About HS CounselorWeek - weekly email
This weekly email searches main media outlets finding stories that may be of interest to high school counselors, college admission officers and related organizations, with links to the original stories. It is published by de facto, inc., publishers of other e-newsletters.
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College Big Picture
A Truly Devastating Graph on State Higher Education Spending The Atlantic - Mar 20, 2013 Are you a fan of public higher education? Yes? Then prepare to be upset. Outraged even. The chart below from the Center On Budget and Policy Priorities estimates how much each of the 50 states has slashed per-student funding .....
College Admissions Process/Strategies
How to make the most of the confusing college fair Charlotte Observer - Mar 19, 2013 Here’s what a parent shared with me about his recent college fair experience, “I walked in and was overwhelmed, while I was there I got lost and when I left I was confused.”.....
College Admissions: The Myth of Higher Selectivity TIME - Mar 20, 2013 One of the most persistent concerns I hear from parents is that it’s harder than ever for their children to get into selective colleges. They cite ever dropping acceptance rates among top schools and the rapidly increasing numbers of applications that the most selective colleges receive year over year as evidence...
College Admissions in the Age of the MOOCs Huffington Post - Mar 19, 2013 Welcome to the age of the MOOCs. The acronym might sound like a character out of Star Wars, but MOOCs -- "massive open online courses" -- are real....
Waiting & Deciding/Rejection
On College: Waitlisted? The admissions waiting game continues San Jose Mercury News - Mar 18, 2013 I look forward to this time of year every year -- the time when college decisions are released. It marks years of hard work. It also brings with it hope for the future and a new beginning. And while we celebrate acceptances and grieve denials,...
High School Seniors Enter Homestretch of College Process Ed Week - Mar 18, 2013 The last of the college-acceptance letters (or, more likely, emails) are arriving this month, and high school seniors around the country are weighing their options. The offers trickled in, but the higher education community has agreed on a common deadline for committing: May 1. That gives most students a month or more to make the big decision....
The Realities of a College Wait List The College Solution Blog - Mar 20, 2013 At a party on Friday night, a former colleague of my husband’s mentioned that he was stunned that his son’s friend didn’t get into Stanford University. ...
What To Do If You Are Deferred LA College Admissions Examiner - Mar 15, 2013 We know that application numbers this season are way up. It’s quite possible that you are a qualified student who has been deferred from your first choice college. A deferral means that you are qualified and that the admission officers will take another look at your application file during their regular admission ...
Campus Visits
How to Plan a College Visit Road Trip Over Spring Break Her Campus - Mar 19, 2013 Spring break is right around the corner and pre-collegiettes from all across the country are beginning to plan their long-awaited college visits. It is a prime time for visiting colleges and checking out which schools pique your interest. ....
College Admissions: Big Changes For The Common App GoLocalProv - Mar 19, 2013 Next year’s college applicants will face a new array of questions when they attack college applications. Most notably, the Common App, used by roughly 500 colleges and universities, has announced completely new essay topics for 2013-2014. .....
Choosing Admissions Essay Topics & Writing Tips LA College Admissions Examiner - Mar 15, 2013 Choosing your college admissions essay topic can be more difficult than writing the actual essay. After all, you have lots of ideas and how do you select what is right? Once you have decided on your topics, your writing should come easily. College applications will have prompts for you to follow...
| HSCW Counselors' Corners Post - Mar 21, 2013 Helping Parents Understand Financial Aid Offers Last week, we talked about the challenge of working with a student when a college has turned them down. This can be a difficult conversation to have, to be sure…... More
Cutting college costs: Will financial aid consultants help you find a deal? The State - Mar 18, 2013 Any parent with a college-bound kid knows that aside from test scores and debate team accomplishments, the biggest factor is money. OK, if your kid is a Gates or a Buffett, maybe not. Otherwise, the task of navigating tuition, scholarships and loans hangs heavy over the entire college process...
Jobs, Value and Affirmative Action: A Survey of Parents About College Inside Higher Ed - Mar 20, 2013 But the first Inside Higher Ed poll of parents of pre-college students suggests that the truer statement today might be "study hard and you can get into the college we can afford," or perhaps "study hard, and we'll help you get into a college that can find you a job."...
Career Training
O.C. high schools boost focus on career training Orange County Register - Mar 15, 2013 For students such as Ramirez, high schools are no longer about choosing between a purely academic college-prep track and a vocational path such as auto shop that prepares them to enter the workforce after graduation...
A Massively Bad Idea Chronicle of Higher Ed - Mar 18, 2013 According to a recent article in The Chronicle, a state senator in California has sponsored a bill that would establish “a statewide platform through which students who have trouble getting into certain low-level, high-demand classes could take approved online courses offered by providers outside the state’s higher-education system.” ...
Teen Dating Violence
Steubenville rape trial: Where were 'courageous bystanders'? The Christian Science Monitor - Mar 13, 2013 The trial that started Wednesday in Steubenville, Ohio, has brought to light the disturbing regularity of dating and sexual violence among teenagers and how peers often stand idly by – or, in some cases, even post videos to Facebook.....
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Teen Dating
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