About HS CounselorWeek - weekly email
This weekly email searches main media outlets finding stories that may be of interest to high school counselors, college admission officers and related organizations, with links to the original stories. It is published by de facto, inc., publishers of other e-newsletters.
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Big Picture
For-profit College Graduates Barely Earn More Than High School Graduates Washington Monthly - Apr 29, 2013 For-profit colleges are very direct about why you should consider attendance: A college degree brings you more money. “We’re committed to your success” says the University of Phoenix. “Advance your career” commands Capella University. Rasmussen College is even more specific: “Earn Your Degree To Achieve The Career You Want.”....
Court may limit use of race in college admission decisions Yahoo News - Apr 29, 2013 WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Thirty-five years after the Supreme Court set the terms for boosting college admissions of African Americans and other minorities, the court may be about to issue a ruling that could restrict universities' use of race in deciding who is awarded places.....
College Admissions Process/Strategies
College Admissions: 4 Things Underclassmen Should Do Before Summer GoLocalProv College Admissions - Apr 29, 2013 It’s the home stretch for many high school students; just a few weeks remain in the school year. Although it’s tempting to lose focus as the warm weather and summer approach, this is a critical time for 9th, 10th and 11th graders.,....
College-Comparison Tool Introduced Ed Week - Apr 30, 2013 Coming on the heels of the federal government's new College Scorecard, The Chronicle of Higher Education has just introduced its own tool for students to compare college costs and performance.....
College Confidential: a Field Guide Chronicle of Higer Ed - Apr 29, 2013 Day and night the locals chatter. They counsel and console, bicker and rant. Their questions are endless. Though often hopeful, they never stop pounding the drums of worry. "Do I have a shot at my dream school?" pacgirl4101 wants to know.....
As College Applications Rise, So Does Indecision NPR.org - May 1, 2013 May 1 is when high school seniors have to send in their deposits to colleges to signal their decision to go there. Morning Edition visits Gonzaga High School in Washington, D.C. to hear from Eli Clarke at the College Counseling Office, and two high school seniors, about their choices.....
As College Applications Rise, So Does Indecision TIME - May 1, 2013 Welcome to Decision Day, when high school seniors choose which college to attend and send in deposits to secure their place. It’s supposed to be the fun part — the reward for all those long nights spent writing papers, cramming for tests and putting the finishing touches on science projects.....
When a Friend Chooses a College, Be Happy or Be Quiet New York Times - The Choice - Apr 30, 2013 When two friends were expecting their first child, they were very private about the name they had chosen for the baby. “We want our daughter to be the first person to hear it,” they would tell anyone who asked. It was a beautiful, touching sentiment.....
Double Depositing — It Does Have Consequences About.com - Apr 28, 2013 May Day is fast approaching, the date by which most colleges require students to make a decision about whether or not they will accept an offer of admission. Some students, for financial or personal reasons, don't feel ready to make such an important decision yet...
After a College Decision, a Fear of Getting It Wrong New York Times - The Choice - Apr 29, 2013 While everyone else was getting their acceptance letters, learning about their aid packages, and weighing their future college options, I spent the week doing something a little different: ....
10 Ways To Recover From College Rejection (That Won't Make You Roll Your Eyes) Her Campus - Apr 30, 2013 "It'll be okay." "It's not the worst thing that could happen." "It just wasn’t meant to be." While family, friends, and relatives usually speak these words with the best intentions, they aren't always what a pre-collegiette wants to hear, especially after receiving an unwanted rejection letter... |
Wait Listed
Tips for working the wait list Charlotte Observer - Apr 30, 2013 What’s the one thing you don’t want to do if you’re on the wait list? Wait. Lots of students get put on the wait list, and just like you tried to set yourself apart in the initial application process, if you’re interested in getting off the wait list and getting into a college, you need to be proactive. |
| HSCW Counselors' Corners Post - May 3, 2013 Why Every Senior Should Be Just Like Sara Sara came home from a softball came last spring and was surprised to see her father’s car in the driveway.... More
A Former MIT Admissions Officer Has Some Great Advice For College Freshmen Business Insider - Apr 29, 2013 As an admissions officer at MIT, Ben Jones blogged frequently about the admissions process and life on campus. We recently came across one post from his blog (h/t Arjun Pillai) that struck a chord, even though it's been a few years since we graduated from college....
SAT Preparations Hurst College Admissions Examiner - Apr 30, 2013 Preparing for the SAT is all about putting yourself in the best possible position to be successful. Like most tests, avoiding it until the last minute, and then trying to cram the night before just isn’t going to cut it.....
The First SAT Washington Monthly - Apr 25, 2013 The SAT has changed a great deal in the last 90 years. Smithsonian has thankfully published a copy of the first SAT, issued in 1926. Interested in archaic terms? Foreign word association? How about story problems related to your smoking habit?.....
Rejection Is a Process New York Times - The Choice - Apr 30, 2013 Parenting would be so much easier if we could just give our children the fruits of all our hard-earned experience, and they would accept it, and go off on their young lives using our middle-aged knowledge as their template.....
What Parents Think About College Inside Higher Ed Upcoming Webinar - Apr 12, 2013 Parents of pre-college students offer their views on the most important reasons to go to college, why jobs matter, the liberal arts, money and affirmative action in an Inside Higher Ed survey conducted in conjunction with researchers from Gallup. In this free webinar,....
When to start the college process (Video) Long Island College Prep Examiner - Apr 30, 2013 Parents and their college-bound often start the college process during students’ high school years. Many advisors use calendars to assign certain key chores including studying for college admission tests, researching colleges, and completing college/financial aid applications....
Campus Safety
Safety and Security on Campus Poughkeepsie Journal - Apr 29, 2013 How do parents trust that their precious children will be well protected at college when there’s no guarantee that will be the case in their own neighborhoods? Parents can start by perusing college websites, particularly sections devoted to campus safety and residential life...
Tips for Negotiating Financial Aid for College ABC News - Apr 29, 2013 High school senior Tyler Kozimor got into his dream school, Ithaca College. He’s taken the tours, applied and has his heart set on studying broadcast communications and wrestling.....
Juniors: It's never too early to start learning about financial aid True Admission Blog - Apr 26, 2013 When it comes to financial aid, it’s never too early to start learning about what is a very complex and important topic. All colleges are required by law to have a financial aid calculator (sometimes referred to as a net price calculator) available on their website....
FAFSA recognizes unmarried and same-sex households DC College Admissions Examiner - Apr 22, 2013 The U.S. Department of Education announced yesterday that beginning in 2014, students whose parents are unmarried but living together, as well as the children of married gay and lesbian couples, will be asked to list both parents when applying for federal financial aid....
Navigate Summer Camp Options for Teens US News & World Report - Apr 29, 2013 Summer camp options abound for high school students, but narrowing thousands of programs down to the best fit for your teen can be challenging.....
Five steps to continue improving Delaware's education Delaware Online - May 1, 2013 “What kind of impact has the $119 million in federal Race to the Top funding had on education in Delaware?” Three years into the state’s top finish in the RTTT competition, a number of people have asked me that question....
Prom Safety
How to prepare your teen for prom night FoxNews - May 1, 2013 It’s prom season, and while many teens are excited for a night of dancing and partying, parents know that this is a night filled with potential risks – for both their child’s safety and reputation.....
Big Pic
Pre Frosh
Prom Safety
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