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About HS CounselorWeek - weekly email
This weekly email searches main media outlets finding stories that may be of interest to high school counselors, college admission officers and related organizations, with links to the original stories. It is published by de facto, inc., publishers of other e-newsletters.

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Summer Resource Guide - 2013

We are introducing a new section - to connect counselors and parents to a host of enrichment programs available over this upcoming summer. Check it out
NE Summer Resource Guide


Check out our Space Available Section below. Many great schools are still accepting applications for Fall 2013.
Check it out -- Space Available Section

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Big Picture

Latino High School Grads Enter College At Record Rate - May 14, 2013
If the headline caught your eye, here's more good news. Seven in 10 Latino high school graduates in the class of 2012 went to college, according to a recent report by the Pew Hispanic Center....
How to Reinvent College
The Daily Beast  - May 13, 2013
An undergraduate having to pay off $120,000, and a university that has more than $165 million in debt? Paying adjuncts less but having them teach more, and instructors who give As 43 percent of the time?....
Let's Bring Clarity to Undergraduate Admissions
Chronicle of Higher Ed  - May 13, 2013
Talk with people who work in or around college admissions, and they'll probably tell you the system is broken, or, at the very least, badly in need of repair. The evidence is everywhere, and the greatest effect is on the people who have the biggest stake in it: students applying to college....
The Daily Show Does “Scared Straight” on Student Loans
Washington Monthly  - May 13, 2013
This might be rather personal. I’m pretty sure most of the Daily Show writers have degrees from liberal arts schools.....
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College Admissions Process/Strategies

Advice From a Dean of Admissions on Selecting High School Courses
New York Times - The Choice  - May 13, 2013
We’ve heard it time and again: rigor is one of the most important aspects of a college student’s application. But how exactly does a student present an awe-inspiring college application...
Early action and early decision explained
Cleveland Colleges Examiner  - May 14, 2013
Early Action and Early Decision are options for applying to college sooner than the typical application deadlines. These two options are not the same; read below to understand the distinction and what each might mean for you.....
Juniors: Resources for Kickstarting Your Essays this Summer
True Admissions Blog  - May 15, 2013
We strongly urge you to have at least your Common Application essay in good shape before senior year begins. Fall of senior year is a busy time and writing your essays while attending school is like adding a class to your schedule. Summer provides the luxury of uninterrupted time to reflect and write....
College Admissions: How To Cut Up To $120K Out Of College Costs
GoLocalProv College Admissions  - May 13, 2013
With the cost of a four year education now exceeding $200,000 at many private colleges and $100,000 at public universities, families are searching for ways to afford college....
Junior Year College Preparation  - May 13, 2013
Rising high school juniors have an important year coming up. Junior year is the last for which colleges will see a year's worth of grades, and ideally those grades will be as good as (if not better than) freshman or sophomore year. Your application will look best if your grades are trending upwards, not down...
College Options for Musical and Artistic Students
The College Solution Blog  - May 13, 2013
Today I’m sharing a highly informative guest post that explains some excellent, but overlooked options for students who are interested in attending a music conservatory or an art and design school, which are typically extremely expensive options....
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Seniors/Pre Frosh

Talking Out of School: It's over! Reflections on college admissions
Harvard Press  - May 13, 2013
It's over. College admissions results have mostly been released, and those students who haven't already made their choices now spend their time deciding among schools....
A Pre-Collegiette's Month-by-Month Summer Guide to Prepping for College
Her Campus  - May 13, 2013
JYour college debut is so close, you can almost taste the dining hall food. After a year of senioritis and Common App-induced stress, you’re finally on your way to the big, bad world of your alma mater...
A Summer To Do List for Graduating Seniors
True Admissions Blog  - May 15, 2013
Your decision is made and you know where you're headed next fall. But there are still a few things you need to be aware of over the summer in order to insure the transition to campus goes smoothly. Here's one last checklist for you:...
Tuition Discount Alert: 50 Great Colleges Desperately Seeking Students
Forbes  - May 14, 2013
Just a few weeks have passed since most parents of high school seniors plunked down their tuition deposits locking in their teen’s spot at the college of their choice. What few realize is that for hundreds of schools, the May 1st deadline isn’t the end, but the beginning of a scramble to fill up freshman classes ...
Rejected? You still have a chance to get into college
Charlotte Observer  - May 13, 2013
Whoops! If your mailbox was filled with rejection notices, today might be your lucky day. For the student who didn’t receive any “Congratulations!” letters, there is still hope....
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Wait Listed

