High School Counselor Week
Weekly stories, facts, trends, and other information from around the country
October 13, 2022
Districts struggle with social media verification, reporting cyberbullying
K-12 Dive – October 7, 2022
Almost every school district, 99%, uses Facebook, followed by Twitter (93%) and YouTube (86%), according to the survey. Generally, a third or fewer of the districts surveyed said they were able to get verified for each social media platform. Twitter is the only platform actively creating a process to verify school districts. Talks to address concerns over verification and cyberbullying begain over the summer between NSPRA and CoSN and numerous social media companies.
COVID-19 pandemic aid more than $300 billion short for dealing with student learning loss, study shows
USA Today – October 11, 2022
Despite the federal government giving states and school districts billions of dollars to combat student learning loss during the COVID-19 pandemic, student achievement is on the decline across the nation, and the money to solve it may not be enough, especially for places with the greatest needs, according to an analysis published Tuesday.
NEA: Real Solutions, Not Band-Aids, Will Fix Educator Shortage
NEA Today – October 4, 2022
Last week, the U.S. Department of Education confirmed what anyone who works in public schools has known for some time: The nationwide educator shortage is as dire, if not worse, as initially feared. The federal survey found that 53 percent of public schools reported being understaffed at the beginning of the 2022-23 school year, and 60 percent said they had been grappling with open support-staff positions since the start of the pandemic. Unfortunately, these ‘unprecedented’ shortages could become the new normal unless the nation finds a way to address the recruitment and retention crisis plaguing our schools. What is needed is a comprehensive strategy that targets long-standing structural deficiencies that have made the profession undesirable…

Post – October 12, 2022
Counselors’ Corner with Patrick O’Connor, Ph.D.
The mental health crisis continues…
Post – October 12, 2022
College Advice & Timely Tips with Lee Bierer
Yes, Schools Need to Hire More Counselors. But They Also Need to Work on Themselves.
EdSurge – October 5, 2022
The COVID-19 pandemic has made it clear that schools need more mental health counselors, but what about when trauma occurs in schools, or when schools exacerbate existing trauma for students? A Michigan sanctuary schools campaign sheds light on how schools need to address their own policies and practices to create safer, more supportive environments for students. In addition to hiring more counselors, this should be seen as a necessary investment in students’ mental health.
Opinion: Lift Every Voice and Succeed: The Need for More Black School Counselors
Diverse Issues in Higher Education – October 6, 2022
We begin this discussion with a reality check. Only 11% of school counselors are Black. A cruel reality is that the research literature and anecdotal experiences have shown that many Black students do not receive equitable treatment in schools or have access to resources for academic success. They contend with racial trauma, unlike White classmates. Grounded in our individual and collective work as Black scholars who share the goal of dismantling academic and affective barriers, we believe that a meaningful solution to racial trauma and battle fatigue is to hire more Black school counselors to address the needs of and advocate for Black students.
To Improve Students’ Mental Health, Schools Take a Team Approach
Big Indy News – October 7, 2022
A program that takes a group approach to social, emotional and academic learning is taking off in U.S. schools, creating fresh bonds after remote learning.
I was a college academic advisor. I wish parents understood that AP classes, straight A’s, and competitive sports do not equal success for students.
Insider – October 12, 2022
Here’s what I’ve come to understand from my years working with students about our markers for success.
Doctor shares advice to help families navigate mental health care system
WISH-TV Indianapolis – October 10, 2022
Oct. 10 is World Mental Health Day, and the goal of marking this day is to raise awareness about mental illness and mental health issues overall. Dr. Stephanie Macke, family physician, osteopath, author and mother of five teenagers, joined us to discuss her new book which offers parents advice on navigating the mental health care system.
Beyond high school: Exploring early college credit, trade certification programs
Times Herald (MI) – October 8, 2022
High school students have several resources to get a jump on their education as adults even before they graduate, with the ability to save thousands of dollars and move up the timeline of earning degrees or trade certificates. From dual enrollment to advanced placement classes and enrolling in the local middle college, educators said there are plenty of options to challenge students academically.
The most important essay you will write for your college applications
LamorindaWeekly (CA) – October 12, 2022
After the personal essay is done many students think the hardest part of their application is behind them. In my view, the personal essay is the easier part. In many ways and for many reasons, it is simpler to write about yourself than it is to write about a college and why you want to apply.And because it is tough to write, the ‘Why Our College?’ essay is one of the most popular supplemental questions colleges ask. Colleges want to see how you handle it.
College admissions is already broken. What will happen if affirmative action is banned?
The Hechinger Report – October 11, 2022
It’s crunch time for thousands of high school seniors seeking spots at selective U.S. colleges, an annual ritual that appears to get more competitive every year, inviting hysteria, hair pulling and enormous anxiety. And just wait: College admissions is about to get even more complicated, with a major shake-up on the horizon that could forever change who gets in and why.
10 Common Mistakes Made on the FAFSA
U.S. News & World Report – October 6, 2022
Failing to use your legal name is just one of the missteps that could cause a processing delay and cost you federal financial aid.
FAFSA Verification: What to Do if You’re Selected
U.S. News & World Report – October 10, 2022
Although the verification process is not complicated, it requires students or families to submit extra paperwork. Here are five tips that filers should keep in mind if they’re selected for FAFSA verification, experts say.
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Playing to Win vs. Playing Not to Lose
Georgia Tech Admission Blog – October 6, 2022
If you are a senior, my hope is you will play to win versus playing not to lose in college admission and your final year of high school as well. Here’s what that looks like.
Four Ways to Beat College Application Stress
University of Illinois Admissions – October 11, 2022
Whether it’s high school counselors asking you about grades, college reps giving you fliers and swag, or just the fact that your older sibling got accepted into 35 colleges and your parents expect you to do the same, you might find yourself feeling the pressure during college application season. While there may be too many documents involved for college applications to be considered fun, they also shouldn’t give you ulcers. Here are a few handy tips to keep cool even in the middle of college application stress.
Emotions Come and Go in Waves. We Can Teach Our Students How to Surf Them.
EdSurge – October 6, 2022
Two education researchers lay out the pros and cons of eight different emotion regulation strategies.
Generation AnXiety: Findings on ADHD & the Mental Health Crisis
ADDitude Magazine – October 7, 2022
The mental health crisis is particularly acute for adolescent females with ADHD, who report abnormally high levels of anxiety (72%) and depression (44%).
Justifying different mindsets about college
El Estoque (Monte Vista High, CA) – October 7, 2022
Students discuss the pros and cons of idolizing college