About HS CounselorWeek - weekly email
This weekly email searches main media outlets finding stories that may be of interest to high school counselors, college admission officers and related organizations, with links to the original stories. It is published by de facto, inc., publishers of other e-newsletters.
College Admissions - Larger Picture
Paying To 'Package' College Applicants CBS News - May 13, 2006 It was an Ivy League fairy tale with a sad ending. Kaavya Viswanathan stood out. Beautiful and bright, and at the age of 19, author of a New York Times bestseller. It was easy to see why she got into Harvard...
The College Admission Frenzy: Do the Facts Support the Hype? AScribe - May 15, 2006 ALEXANDRIA, Va., May 15 (AScribe Newswire) -- While the country's most selective colleges are admitting fewer candidates, a student's chance for admission to a four-year college is still overwhelmingly good, according to the National Association for...
College Admissions Process/Strategies
Don't dismiss private colleges Bankrate.com - May 16, 2006 The term "private college" is sometimes a turnoff for college-shoppers because of the institiutions' stratospheric tuition prices. But students and their not-so-deep-pocketed parents should have another look ...
Colleges admit few students off the wait list Pittsburgh Post Gazette, PA - May 16, 2006 By Anne Marie Chaker, The Wall Street Journal. It's shaping up to be another disappointing year for many students on college wait lists. ...
An exam for the College Board Cleveland Plain Dealer, OH - May 16, 2006 Anyone who considers this spring's SAT scoring error a minor matter should consider the case of Jake DeLillo. The 17-year-old New Yorker applied to elite schools like the University of Pennsylvania, but enrolled at the New York Institute of Technology after receiving disappointing SAT results...
More Middle School Students Taking The SAT WCCO, MN - May 17, 2006 Now younger students are facing the pressure of that test. This year more than 120,000 seventh- and eighth-graders will take the SAT, but for children that age is this too much, too soon?
Flag on the Field Slate - May 16, 2006 SAT scores are down among this year's college applicants, admissions offices are reporting. Whatever the reason for the drop-off, enrollment in SAT preparation courses continues to be brisk. The Washington Post Co., Slate'ss parent, was one of the only big-city newspaper companies to show a profit last quarter by virtue of its ownership of the test-prep company Kaplan Inc...
Teen Times: Know how to cope with college rejection Shreveport Times, LA - May 17, 2006 As the school year comes to a close, many high school seniors may find themselves camping beside their mailboxes, impatiently waiting for the letter that will determine the next four years of their life.
Lufkin: Students share 'slack,' 'shame' Lincoln Journal, MA - May 18, 2006 They call it the Rack of Slack. And they call it the Wall of Shame. But the participants in these public divulgences of hard sorrows show a pluck that shines through their heap of shared slights.
High School Ranking
Western News
School rankings result in surprises Inside Bay Area, CA - May 17, 2006 The data crunchers of some local school districts often wring their hands over the seemingly mysterious calculations that result in the "similar schools" ranking, which assigns each school a number from 1 to 10 based on how its test scores compare with 99 others with similar demographics...
State budget update has good news for schools Tahoe Daily Tribune, CA - May 18, 2006 Education officials are pleased with a revision of the 2006-'07 California budget by Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger , who included more money earmarked for schools from his winter proposal...
Campus Visits
Putting colleges to the test Modesto Bee, CA - May 12, 2006 Somewhere in the middle of an Ultimate Frisbee game in USC's quad, Jesuit High School senior Brandon Wong knew this was the college for him...
Summer Jobs and College Admission
Summer job can have many benefits Inside Bay Area, CA - May 14, 2006 Q:DURING the school year, my daughter, a high school junior, has worked at a clothing store a few hours a week. She truly loves her job and wants to work longer hours this summer.
Is this wise? What will college admissions officers think about this? Would another type of job, an internship or community service be a better choice?...
College Marketing
NCSSM does Stanford virtual tour Durham Herald Sun, NC - May 15, 2006 DURHAM -- Students from the N.C. School of Science and Mathematics recently toured Stanford University without having to leave the state. In fact, they didn't even have to leave their seats.
The Fine Art of Letting Go Newsweek - May 13, 2006 As parents, boomers face their final frontier: how to stand aside as their children become independent adults. Where's the line between caring and coddling?
Taught at home, off to college is new trend Columbus Dispatch, OH - May 15, 2006 There are nine children in the Taylor family, all of them homeschooled. And all of them, dad William Taylor says, are college-bound. Elyshia is at Franciscan University of Steubenville now. Ashley was just accepted to Case Western Reserve and Denison universities on full scholarships
Schools Struggle to Motivate Students with 'Senioritis' NewsHour Extra - May 15, 2006 It happens each spring as the days lengthen and grow warmer: High school seniors who have applied to colleges or finished most graduating requirements struggle to stay focused on work that doesn't seem relevant ...
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