High School Counselor Week

Weekly stories, facts, trends, and other information from around the country


May 9, 2024

Big Picture

Where Americans Are — and Aren’t — Politically Divided on Education
EdSurge – April 26, 2024
There are plenty of heated debates happening about what should be taught in schools: whether it’s over the type of books students should read, how LGBTQ topics are discussed or how to talk about racism. There are a few problems with those debates, says one study, one of which is that they’re not particularly informed by evidence about what people want for public education. While there are some obvious partisan divides, there are some surprising areas where most adults agree.

Title IX lawsuits escalate: 15 states now suing
K-12 Dive – May 2, 2024
A flurry of lawsuits this week claim the Department of Education overstepped its authority when it finalized a Title IX rule including LGTBQ+ protections.

40% of LGBTQ Youth Considered Suicide in Last Year, 30% Victimized in School
The 74 – May 1, 2024
The Trevor Project’s annual mental health poll links in-school supports to lower rates of suicide, anxiety and depression.

Columns and Blogs

College Counseling for First Generation Students
Post – May 8, 2024
Counselors’ Corner with Patrick O’Connor, Ph.D.

Making the most of the second/final visit
Post – May 8, 2024
College Advice & Timely Tips with Lee Bierer


How the FAFSA debacle is playing out in one college counselor’s office
WBEZ Chicago – May 3, 2024
College counselors are helping their students navigate the difficult situation — and trying to promote financial prudence without dimming the teens’ enthusiasm for college. They worry about the students who feel pressured by their peers, or by the rush to secure student housing or popular classes, to make a decision before they have their award letters…that they will take on unmanageable debt or not have the financial support to actually finish school… maybe even more about the students who will opt out of college altogether..

California is investing $500M in therapy apps for youth. Advocates fear it won’t pay off.
CAPRadio (CA) – May 6, 2024
California is believed to be the first state to offer a mental health app with free coaching to all young residents. Through their phones, young people and some caregivers can meet BrightLife Kids and Soluna coaches, some who specialize in peer support or substance use disorders, for roughly 30-minute virtual counseling sessions that are best suited to those with more mild needs. However, the rollout has been slow. Only about 15,000 of the state’s 12.6 million children and young adults have signed up, school counselors say they’ve never heard of the apps, and one app won’t be available on Android phones until Summer. Advocates for youth question the wisdom of investing taxpayer dollars in two private companies. Social workers are concerned the companies’ coaches won’t properly identify youths who need referrals for clinical care. And the spending is drawing lawmaker scrutiny…


Homeschooled kids face unique college challenges − here are 3 ways they can be overcome
The Conversation – May 7, 2024
To help homeschooled students transition to college, we recommend parents take these three steps to better prepare their kids…

Parents need help regulating their children’s social media. A government ban would help.
USA Today – May 7, 2024
The Kids Off Social Media Act would prevent kids younger than 13 from accessing social media and prohibit companies from programming algorithms for anyone under 17.

Admissions Process & Strategy

Amid campus protests, some teens and parents reconsider enrollment decisions
CNN – May 1, 2024
The practice of reconsidering which universities to attend may be even higher for high school juniors who have yet to formally apply, according to Doe. As families gear up for college visits this summer, she said some are changing up the names on their list because of the controversies the schools have faced.

College Indecision Day
Inside Higher Ed – May 2, 2024
May 1 normally marks the start of students’ higher ed journeys. The FAFSA fiasco has cast a shadow over this year’s celebrations for those still waiting on aid packages. This May 1 was not a typical college decision day, and not all students had something to celebrate.

Why Indianapolis Wants All Middle Schoolers to Take a College Visit
The 74 – May 6, 2024
The strategy comes amid a statewide push to increase the rate of students choosing college after high school.

Financial Aid/Scholarships

Education Department boosts FAFSA outreach efforts to close completion gap
K-12 Dive – May 6, 2024
The agency announced a $50 million effort to provide more support to students and families in light of the botched rollout of the new form.

Career & Technical Education

From hire to inspire: Getting—and keeping—Gen Z in manufacturing
McKinsey & Company – May 6, 2024
Gen Z workers say they’re open to jobs in manufacturing. But getting them to take these jobs, engage, and stay will mean changing a work environment long optimized for machines, not people.

How Rhode Island Is Tapping Career & Technical Ed to Help Every Student Succeed
The 74 – May 5, 2024
From fish farming and hydroponics to medical diagnosis, state offers 300 CTE programs for students regardless of address or income.

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College Prep Checklist for Juniors

sponsored by Fastweb

May College Prep Checklist for High School Juniors
Information to help the class of 2025 plan for college.

College Search Tags Added

sponsored by GradBetter

GradBetter Adds >85 Tags to College Search
College lists and search is a free resource for all counselors! Tags include: top early-to-regular ratio, app types, merit, tuition reciprocity, automatic admissions and tuition…(or College Search here)

Teen Health

Here’s what sociologists want you to know about teen suicide
Vox – May 7, 2024
A new book on youth suicide clusters offers perspective on prevention. We spoke with the authors about the youth mental health crisis, the crucial role and responsibility of adults, and how kids take behavioral cues from those around them.

Detroit school leaders want action to get pot edibles away from kids
Chalkbeat – May 2, 2024
‘A week of school rarely passes where a student is not taken to the hospital due to intentional or unintentional consumption of edibles,’ Superintendent Nikolai Vitti and members of the Detroit school board said in a Thursday letter emailed to federal, state, and local lawmakers.

Student Voices

I’m a high school student. My world shattered when lawmakers OK’d arming my teachers.
USA Today – May 8, 2024
House Bill 1202 flashed across the large screen in the legislature. The screen flashed green. The bill passed. It would allow some teachers and staff to carry concealed handguns on public school grounds, and bar parents and other teachers from knowing who was armed. The chant ‘Blood on your hands!’ filled the echoing room…The world continued to spin even though my world had just been flipped upside down.