About HS CounselorWeek - weekly email
This weekly email searches main media outlets finding stories that may be of interest to high school counselors, college admission officers and related organizations, with links to the original stories. It is published by de facto, inc., publishers of other e-newsletters.
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 | Why College Freshmen May Feel Like Impostors On Campus NPR.org - Oct 16, 2013 Psychologist Greg Walton has found that a simple intervention can help many students get the most out of college. The trick is in helping students see that setbacks are temporary, and often don't have larger implications.....
College Admissions Process/Strategies
Applying to College: Test Scores, Letters and Resumes Huffington Post - Oct 14, 2013 Seniors are starting to put the final touches on some of their college applications, which means it's time to look at some of the small details that, taken together, can make a difference in the way your application will be reviewed once it arrives at the college...
The New College Calculus The Daily Beast - Oct 16, 2013 Picking the right school is doable. You just need to ask the right questions—and demand that schools answer you. Jeffrey J. Selingo on the new college calculus....
College Admissions: 6 Steps To A Killer College Application GoLocalProv College Admissions - Oct 14, 2013 Early admissions season is upon us, and students all over America will be racing to get their applications submitted. So, what are the fatal mistakes to avoid? What makes a truly great app? And how do you avoid the knockdown, drag out battles between parent and child in the final days before deadlines? ...
Few colleges check applicants' social media posts San Francisco Chronicle - Oct 13, 2013 To the teenagers who plaster their boredom, distaste for physics and bodily yearnings all over the Internet while still hoping to get into a good college, here's a cheerful message:....
5 Questions to Ask a U.S. College Admissions Representative US News & World News - Oct 10, 2013 For prospective international students, having an admissions representative visit your home country is a great opportunity. You can ask admissions officers a lot of questions without worrying about being annoying....
Common App Problems
College application insanity gets worse CNN.com - Oct 15, 2013 (CNN) -- Every college applicant knows about the "hardship essay," which asks a teenager to write about overcoming an obstacle. Here's a suggested approach:....
Online Application Woes Make Students Anxious and Put Colleges Behind Schedule New York Times - Oct 12, 2013 With early admission deadlines looming for hundreds of thousands of students, the new version of the online Common Application shared by more than 500 colleges and universities has been plagued by numerous malfunctions, alarming students and parents and putting admissions offices weeks behind schedule.....
Students panic over online college application glitches CNN Money - Oct 15, 2013 The last thing they need is a major technological glitch. But in recent months, students across the country have encountered numerous glitches in the Common Application site they use to apply to more than 500 colleges and universities....
The Truth About Applying Early Decision or Early Action Huffington Post - Oct 9, 2013 October is here, and with it comes the countdown to those looming "early" application deadlines. For most schools, early application deadlines fall on Nov. 1 or 15, but some, like the University of Georgia, can be as early as Oct. 15....
The pros and cons of applying Early Decision Charlotte Observer - Oct 14, 2013 Traditional college application deadlines had always been in January. But early admissions programs that include Early Action, Early Action II, Early Decision I, Early Decision II and a few other programs have become more popular and are forcing many high school seniors to hurry up and stress out...
Applying Early Decision: 5 Good (& 4 Bad) Reasons to Do It Her Campus - Oct 15, 2013 If you're currently a high school senior, chances are your life has turned into stacks of colorful college brochures, scribbled pros-and-cons lists and books about applying to college, all piled so high around...
Recommendation Letters
Recommendation letters: solicit assistance from those who care Bay Area College Admissions Examiner - Oct 15, 2013 When I was in 9th grade it was customary at our school for students to carry their report cards from class to class for teachers to complete, documenting your grades and writing brief subjective comments....
The Folly of the SAT Writing Section The Atlantic - Oct 11, 2013 The SAT is changing. Again. For the second time in just over a decade, the College Board, which administers the exam, is planning to redesign the exam. The details of the redesign aren’t public yet ..
4 secrets to a successful SAT test day SAT Prep Examiner - Oct 11, 2013 The SAT is perhaps the best-known college admissions tool. It is also one with a popular history of fear and foreboding. High school juniors and seniors dread their test days and enter exam centers with the single, paralyzing thought that this score determines their future university path. ..
Student angst over taking the PSAT – in five tweets Washington Post - Oct 16, 2013 Several million high school students will take the PSAT on two days this week — Wednesday and Saturday — and you can bet that most of them aren’t exactly looking forward to it. ..
Six questions to ask colleges about financial aid Boston.com - Oct 11, 2013 Now more than ever, cost is dictating where students will attend college as many families are choosing schools that offer the best value and not the most prestigious name. But how exactly do you figure out that cost?.....
6 tips to winning college scholarships CBSNews MoneyWatch - Oct 14, 2013 (MoneyWatch) If your teenager has contemplated looking for private college scholarships, now is a good time to search. Some of the biggest private college scholarship providers have fall deadlines for their contests. Another popular scholarship deadline is February.....
Why College Savings Usually Won’t Hurt Financial Aid Chances The College Solution - Oct 14, 2013 Many parents worry that their college savings accounts will kill their chances for financial aid. Most families, however, who have saved for college are not hurt in student financial aid considerations.....
| HSCW Counselors' Corners Post - Oct 16, 2013 That’s Why it’s Called College Counseling LPart of the goal in every aspect of counseling is to help students cope with a difficult situation by understanding more about themselves and their ability to manage the dilemma... More
New counselor curriculum at DHS to roll out in spring Darien News Online - Oct 10, 2013 For the first time, the Darien school system will have a comprehensive program to give counselors more face time with students during their high school careers and to better respond to their needs.....
Will new curriculum improve Mass. schools? Boston Globe Magazine - Oct 5, 2013 Does the new kindergarten-through-high-school curriculum being implemented this year across the state actually improve education in Massachusetts schools?....
How Did a 'Public Ivy' Take Root in Vermont? The Atlantic - Oct 14, 2013 There are lots of familiar American “college towns” – places where a single university dominates the social and economic life of the city. Think Boulder, Ann Arbor, Madison, Berkeley, Princeton, Charlottesville.....
Vocational schools defy skeptics Patriot Ledger - Oct 14, 2013 Vocational education has been getting a lot of press lately. Last week alone The Enterprise ran a series of articles on the successes of area vocational schools, the national magazine, Atlantic Monthly....
Teen Development
Teens Are Still Developing Empathy Skills NPR.org - Oct 8, 2013 The teen years are often fraught with door-slamming, eye-rolling and seeming insensitivity, even by kids who behaved kindly before. Some parents worry that they're doing something wrong, or that their children will never think of anyone but themselves......
Teens Really Are Monsters, Science Confirms The Inquisitr - Oct 16, 2013 If your teenager is basically the worst person on Earth, take heart — a new study has shed light on why teens are such horrible jerks, and proves that science basically demands their jerkitude for the early teen years.....

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