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College Decision Day Brings Relief, Excitement And Big Worries About Money
NPR.org - May 1, 2018
May 1 is an exciting day for many high school seniors. It’s decision day, when students commit to college — and send in those deposits — to hold their spot on campus.
Investigating College Admission
Forbes - Apr 21, 2018
Despite the considerable turbulence in the Department of Justice (DOJ), one might wonder how the admission practices of a small number of America’s colleges have come under scrutiny
The Best Ways to Fix College Admissions Are Probably Illegal
The Atlantic-Apr 27, 2018
University Revokes 50-Plus Full-Ride Scholarships; Recipients Did Nothing Wrong
Inside Higher Ed - Apr 30, 2018
This is the time of year when some colleges find that more admitted applicants than they expected have accepted admissions offers. Generally this is viewed as a good problem to have
More Community Colleges Are Offering Bachelor’s Degrees — And Four-Year Universities Aren’t Happy About It
HuffPost-Apr 26, 2018
Admissions Process & Strategy
College Connection: Should high school students have a LinkedIn profile?
MyCentralJersey - Apr 27, 2018
University or Liberal Arts College: Which is Right for You?
TeenLife Blog - May 1, 2018
Check Out Niche.com, The Yelp For Researching Colleges
Forbes - Apr 30, 2018
College Admissions Expert Elizabeth Levine: Who Chooses
The Chronicle- - Apr 30, 2018
Senioritis: College Acceptances In Jeopardy
Forbes-May 1, 2018
For students who have obsessed over being admitted to college for months (if not years), it feels like the finish line, a time to collapse with exhaustion from a race well run. Not so quickly! There are still important details to attend to—maintaining good grades, staying out of trouble and actually graduating. The senior year of …
Waiting - Rejection - Accepting
topStudy finds that picking the wrong college can make you depressed—here’s why
CNBC - Apr 30, 2018
As college decision deadlines approach, thousands of students across the U.S. are making their final choices about where they want to study. Students often consider factors like price, size and professional outcomes,
College Visits
topCollege Admission Fairs: Do They Matter?
Forbes - Apr 26, 2018
The roar of voices in the cavernous convention hall is deafening and the combination of anxiety, excitement and body heat contribute to the thick air and complicated teenage odor. “A meat market” is how one student describes this ritual of a college admission fair–hundreds
Some advice for parents on those college visits
The Keene Sentinel-Apr 29, 2018
Gap Year
top7 Things High School Students Should Know Before Considering A Gap Year
[/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/2″]Her Campus - Apr 27, 2018
Everyone knows the first year of college is the hardest. You’re completely on your own for the first time—not to mention trying to pick the right classes,
Columns and Blogs
Counselors’ Corner with Patrick O’Connor Ph.D
Lessons Learned from This Year’s College Counseling EffortsPost - May 3 2018

College Admissions Strategies with Lee Bierer
Guard against late spring ‘senioritis’Tribune News Service - April 30 2018

The College Solution Blog with Lynn O’Shaughnessy
Don’t Overlook College Graduation RatesThe College Solution Blog - Apr 2, 2018
topSchool Counselors Sued in Sexual Assault Case
U.S. News & World Report-Apr 25, 2018
BRIDGEPORT, Conn. (AP) — The family of a teenager who was sexually assaulted by a Stratford teacher’s aide is claiming the school’s counselors knew about the assaults and didn’t report it.
CollegeBound aims to place college advisers at every Baltimore school, seeks funding from board
Baltimore Sun - May 2, 2018
topOn college acceptance day, 7 parenting tips for managing disappointment
Chicago Tribune-Apr 30, 2018
Some decisions are mundane, like choosing what to eat for breakfast. Others, though, can feel grandiose. Like deciding where to attend college.
Your high school senior doesn’t know this key fact about college, and it will cost you
CNBC - May 2, 2018
Study: Texting Your College Freshman Helps Them Succeed
WRAL.com- May 1, 2018
10 Tips for Living With Your Returning College Student
Psychology Today (blog) - May 1, 2018
Filling in this perception gap can help low-income students succeed
PBS NewsHour - May 1, 2018
Career & Technical Education
topTechnical schools are getting a 21st century makeover
Education Dive - Apr 25, 2018
Essex Tech in Massachusetts is turning around its curriculum to combine vocational training with academics so students are prepared to walk into a job, college, or both. They leave with a high school diploma and a professional certification in a field they’ve focus on while in school.
Colleges are adding programs in a once-decimated industry — manufacturing
Hechinger Report - Apr 30, 2018
RANDOLPH CIRCLE, Vt. — With vertical mills, lathes and flat screen monitors at their disposal, members of Vermont Technical College’s Fabrication Club are hard at work in Morrill Hall.
Checking out skilled trades
Greater Milwaukee Today-Apr 29, 2018
Teen Health
topTeen vaping epidemic spreads to middle schools
Axios - Apr 30, 2018
“A new wave of smaller vapes has swept through schools in recent months, … replacing bulkier e-cigarettes from the past. It’s now common in some schools to find students crowded into bathrooms to vape, or performing vape tricks in class,” AP’s Collin Binkley reports.
Worried About Risky Teenage Behavior? Make School Tougher
New York Times - Apr 30, 2018
Research shows a correlation between greater academic demands and a reduction in drinking, smoking and drug use.
Can Gaming Help Teens Battle Depression?
[/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/3″]Forbes - May 3, 2018
May 3, 2018
About HS CounselorWeek
This weekly resource searches main media outlets finding stories that may be of interest to high school counselors, college admission officers and related organizations, and provides links to the original articles. It is published by High School Counselor Marketing.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text][sidebar_form][/vc_column_text]
Financial Aid/Scholarships
topHow families can get the best possible college financial aid
WTOP - May 1, 2018
WASHINGTON — Tuesday is College Signing Day, when many high school students make their decision about where they’ll go to class in the fall.
6 other college costs to consider when the financial aid letter arrives
WSLS 10-Apr 30, 2018
(BPT) – The last year of high school is a whirl of activity, and it’s no different when it comes to the final leg of college selection. Once the acceptance notifications arrive, it will soon be time to sit down with a different stack of mail: financial aid letters.
Even with aid, it’s different as a low-income student
Hamilton College - The Spectator Apr 26, 2018
Eligible for Aid, but Not Getting It
Inside Higher Ed - May 2, 2018
topStudy: Colleges That Ditch The SAT And ACT Can Enhance Diversity
NPR.org - Apr 26, 2018
There are now well over 1,000 colleges and universities that don’t require SAT or ACT scores in deciding whom to admit, a number that’s growing every year.
Has the SAT changed enough to be worth using in college admissions?
Daily Californian -Apr 30, 2018
How to Avoid 3 AP Test-Day Mistakes
U.S. News & World Report (blog) - Apr 30, 2018
Making the Case for Test Optional
Inside Higher Ed-Apr 27, 2018
One way for colleges to be less elitist: Don’t fixate on SAT scores
MarketWatch-Apr 26, 2018
topCollege to open testing center for accommodations
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The Bowdoin Orient- Apr 26, 2018
Bowdoin will hire an additional employee who will be fully devoted to accommodating students with disabilities who will start next year