About HS CounselorWeek - weekly email
This weekly email searches main media outlets finding stories that may be of interest to high school counselors, college admission officers and related organizations, with links to the original stories. It is published by de facto, inc., publishers of other e-newsletters.
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College Big Picture
College Branding: The Tipping Point Forbes - Feb 5, 2013 There are nearly 4,000 colleges and universities in the United States. Somehow, almost all of these institutions have continued to attract enough students to stay in business year after year....
College Admissions Process/Strategies
College Admissions: High School Classes Colleges Look For GoLocalProv College Admissions - Feb 4, 2013 At most schools, course selection for next year is around the corner--leaving many families wondering what the best choices are for college-bound students. How many years of a lab science or language are really necessary? What is the right balance of honors and AP courses? ...
What to do if you’re not a straight A student Charlotte Observer - Feb 5, 2013 The frenzy of college admissions is a regular headline grabber. Increasingly lower acceptance rates – last year Harvard accepted 5.9 percent, rejecting 94.1 percent of the applicants – have encouraged students to apply to more and more colleges, feeding the frenzy even further...
February College Checklist for Juniors New York Times - The Choice - Feb 5, 2013 You’ve made it to the critical midwinter transition in your college search, a time when academic and personal maturity has set you up to dig into research and self-assessment in earnest....
Juniors: Plan Your Senior-Year Coursework True Admissions Blog - Feb 6, 2013 Meet with your counselor to plan your senior-year coursework. A fourth year of math and a laboratory science as well as a fourth year of science are highly recommended.....
High School Seniors
 | College: How To Do More Than Just 'Get By' NPR.org - Feb 5, 2013 Many of the college students who have returned to campus for another semester will struggle to pass their classes and graduate. To find out how students can get on the path to success, host Michel Martin talks with Melvina Noel, author of How to Thrive in College....
February College Checklist for Seniors New York Times - The Choice - Feb 4, 2013 By now you’re either in or you’re waiting. If you’ve been admitted already, congratulations! Make sure that if you were admitted under an early decision plan, you have sent your deposit to secure your spot and notified the other colleges to which you have applied to withdraw your applications.....
Seniors: Following Up with the Colleges True Admissions Blog - Jan 30, 2013 Follow up with each college to which you have applied to make sure all forms and documents have been received. Many colleges have status pages available online. If you can’t check online, send an email or place a phone call to the admission office....
College rejection not the end of the world PhillyBurbs - Feb 7, 2013 If you’re a high school senior like me, you’re approaching a very exciting time in your life. Maybe you’re already accepted into a college, or maybe you’re anxiously awaiting your decision. .....
10 Tips for Women Starting Their College Careers Huffington Post - Feb 5, 2013 The summer after I turned 18, I packed up my teenage life and loaded it into my dad's car. I was moving to Cincinnati, five hours away, to live in a tiny dorm room with someone I'd never met....
Campus Visits
Admissions 101: Learning from your campus tour mistakes Washington Post - Feb 2, 2013 My daughter’s return to college this week happened to coincide with my son’s receipt of that initial influx of e mails from colleges looking to be noticed by prospective students. “We invite you,” one typical message says, “to continue your commitment to learning by exploring our rich academic community.”...
Make your campus visit effective The Atlanta Journal-Constitution - Jan 31, 2013 With the abundance of information, photos, virtual tours and live chats available on college websites, how important are campus visits these days? “You can’t overstress the importance,” said Chuck Byrd, senior counselor and director of admissions at St. Pius X High School in Atlanta....
No Plans for the Break? Visit Colleges Huffington Post - Feb 1, 2013 February is almost here and most high schools have a break coming up in February. This break is a great time for juniors to begin the process of narrowing down their college choices by visiting the colleges they are considering....
10 Ways to Visit Colleges That You Can't Visit San Ramos Express - Feb 5, 2013 Although colleges expect students living within a reasonable distance of their campuses to make an effort to visit, it may not always be possible to tour all the colleges on your list. If that's the case, here are great alternatives to the in-person tour:...
Common Application's New Essay Prompts Inside Higher Ed - Feb 5, 2013 The Common Application has released its new essay prompts -- which have been the subject of some concern because of the elimination of a "free choice" essay topic and the announcement that the length limit would be strictly enforced. ....
4 Ways to Make Your Scholarship Essay Stand Out US News & World Report - Jan 31, 2013 It's not easy to separate your scholarship application from the crowd. After all, even if you fit the criteria to a "T," you're still likely to be one of a number of applicants with similar grades, goals, activities, and aspirations.. ....
SAT Tip: How Do the SAT and ACT Tests Differ? BusinessWeek - Feb 6, 2013 If you’re in your sophomore year of high school, it’s important to start getting serious about your college applications. For most, this means taking a standardized test such as the SAT or ACT. Confused between the two tests? Not sure which one to take? Let’s see how they size up......
Timing Tips for the ACT and SAT New York Times - The Choice - Feb 6, 2013 What’s the best way to ensure you have enough time on the SAT and ACT? In the latest edition of Education Life, The Times’s quarterly supplement on higher education, John Saavedra Jr.....
3 important things parents should know about the PSAT NBC Latino - Feb 6, 2013 Some parents of high school 11th graders (some school districts offer it in both 10th and 11th grade) might not even be aware their children took the PSAT standardized tests in the fall and got results in December.....
2013 Princeton Review 150 Best Value Colleges USA Today - Feb 5, 2013 Their tuition sticker prices may look daunting, but many of the nation's most selective colleges and universities are producing graduates with student loan debt below national averages, according to affordability data from The Princeton Review released today.....
Can College Rankings Giant Keep Schools from Cheating? The College Solution Blog - Feb 6, 2013 The steady trickle of colleges and universities that have admitted to fudging the figures that they send to U.S. News & World Report could end up changing the college rankings submission rules......
| HSCW Counselors' Corners Post - Feb 6, 2013 Common Application Changes You Need to Know School counselors received an early but welcome present for National School Counseling Week when Common Application released their essay topics for next year. ... More
Student Athletes
On College: Admissions for student-athletes San Jose Mercury News - Feb 6, 2013 In light of the recent Super Bowl, I thought this would be an opportune time to talk about athletics in the admissions process. If you are a student-athlete serious about playing a sport in college, this will help you to better understand how the admissions process for you will be different. ...
Don't forget to complete the CSS Profile! Raleigh College Admissions Examiner - Jan 25, 2013 While most parents and students are aware of the need to complete a FAFSA form in order to receive financial aid, many often overlook the additional CSS/Profile that is required by many private, and some public universities ...
Colleges see jump in number of applications The Columbus Dispatch - Feb 5, 2013 Several Ohio universities, both public and private, are seeing spikes in the number of applicants this year, even though the state has fewer high-school students.....
Teens and Adderall
 | Adderall On Campus: Use And Abuse WBUR.org - OnPoint - Feb 6, 2013 The United States has four percent of the world’s population, and produces 88 percent of the world’s legal stimulant drugs. Including Adderall, the amphetamine-based drug widely prescribed for ADHD, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Impressive numbers......
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HS Seniors
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