About HS CounselorWeek - weekly email
This weekly email searches main media outlets finding stories that may be of interest to high school counselors, college admission officers and related organizations, with links to the original stories. It is published by de facto, inc., publishers of other e-newsletters.
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Introducing ‘The Tuition is Too Damn High’ Washington Post - Aug 26, 2013 “The Tuition is Too Damn High” is a 10-part series that will run in Wonkblog over the next two weeks exploring the causes and consequences of — and potential fixes for — the skyrocketing costs of higher education. This is part one. ....
Three Reasons Why College Bubble Will Burst Forbes - Sep 4, 2013 Students are getting into horrendous debt — now totalling $1 trillion and counting — and not finding decent paying jobs. It’s hurting our long-term future. ...
Sagging state funding jacks up college tuition USA Today - NOW - Sep 4, 2013 The start of a new school year is punctuated by what's become a new financial norm for public universities: massive cuts in state funding that lead to rising tuition, cuts in enrollment, sporadic class schedules and staff layoffs....
How can we expand college access to low-income students? Reuters - Sep 4, 2013 As President Obama focuses on lowering the cost of college education, he is overlooking another equally important challenge: ensuring that all students, regardless of their income level, have the opportunity to attend selective colleges...
Back to the Supreme Court Inside Higher Ed - Sep 3, 2013 A U.S. Supreme Court ruling in June kept alive the right of colleges and universities to consider race in admissions. But in some states -- starting with California in 1996 -- voters have taken away that right, barring public colleges and universities from considering race ...
Census: College enrollment fell sharply in 2012 Washington Post - Sep 3, 2013 After five years of gains, undergraduate college enrollment fell nearly 3 percent in fall 2012, according to a new U.S. Census report that sheds fresh light on the recruiting challenge facing many colleges and universities.....
College Admissions Process/Strategies
Seniors: Time To Get Serious About College Monroe Evening News - Aug 30, 2013 It’s time for high school seniors who intend to go to college next year to get serious with their selections, as college application season has started.....
5 Ways to Chase Your Passions in High School Huffington Post - Sep 3, 2013 When it comes to applying to college, it's no longer just about the 4.0. Now it's about what you've done outside the classroom as well, which can be daunting for many otherwise promising students....
You're applying to college when? Charlotte Observer - Sep 2, 2013 College application season is soon revving up, and sorting out deadlines – from early decision and early action to regular decision – can be daunting....
College Students Share Tips for Managing the Application Process US News & World Report - Sep 2, 2013 Each month, we ask current college students to reflect on their college admissions experience. Their advice for prospective students about how to manage the college application part of their senior year of high school is the subject of this month's Freshman Flashback....
9 Ways to Improve the Style of Your College Admissions Essay About.com - Sep 2, 2013 Your college admissions essay is the one place in your application where you can truly showcase your personality and passions. The success of your essay, however, isn't about just what you say, but how you say it.....
The new Common Application – Prompt #1 Charlotte Observer - Sep 2, 2013 The new and improved Common Application was officially released just one month ago. After a few years of discussion and input from guidance counselors, college admissions professionals, teachers and independent counselors, the folks at Common App listened and updated the essay prompts.....
A good admissions essay may mean more money for college News Democrat Leader - Sep 2, 2013 Your college admissions essay is the one place in your application where you can truly showcase your personality and passions. The success of your essay, however, isn't about just what you say, but how you say it.....
Athletic Recruitment
College Admissions: Athletic Recruitment: 3 Mistakes to Avoid GoLocalProv - Sep 2, 2013 September and October are prime months for “official visits” for many athletes applying to D1, D2 and D3 colleges. As thrilling as that may sound, it’s a time fraught with anxiety and pitfalls. Students can become disenchanted with a college after spending an overnight, coaches can drop students because they get a negative read from admissions,.....
Applying to College With The New York Times New York Times - Sep 4, 2013 If you’re a college-bound student who could use some help understanding how to apply to college, and how to pay for it, The New York Times may be able to help. ...
Should a 7th grader take the ACT or SAT? CBSNews MoneyWatch - Sep 4, 2013 (MoneyWatch) Should a seventh grader take the ACT or SAT test? That's the question I received this week from the mother of a young middle-school student who wants to know if it's too soon to take the college entrance exams....
Aziz and Jones: The difference between the ACT and the SAT The Coloradoan - Sep 4, 2013 Standardized test sc ores from the ACT or SAT tests provide college admissions officers comparable, quantitative data when assessing a prospective applicant’s ability to succeed in college. Test scores are just one of several factors taken into consideration, however. ...
SAT or ACT? Hamlet Hub - Aug 30, 2013 As a college consultant I get asked about the SAT and ACT a lot. I therefore asked Cassie Kosarek of Varsity Tutors specialist to answer the most popular question.
Should You Take the SAT or ACT?. ...
3 things to look for in an SAT tutor SAT Prep Examiner - Aug 30, 2013 Classes. Flash cards. Study guides. When it comes to preparing for the SAT, there are a multitude of ways for you to improve your overall score – many of which are solitary activities that require perfect discipline. How many of us can claim to have that? ...
Preview: Methodology Changes for 2014 Best Colleges Rankings US News & World Report - Sep 3, 2013 The 2014 U.S. News Best Colleges rankings will launch on usnews.com on Tuesday, Sept. 10. For these new rankings, we made significant changes to the methodology to reduce the weight of input factors that reflect a school's student body and increase the weight of output measures that signal how well a school educates its students. ...
| HSCW Counselors' Corners Post - Aug 28, 2013 Applying to College? Clean Up Your Facebook Page There are three key technology rules when it comes to applying to college: 1. If at all possible, use the college's online application, and ask their tech support for help the minute you run into a problem... More
Vocational Education
The Past and Future of Vocational Education Business Week - Sep 4, 2013 The year was 1908. The location: the town of Northampton, Mass., some 15 miles north of Springfield, a major industrial city at the time. The history of Northampton, today a small city with a population approaching 29,000, is interesting...
Vacation’s Over! 5 College-Bound Tips for Parents of High School Students Parade Magazine - Sep 3, 2013 Now that vacation season has wrapped and the school buses are back on the road, parents of high school students are kicking into college mode. But where do you begin on the long and confusing road to higher education? Below are five tips to get your family on track. ...
How Involved Are Parents in Their Children’s Education? Washington Monthly - Sep 3, 2013 According to a recent paper issued by the Department of Education’s National Center on Education Statistics, parental involvement in children’s education is pretty high. According to the report: ...
Delaware public schools by the numbers WDDE.org - Sep 4, 2013 As members of the Class of 2017 begin their journey through Delaware’s public high schools, it’s time to look at some cold, hard stats. Yes, these numbers, compiled for the state Department of Education by the Center for Education Policy Research at Harvard University are both cold and hard..
New Jersey's schools face big changes in the year ahead Newsworks - Sep 4, 2013 From beefed-up evaluations, to revamped curriculum and testing, to takeovers of urban districts, there will be interesting days ahead. The 2013-2014 school year is here – and it's not likely to be easily forgotten by New Jersey's 100,000-plus teachers, for good or ill...
The UnSlut Project Exposes the Disturbing Reality Of Sexual Bullying PolicyMic - Sep 3, 2013 “To be slut shamed, one doesn’t have to be actually engaging in any kind of sexual behavior," Emily Lindin, founder of The UnSlut Project, tells me. "Just wearing a shirt that inspires a sexual thought in another person for whatever reason is enough to be slut shamed.”...

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