High School Counselor Week
Weekly stories, facts, trends, and other information from around the country
May 20, 2021
The U.S. Education System Isn’t Giving Students What Employers Need
Harvard Business Review – May 18, 2021
New employees who have been hired based on their four-year educational background often lack the actual skills needed to perform in their role. Now is the time for employers to increase credibility for skills-based hiring, to remove stigmas around vocational education, and …
Free Community College Is Great, But It Doesn’t Solve Everything
Washington Monthly (DC) – May 17, 2021
The pandemic shows that students need help with more than tuition.
Opinion: Forget Student Loan Cancellation, Make College 3 Years Instead
Forbes – May 18, 2021
If you really want to help student loan borrowers with student loans, it’s time to consider this.

Post – May 19, 2021
Counselors’ Corner with Patrick O’Connor Ph.D.
What should rising seniors be doing over the summer?
Tribune News Service – May 19, 2021
College Admissions Strategies with Lee Bierer
The Answer to Saving Kids’ Lives Is Not to Hire More School Counselors
Psychology Today – May 17, 2021
Unfortunately, school counselors have become a dumping ground for every task that isn’t automatically assigned by policy or law to someone else. Instead, let’s rethink counselors’ duties so they can better help our kids.
Hazleton school counselors say return to classes helping mental health
Yahoo! News – May 18, 2021
Since Hazleton Area students had the option to return to classrooms a month ago, pressures that lead to mental health problems have lessened, two counselors said.
Tips to succeed on AP tests
ABC 24 Memphis (TN) – May 16, 2021
Amanda DoAmaral, co-founder of Fiveable, shares a few tips to help students prepare for this year’s AP Tests.
When Should Parents Step in During the Admission Process?
CollegeXpress – May 18, 2021
Parents naturally want to help their students through the college admission process, but there are times to step in and times to step back. Here’s when to help!
Teens Can Get Vaccinated, but It May Be a Tough Sell to Some Parents
U.S. News & World Report – May 13, 2021
Vaccinating 12-to-15 year-olds would help get closer to herd immunity, but some parents aren’t sure about taking that step.
Get the most out of campus tours
Concord Monitor (NH) – May 17, 2021
Question: I am finally going to be able to visit colleges this summer. What should I know and do to make the most of this?
Where Do Public Universities Recruit?
Inside Higher Ed – May 17, 2021
Most universities would like the public to think that they focus on their states, visiting every possible high school, particularly those with talented disadvantaged students. But that’s not necessarily what studies show.
COVID-19 transformed the workplace: Are colleges and universities next?
ABC 11 (NC) – May 17, 2021
You’re well on your way to — well, no one is really sure what even next year will bring.
The Most Expensive College in Every State
24/7 Wall St – May 17, 2021
While the cost of college has increased nationwide, certain schools stand out as being especially expensive. Whether it is because of their selective admissions standards, unique programs offered, or notable faculty, the vast majority of states have at least one college that is much more expensive than typical
It’s time to tell students how much college costs
The Hill – May 18, 2021
Students need to know what all the costs of attending a college will be. We found that some institutions include only some of the costs of attendance in their net price calculations. This approach may make an institution appear more affordable, but it is misleading…
Top 5 tips to get cash for college
Fort Myers News-Press (FL) – May 13, 2021
Two billion dollars is an abundance of cash by anyone’s standards, yet that’s the amount of free money students leave on the table each year in unclaimed federal grants.
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Facebook Calls Links To Depression Inconclusive. These Researchers Disagree
NPR – May 18, 2021
Mental health researchers whom NPR spoke with describe an increasingly clear correlation between poor mental health outcomes and social media use, and they worry that Facebook (which also owns Instagram and WhatsApp) in particular may be muddying the waters on that connection to protect its public image.
Killing the SAT and ACT Isn’t the Way to Fix College Admissions
Bloomberg Businessweek – May 17, 2021
The SAT and the ACT are the thermometer, not the fever. Getting rid of them only makes it harder to identify, and ultimately to fix, the very real problems of educational inequity
An uncertain future for standardized testing in college admissions
Santa Ynez Valley News (CA) – May 14, 2021
The U.S. economy is rebounding sharply from its lockdown-induced malaise, but it may be years before some sectors fully recover, if at all. Among those that survive, some will emerge from the pandemic fundamentally changed. The nation’s postsecondary education system would appear destined for this latter category.
Where Teachers Are Eligible for the COVID-19 Vaccine
Education Week
Since this information is changing rapidly, please note the date at which the information was last verified for each state.
Live Updates: Latest News on Coronavirus and Higher Education
Inside Higher Ed
Live Coronavirus Updates: Here’s the Latest
The Chronicle of Higher Education
ASCA Toolkit: Virtual High School Counseling
American School Counselor Association
College Board Coronavirus Updates
College Board
AP Online Classes and Review Sessions
College Board on YouTube
U.S. DOE: COVID-19 (“Coronavirus”) Information and Resources for Schools and School Personnel
U.S. Department of Education
College Virtual Tours
compiled by Rebecca Chabrow, M.A. with assistance from Collegewise
The impact of COVID-19 on high school counselors and the college search process: A national survey.
RNL & High School Counselor Connect (2020)