On a College Waiting List? Sending Cookies Isn't Going to Help
New York Times - The Choice - May 13, 2013
When Amanda Wolfbauer, a high school senior, received the admissions verdict from Hamilton College, in Clinton, N.Y., she posted on Twitter, “What does one do once they’re on a college waitlist? #frustrated #worsethanrejection.”....
Admissions Waitlist Turns Students Into Stalkers - May 9, 2013
Today the New York Times takes us into a new kind of dating world, a world fraught with insecurity, inappropriate behavior, and heartbreak. That world is the college admissions waitlist.....
Pomona admissions dean: Wait-list standards needed
Washington Post - May 10, 2013
The wait-list started as a backup plan for college admissions officers who needed to fill remaining seats in a freshman class if not enough of the accepted students committed to attending by the May 1 deadline.....
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HSCW Counselors' Corners
Post - May 9, 2013
Is College Worth It?
It seems like all the latest college stories claim college isn’t worth it. Recently, a Nobel-winning economist has said the current level of student debt is unacceptable; a new ranking method indicates the value of each college based on the average salaries .... More

5 potential game-changers in college admissions
DC College Admissions Examiner  - May 15, 2013
Over the next couple of years, elements of the college admissions process will undergo some major changes. And for many “insiders” who advise high school students on colleges and admissions, change can’t come soon enough......
The truth about school counselors
North Fort Myers Neighbor - Letter  - May 13, 2013
If we are lucky enough, each of us has had that moment in his or her life when someone else took time out to make us feel special. Maybe you were struggling with a subject or issue at school, a counselor pulled you aside to help you through it....
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How to Prep for the ACT
Huffington Post  - May 14, 2013
In 2012, the ACT surpassed the SAT for the first time as the most popular college admissions exam. Believed to be more closely aligned to traditional high school curricula and with a markedly lower emphasis on the high-level vocabulary the SAT is renowned for, the ACT is now accepted by all universities and preferred by many students....
How to increase your score on the SAT essay
Chicago SAT Prep Examiner  - May 9, 2013
By the time you sit down to take the SAT in your junior or senior year, the act of writing an essay will be a familiar chore to you. The act of writing an SAT essay? That may prove to be an entirely new challenge.....
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On College: Knowing the fine line between helping and doing
San Jose Mercury News  - May 13, 2013
The end of the school year is just around the corner, and projects, papers and finals are on every student's to-do list. Unfortunately, parents have been taking an increasingly engaged role in their children's education, to the point where some are doing their children's assignments....
College 101: The role of parents in college admissions
VA Gazzette  - May 13, 2013
In an ideal scenario, the student assumes the role of captain of a team which consists of parents, other family members and trusted advisors such as the school college counselor. ...
College Admissions and the Asian-American Parent
Huffington Post  - May 13, 2013
The Ivies, MIT, Stanford, Caltech, Berkeley. Maybe Duke, if all else fails... maybe. That's the "List" -- the typical college list for parents of high-achieving Asian-American students. With over four thousand colleges to choose from, why do so few make the cut?...

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How College Savings Can Affect Financial Aid
US News & World Report - May 13, 2013
Need-based financial aid awards for college don't just depend on a family's income. Students' eligibility for such aid could be decided in part by how much families have saved for their education, including in tax-advantaged 529 plan accounts....
Q. and A. on the ‘Shell Game’ of College Aid
New York Times - Economix Blog - May 10, 2013
“With their relentless pursuit of prestige and revenue, the nation’s public and private four-year colleges and universities are in danger of shutting down what has long been a pathway to the middle class for low-income and working-class students,” writes Stephen Burd,...
Lack of Financial Literacy Complicates Student-Aid Process, Report Says
Chronicle of Higher Ed - May 13, 2013
A lack of reliable and transparent data on college costs and a complicated financial-aid-application process create an information gap that makes it difficult for students to pay for their higher education, according to a new report on overhauling the federal student-aid system....
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Testing California's Commitment to Education
Forbes - May 9, 2013
Just a generation ago, California’s schools were the pride of American education (it’s one of the reasons my parents moved with me to California in the early 1960s). Today, tracking with the economic woes of the rest of the Golden State, California’s schools rank 30th in the country . . .and falling.....
Updated graduation requirements on Colorado board of education agenda
Denver Post - May 14, 2013
New statewide graduation guidelines that hinge on competency, rather than "seat time," could be adopted Wednesday by the state board of education, although even supporters expect considerable push-back against a move five years in the works.....
For California colleges, governor calls for tuition freezes and drops proposal for unit caps
San Jose Mercury News - May 14, 2013
Gov. Jerry Brown's latest budget proposal calls for spending more on the state's colleges and universities each year through 2016-17 -- and for a 4-year tuition freeze at CSU and UC....
Program working to keep Native American kids in school - May 12, 2013
BROWNING - The 2013 Building a Grad Nation annual update shows that more than one-third of Native American high school students drop out of school.....
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Teen Suicide Prevention

Community letters inspire students
New Richmond News - May 12, 2013
In an effort to let local youth know they matter, a local group of leaders have started a letter-writing campaign.....
Most Suicidal Teens Sought Medical Advice Within A Year Of Death, Study Shows
Medical Daily - May 9, 2013
ISuicide prevention among the global youth population remains a serious goal, especially with new findings that more than 80 percent of youth who committed suicide went to a health care facility the same year as their death....


Big Pic
Teen Suicide



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