About HS CounselorWeek - weekly email
This weekly email searches main media outlets finding stories that may be of interest to high school counselors, college admission officers and related organizations, with links to the original stories. It is published by de facto, inc., publishers of other e-newsletters.
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Big Picture
Colleges slash tuition to avoid sticker shock USA Today - Sep 18, 2013 Worried about scaring away cost-conscious students, some small private colleges are "resetting" tuition levels. Others worry that families judge price as a mark of quality.....
Getting a Clearer Picture of College Costs New York Times - Economix Blog - Sep 18, 2013 For high-achieving, low-income students, some of the cheapest places to attend college are the ones with the highest list prices. Thanks to their endowments, these elite colleges often award large scholarships to poor and even many middle-class students....
How to Make School Better for Boys The Atlantic - Sep 13, 2013 I recently appeared on MSNBC’s The Cycle to discuss the new edition of my book The War Against Boys. The four hosts were having none of it. A war on boys? They countered with the wage gap and the prominence of men across the professions......
College Admissions Process/Strategies
The 7 Worst College Application Clichés & How to Avoid Them Her Campus - Sep 17, 2013 Now that senior year is underway, only one thing stands between you and your totally awesome collegiette years: college applications. Sure, they may seem scary (Writing about yourself? Easier said than done.), ....
College Admissions: 4 Tips For Overcoming ‘College Phobia’ Charlotte Observer - Sep 16, 2013 While many students around the country are busily completing their early action and early decision applications, some seniors are caught in a state of inertia. Like a deer in the headlights, they refuse to visit campuses, file applications or take the steps necessary to garner acceptances....
5 tips for acing college applications CBSNews MoneyWatch - Sep 13, 2013 (MoneyWatch) If you are a high school senior, you already know that it's college application season. Facing your admission to-do list is intimidating, but it doesn't have to be, according to Alison Cooper Chisolm and Anna Ivey, co-authors of the new book, "How to Prepare a Standout College Application: ....
Six Things a College Recruiter Won't Tell You Huffington Post - Sep 16, 2013 High school students today are even more clueless than I was about choosing a college and a career path (and as the first in my family to attend college, I set the naiveté bar high!). Today's college-going students and the people who advise them know even less about college and careers than in my era, ....
College Admissions - How To's
How to "Demonstrate Interest" When Applying to College About.com - Sep 16, 2013 A study by NACAC, the National Association for College Admission Counseling, found that about half of all colleges and universities claim that an applicant's demonstrated interest in their school is either highly or moderately important in the admissions process ....
How to get stellar recommendation letters Examiner.com, - Sep 17, 2013 Whether you are a freshman or a senior in high school, it is time to start thinking about what you want your recommenders to say. While recommendation letters do not make up the most important part of your college application,...
How NOT to Find the “Right” College Poughkeepsie Journal - Sep 17, 2013 With fall comes the critical second round of campus visits. Now’s the time for your child to go beyond the information sessions and introductory tours of last spring and summer by sitting in on classes ....
Confessions of a College Application Essay Coach Huffington Post - Sep 18, 2013 'Tis the season for applying to college, and everyone and his mother have got the "How Do I Write My Application Essay Blues." The killer personal statement, now a hot commodity, may be the most popular literary genre on our virtual shelves....
How The College Essay Has Changed With The Digital Age WLRN - Sep 16, 2013 School just started, but already high school seniors are focused on college. With early admission deadlines looming, students are beginning a new rite of passage: conquering the college application and, with it, the dreaded college application essay....
3 reasons to take SAT practice tests US News & World Report - Sep 12, 2013 Your junior and senior years of high school can be tough; there’s simply no avoiding that fact. I remember my own upperclassman years well. Between your part-time job and coursework....
Colleges where the ACT with Writing can stand in for SAT Subject Tests® DC College Admissions Examiner - Sep 12, 2013 For most students, SAT Subject Tests are thankfully not part of the application rat race. It’s only a handful of highly "selective" schools that either require or very strongly suggest the submission of two or more Subject Test scores to be considered for admission....
Rankings and Reactions
Comparing the US News and Washington Monthly Rankings Washington Monthly - Sep 14, 2013 In today’s post, I compare the results of the U.S. News rankings to those from the Washington Monthly rankings for national universities and liberal arts colleges ranked by both sources.....
New Metric for Colleges: Graduates’ Salaries New York Times - Sep 14, 2013 U.S. News & World Report released its eagerly anticipated annual rankings of universities and colleges this week, and two of the usual suspects — Princeton University and Williams College — came out on top. Prospective students and their parents can evaluate these institutions on a variety of measures deemed important by U.S. News.....
