About HS CounselorWeek - weekly email
This weekly email searches main media outlets finding stories that may be of interest to high school counselors, college admission officers and related organizations, with links to the original stories. It is published by de facto, inc., publishers of other e-newsletters.
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 | Summer Resource Guide - 2013
We are introducing a new section - to connect counselors and parents to a host of enrichment programs available over this upcoming summer. Check it out NE Summer Resource Guide |
Check out our Space Available Section below. Many great schools are still accepting applications for Fall 2013. Check it out -- Space Available Section |  |
Big Picture
 | Being Blind To Financial Need: Is It Worth It? NPR.org - May 23, 2013 Millions of students rely on loans and grants for their studies. But with universities strapped for cash, fewer schools are able to admit students regardless of their financial need. Host Michel Martin asks the President of Iowa's Grinnell College, Dr. Raynard Kington, why his school considered putting a halt to need-blind admissions.
The Five Biggest College Myths Yahoo News - May 27, 2013 It’s the conventional wisdom that students and parents do their research on colleges and costs before making any commitment to attend a particular institution.....
Did You Graduate in Four Years? Congratulations Washington Monthly - May 22, 2013 For the U.S. college students who will be paying for a four-year bachelor’s degree long after graduation day, here’s some consolation: At least it didn’t take you six or eight years.....
Public colleges are often no bargain for the poor Sacramento Bee - May 29, 2013 WASHINGTON -- Many public colleges and universities expect their poorest students to pay a third, half or even more of their families’ annual incomes each year for college, a new study of college costs has found.....
Why High-School Rankings Are Meaningless—and Harmful The Atlantic - May 28, 2013 Over the past month or so, in newspapers and local-news websites all around the country, public high schools and school districts have been trumpeting reports about how they've done on various national rankings of high schools.....
College Admissions Process/Strategies
Juniors: Breaking Down the Common App True Admissions Blog - May 29, 2013 Applying to college is like any big project that gets completed over time: it simply needs to be broken down into separate tasks. So in addition to continuing to research and refine the list of colleges to which they will apply and working on their essays,....
Don’t be Fooled by College Admission Rates Poughkeepsie Journal - May 24, 2013 One of the biggest public misconceptions about college admissions is that the harder it is to get into a college, the “better” that college is. Parents and students alike typically confuse “selectivity” with “quality,” but doing so can have disastrous effects: I....
Summer vacation is not for visiting colleges Boston College Admissions Examiner - May 27, 2013 Rising juniors and seniors may consider visiting and evaluating colleges this summer. After all, without any papers due or exams pending, summer vacation offers what students usually lack…time to travel. ....
Social Media and Admissions
The Truth About Social Media and Admissions Huffington Post - May 23, 2013 We live in a digital age and many high school students today document much of their lives online. When applying to college, all aspects of an applicant are taken into consideration, and often times this can include his or her online presence. ....
15 Facebook Photos that Make You Look Good About.com - May 27, 2013 A Kaplan survey from 2011 revealed that 85% of college admissions officers use Facebook and other social media to help them recruit new students, and a study from UMass Amherst showed that 100% of colleges and universities are using social media....
| HSCW Counselors' Corners Post - May 29, 2013 Dare to Dream, Dare to Do—Take a College Counseling Class This Summer This is a tough time of year to be a school counselor. You are giving every free moment to life at school, running the awards assembly, putting the final touch on next year’s schedules, calling parents to tell them graduation... More
Pre Frosh
8 Ways to Prepare For Leaving Your Parents to Go to College Her Campus - May 29, 2013 College is (finally) just around the corner and you couldn't be more excited. You'll get to stay out however late you want, wake up whenever you want, do whatever you want. Wait. You’ll be able to do whatever you want?That's kind of scary.... |
SAT Questions Hurst College Admissions Examiner - May 24, 2013 Q: When is the best time to take the SAT? A: If your student takes the test right at the beginning of their junior year, that gives them the previous summer to study and practice at a leisurely pace without interfering with their school work. It allows them to focus completely on the test without being distracted by exams, papers, homework, etc...
Stay ahead in the financial aid game with 9 key plays DC College Admissions Examiner - May 29, 2013 Although the clock is ticking down, there are still ways to stay ahead in the financial aid game. With a few properly-executed “plays,” you can definitely have an impact on what financial aid is offered and how close it comes to meeting your needs. ...
Feds push diversity in financial aid CBS News - MoneyWatch - May 27, 2013 Although the clock is ticking down, there are still ways to stay ahead in the financial aid game. With a few properly-executed “plays,” you can definitely have an impact on what financial aid is offered and how close it comes to meeting your needs. ...
Six ways to survive college search with a smile Washington Post - Class Struggle - May 25, 2013 While I can still type, perhaps I should take this opportunity to record the six key issues related to the college search, drawing on all that I have learned in my many years of parenting and writing.....
Gifts for grads are better than ever Charlotte Observer - May 27, 2013 I always believed that Hallmark was responsible for creating the catchy marketing moniker “Dads and Grads.” Just as Father’s Day gifts have thankfully moved beyond standard-issue ties, graduates can expect something more creative than a Cross pen or an oversized dictionary.....
Wisconsin veterans could get priority on college campuses WTMJ - May 29, 2013 MADISON, Wis. (AP) -- Military veterans would be given priority over other students when registering for classes at all University of Wisconsin campuses as well as the state's technical colleges under a bill making its way through the Legislature....
How to keep young talent in Michigan Michigan Radio - May 29, 2013 One of leading topics of statewide conversation is how to keep young professionals and college grads in Michigan....
All students may be given ACT WTMJ - May 29, 2013 MADISON, Wis. (AP) - Every high school junior in Wisconsin would take the ACT college entrance exam under a proposal up for a vote before the Legislature's ....
Teen Suicide
Teen Suicide and Contagion Huffington Post - May 28, 2013 The idea of a teen committing suicide and of a young life being abbreviated is almost too painful to think about. Nonetheless, it does happen...
What Do I Do If My Teen Is Thinking About Suicide? Huffington Post - May 26, 2013 They say that the worst pain in life is losing a child. When parents hear that their child is thinking about suicide, or has even tried to commit suicide, they often become paralyzed by the fear ..
Big Pic
Pre Frosh
Teen Suicide
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