messages when it comes to college admission, school counselor Dominie Wilhite told attendees Friday at NACAC’s National Conference
New NC law earmarks millions towards hiring mental health personnel in public schools
ABC 11 (NC) – September 26, 2019
The new law earmarks $43 million in recurring funds over 2 years, with the intention of hiring school psychologists, school counselors, school nurses, and school social workers.
School counselors train to help suicidal and emotional students
WBRC Birmingham – September 26, 2019
The group received “Zones of Regulation” training, a curriculum that helps students cope with and self-regulate some of the difficult emotions they experience and resolve conflicts.
5 Things to Know Before Kids Go to College
SwimSwam – September 25, 2019
I thought I knew everything because I’d gone through orientation a few years earlier with my son. Here are five things I learned at college orientation with my daughter that I found worthwhile.
Parenting your way through college admissions
Daily Voice Plus – October 1, 2019
Yes, the college application process is more challenging than tying shoelaces. It is stressful for all concerned and parents must help their youngsters avoid being consumed by anxiety. But they must resist the urge to take over.
Tips for Getting Through College Application Season
LaDue News (MO) – September 26, 2019
Applying to college can become something that gets in the way, often by surprise in scope, causing perpetual procrastination. Parents who’ve already been through it are pros. But for the uninitiated or vets, here are some tips to help
College Application Fee Waivers
Accredited Online Schools – September 27, 2019
List of methods for obtaining waivers with pop-down details and links.
How 8 Georgia Students Made Their College Choices
US News & World Report – September 26, 2019
One of the best ways to get a handle on the college admissions process is to hear about it from students who have just lived through it.
How To Decide Whether — And Where — To Apply Early Decision
Forbes – September 25, 2019
Ultimately, deciding whether to apply early decision is less about strategy and more about emotions. Here are the three steps students and parents must take to reach this decision:
The 10 US universities that receive the most applications
CNBC Make It – September 28, 2019
One school system, and 10 universities in total, stand out for receiving the most applications — by far. Here are the universities with the most applications and how many students get in.
Alternative plan for teens who don’t see a college degree in their future
Wrangler News (AZ) – October 1, 2019
The sky’s the limit for Erica Diaz, a high school senior. The 17-year-old has a plan for her life that will combine aviation, serving her country, teaching disadvantaged students and traveling the world, all without being strapped by enormous college debt.
How Many Credential Options Do Today’s Students And Workers Have? Try 738,428.
Forbes – September 26, 2019
As college costs continue to rise college alternatives and supplements are growing in popularity and number. Unfortunately, navigating an increasingly complex credentialing landscape isn’t easy for education consumers.
Investments in hands-on education needed to close skill gap, prepare larger workforce to build, maintain electrical infrastructure
Business Wire – October 1, 2019
There are not enough people with the specialized training needed to support the power industry into the future. Eaton is targeting the skills gap with investments in education, training and industry programs nationwide.
Why Today Is The Most Important Day Of The Year For College Students
Forbes – October 1, 2019
October 1 is the first day students can file the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (the FAFSA) and the College Scholarship Service Profile (the CSS Profile) for the 2020-21 academic year. Filing early is important because financial aid can run out.
FAFSA error message when using apostrophes or quotation marks on Apple devices
DOE Federal Student Aid Office – September 1, 2019
Special tech note and solution from the DOE’s Student Aid website
Unlocking FAFSA money for college is easier than ever: How to apply
Detroit Free Press – October 1, 2019
Useful application and technical tips plus links
7 tips to maximize your FAFSA money
ABC-7 NY – September 27, 2019
A financial aid and FAFSA specialist shares advice and warnings
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Apps 101: The “Why College X”? Statement
Tulane University Admission Blog
October 1, 2019
The optional statement is a perfect time for you, the applicant, to express to me, the application reader, why you are selecting us as one of your potential schools.
Just Get Started
Georgia Tech Admission Blog
September 24, 2019
When it comes to meeting admission deadlines, there are three main areas that tend to trip students up the most. Here are a few tips to get past those hurdles.
Local school districts are increasing their efforts to fight bullying
WSBT Michiana – September 30, 2019
Social media has changed the way bullying affects students. If you went to school before social media, you might be surprised by the way it impacts students.
Juul stops e-cigarette ads as teen vaping, illnesses grow
Delaware County Daily Times – September 25, 2019
Federal and state officials have seized on the recent outbreak of lung illnesses—including 10 reported deaths—to push through restrictions designed to curb underage vaping.
3 Common Mistakes to Avoid in an Online AP Course
US News & World Report – September 30, 2019
For students whose high schools offer a limited number of Advanced Placement classes or none, the option to take an online AP course can be quite appealing. Here are mistakes that first-time online AP enrollees make, as well as solutions for each.
The 12 Best Online ACT Prep Resources of 2019
Magoosh Blog – October 1, 2019
As with many things in life, the Internet can be a black hole of test prep resources and ACT study sites are no exception. Let’s take a look at the 12 best FREE (mostly) ACT prep websites and apps.
Will UC schools drop their SAT scores requirement?
Los Angeles Times – October 2, 2019
Half a century ago, the University of California helped catapult the SAT to a place of national prominence in the college admission process when it began requiring all applicants to take the test and report their score. Now its leaders consider whether to drop both the SAT and ACT as an admissions requirement.
5 Common ADHD Myths Debunked
Psych Central – September 29, 2019
Misconceptions abound when it comes to what ADHD is (and what it isn’t). In honor of October being ADHD Awareness month, let’s dispel some of the most common myths.
The Positives of Dyslexia: A neurodiversity perspective
Psychology Today – September 27, 2019
The standard medical definition of dyslexia is accurate and empirically supported. But there is also reason to think the definition is unduly negative, as dyslexia is associated with many benefits as well as limitations.
California Becomes First State to Allow College Athletes to Be Compensated
US News & World Report – September 30, 2019
Student athletes at colleges and universities in California will be allowed to market and profit from their name, image and likeness beginning in 2023, after Gov. Gavin Newsom signed the country’s first pay-to-play law
Opinion: Stop asking seniors where they are applying to college
Scot Scoop – October 1, 2019
Emma Romanowsky is a senior at Carlmont High School, Belmont, CA
Every year, an epidemic sweeps America — and no high school senior is safe.
These YouTubers Have Hacked College Admissions
Teen Vogue – September 27, 2019
Zach Schermele is a freshman at Columbia University
A growing internet trend that started with videos of teens opening their decision letters has morphed into its own cost-effective solution, a free source of advice for under-resourced students and families: the college admissions vlog.