Should You Apply for Financial Aid? The College Solution Blog - Sep 16, 2013 Here’s a variation of a question that I always get during admission season: Someone told me yesterday that it’s better to answer “No” to the “Do you intend to apply for need based financial aid” question on the Common Application....
Getting the right college financial aid package MyFox Atlanta - Sep 18, 2013 First the good news: Don't regard that eye-popping tally of frosh college costs your son or daughter just handed you as the last word. In fact, a better analogy is that it's just the sticker price, the suggested payment that school administrators hope you fall for....
Top 5 Reasons You Should Apply for Financial Aid Huffington Post - Sep 16, 2013 It's that time of year again when parents and their high school students gear up for the college application process. Somewhere along the line you are also going to have to deal with the financial end of things. You may even be dreading that. Perhaps you have heard stories from other parents who told you what a challenge it was.....
| HSCW Counselors' Corners Post - Sep 18, 2013 This Really Can’t Wait. Really? One of my best professional development experiences occurred when I came back from a conference. I attended my first annual meeting of the National Association for College Admission Counseling, and was almost giddy from the amount of pamphlets, pennants, information, and college bling I brought back to the office... More
Lack of Funds Leave School Counselors Struggling to Find Balance US News & World Report - Sep 16, 2013 Eric Blanco, a counselor at Ernest Righetti High School in central California, says his job is a juggling act. Coordinating college information sessions, acting as a crisis intervention counselor, and balancing a number of other clerical duties, Blanco says, take away from his direct counseling time.. ....
Learning to use your school counselor Clifton Journal - Sep 13, 2013 As the new school year gets underway, your school age children will be facing a whole new set of opportunities and challenges. While it is common for parents to focus on the school's classroom teachers, there's an important resource that too many parents simply overlook - the school counselor. ....
The 2013 School Counselor Honor Roll for College Counseling Huffington Post - Sep 9, 2013 This is the time of year many students aren't exactly feeling the love for their school counselor. Even though class scheduling has nothing -- nothing -- to do with counseling, the complex task of schedule changes that is part matrix ....
Dealing With Your College Guidance Counselor: 8 Tips For Parents Forbes - Sep 18, 2013 You and your spouse are in the guidance counselor’s office and have just taken a look at the college list painstakingly crafted for your first-born child, vessel of family dreams and aspirations. You’ve shelled out upwards of $25,000 a year on tuition since kindergarten with this day in mind. ....
Career Education
Career-focused classes give students head start cincinnati.com - Sep 12, 2013 ALEXANDRIA — Campbell County High School senior Ben See, of Alexandria, climbed into the “hot seat,” a simulated cockpit surrounded by computer screens. The screens flickered to life......
Students build futures in old-school shop classes San Francisco Chronicle - Sep 17, 2013 ALEXANDRIA — Campbell County High School senior Ben See, of Alexandria, climbed into the “hot seat,” a simulated cockpit surrounded by computer screens. The screens flickered to life......
Ohio groups: Student performance in classroom tied to poverty Akron Beacon Journal - Sep 16, 2013 COLUMBUS: Student performance in the classroom is linked to poverty, an analysis of data collected under Ohio’s new school assessment system and released Monday confirms, according to groups representing Ohio school boards, administrators and treasurers..
Colleges recruit Kan. students with scoreboard ads Nebraska.tv - Sep 16, 2013 WICHITA, Kan. (AP) - Universities are turning to high school gym scoreboards to recruit students. The Wichita Eagle reports that Wichita State University paid the local school district $90,000 for three years of scoreboard banners and other promotions at high schools with athletic programs..
Some Michigan schools are now operating year-round Michigan Radio - Sep 16, 2013 In Michigan, by state law, the day after Labor Day is Back-To-School Day. But in some 30 districts and charter schools in Michigan, kids have already been going to school because these districts and schools are experimenting with year-round school...
Indiana driving schools worry about lack of training Post-Tribune - Sep 18, 2013 INDIANAPOLIS (AP) — Officials of some Indiana driver’s education schools say they’re worried changes in state law are leading to more teenagers getting their licenses without professional training....
Teen Dating Abuse
The ABC's of teen dating violence News Guard - Sep 12, 2013 Teen dating violence is what happens in a teen dating relationship when one person uses abuse to gain power and keep control over his or her partner. This abuse can be physical, emotional, or sexual. The following information is from the Office of the Circuit Court of Cook County, Ill....
7 Important Tips for Parents on Teen Dating Babble - Sep 16, 2013 have a few years before I have to really worry about my kids starting to date, but I know that as school starts up again, there are many parents and teens having this dating debate in their own house....

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How To
Teen Dating
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