About HS CounselorWeek - weekly email
This weekly email searches main media outlets finding stories that may be of interest to high school counselors, college admission officers and related organizations, with links to the original stories. It is published by de facto, inc., publishers of other e-newsletters.
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 | Summer Resource Guide - 2013
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Big Picture
How Poor Students Subsidize Unworthy College Sports Washington Monthly - Jun 18, 2013 As parents and students struggle to keep up with rising college tuition and take on greater burdens of debt, universities are being challenged to justify the ballooning athletic fees they tack on to the bill....
Report: U.S. Drops in High School, College Grad Rates US News & World Report - Jun 17, 2013 While the United States ranks among those spending the most on public school students, country has slipped among other developed nations in student achievement, according to a new study from the Council on Foreign Relations ...
Race vs. class in college admissions: A false dichotomy or not? Washington Post - Jun 15, 2013 The Supreme Court will soon hand down its verdict in a case that challenges racial preferences in admissions at the University of Texas. In this post, Richard D. Kahlenberg, a senior fellow at the nonprofit public policy research organization The Century Foundation, ...
States boost college funding, rein in tuition costs USA Today - Jun 18, 2013 After years of deep budget cuts, several states are poised to boost higher education funding this year, often in exchange for a promise by public colleges and universities to freeze tuition....
College Admissions Process/Strategies
Rising Seniors' June to January Everything You Need to Do List Huffington Post - Jun 17, 2013 Between now and the end of January, almost everything you need to do to get accepted at colleges will take place. This is it! After so many years of planning, studying, taking SAT, ACT, Subject and AP tests and engaging in activities, all of your hard work will be put to the test in your application forms9....
Behind the Hype of the College Admissions Process Fox Business - Jun 17, 2013 Students going through the college applications process tend to stress the pressure to find the right college that aligns perfectly with their academic and social needs, but a new study shows that maybe they should relax a little bit......
Enhancing your college application with a video essay NY College Admissions Examiner - Jun 16, 2013 College applications are entering the digital age as a growing number of universities are welcoming students' video supplements to the standard application essays.....
Web Essay: Mastering college-application essays Rochester Democrat and Chronicle - Jun 16, 2013 As an independent college counselor with Selective College Acceptance Counseling, I work with students targeting highly selective colleges. In the past, I may have advised that choosing the right essay prompt was about tailoring your selection to the types of colleges being targeted. ....
Get Into College in 10 Simple Steps Huffington Post - Jun 17, 2013 Did you know that Latino students that enter high school with the plan to continue their studies by going to college have a much greater probability of achieving it? That's what a recent study has shown, and therefore, why New Futuro created a College Plan so that students like you have more of an opportunity to get into college.....
Strategic College Admissions Advice LA College Admissions Examiner - Jun 16, 2013 With the number of college applications on the rise and acceptance rates on the decline, gaining admission to selective universities is becoming increasingly competitive.....
Pre Frosh
24 signs you're really, really ready to go to college MSN.com - Jun 18, 2013 It's a weird summer. You finished your senior year and now have three months to kill before you become a freshman again. Luckily, being a freshman in college is about a million times better than being a freshman in high school...
What college freshmen need to do this summer Charlotte Observer - Jun 17, 2013 “What to do while you’re expecting”… to become a college freshman? This is the big summer of transition for soon-to-be first-year students. By the way, “first-years” is the preferred new term for college freshmen...
5 Ways to Get Your College Admission Rescinded Her Campus - Jun 18, 2013 After working hard for four years of high school, taking the SAT, completing who knows how many applications, and finally receiving your college acceptance letter, it’s tempting to treat your college admission as the go-ahead for full-force senioritis...
What to Expect at College Orientation Her Campus - Jun 17, 2013 High school graduation day has come and gone and it’s finally summer. But, this isn’t just any summer; it’s the one before college, a season filled with endless possibilities. ...
Visiting & Interviewing
A Dad’s Suggestions for a Better College Tour The College Solution Blog - Jun 17, 2013 I am sharing an email that I received this week from a dad who had just completed a college trip with his daughter and had some helpful suggestions for schools on how to operate better college tours ...
Tips to Prepare for a College Interview Huffington Post - Jun 17, 2013 Now that summer is upon us, many high school juniors are thinking ahead to next year with anticipation of submitting their college applications. Summer is a great time to visit college campuses to start putting together your college list...
| HSCW Counselors' Corners Post - Jun 20, 2013 Things to Remember Come Fall The coast is nearly clear for school counselors, who typically have to be at school a week after the teachers and students are gone. .... More
College Admissions: Get Noticed By College Coaches This Summer GoLocalProv College Admissions - Jun 17, 2013 “Sports showcases, college camps, travel teams! July and August used to mean lazy days on the beach for athletes and their parents, but no longer. Now, summer is prime time for athletes to be seen by college coaches. ...
The emotional roller coaster of sending a student off to college Spokane College Examiner - Jun 17, 2013 Students are excited to head off to college and the next phase of their lives, yet worried too to be on their own for the first time. Will they make friends? Will school be too hard? Are they ready to navigate college life on their own?.....
Why Parents Pay So Much for College Washington Monthly - Jun 17, 2013 A friend of mine was feeling very ready to retire in his 60s after a long, demanding career. I was thus surprised when he told me over lunch that he was in some distress about his plans to stand down.....
Indiana sees slow progress on college degrees WTHI - Jun 17, 2013 INDIANAPOLIS (AP) - A new report shows Indiana is struggling to make significant progress toward its goal of having 60 percent of adults earning college degrees or certificates by 2025....
Online Bullying Harms Teens: Study The Epoch Times - Jun 19, 2013 Teens bullied online are more likely than their peers to fall into depression, drug abuse, and Internet addiction, according to a new study in the Journal of Adolescent Health...
Internet Intervention Helps Educate Teens About Cyber Bullying GoodTherapy.org (blog) - Jun 11, 2013 Knowledge is power. Providing children with information about the effects of bullying allows them to make informed decisions related to bullying. Aggressive language, physical harassment, abuse, and intimidation are just some ways that children bully each other. ....
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Pre Frosh
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