About HS CounselorWeek - weekly email
This weekly email searches main media outlets finding stories that may be of interest to high school counselors, college admission officers and related organizations, with links to the original stories. It is published by de facto, inc., publishers of other e-newsletters.
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Big Picture
The Future of College? The Atlantic - Aug 13, 2014 A brash tech entrepreneur thinks he can reinvent higher education by stripping it down to its essence, eliminating lectures and tenure along with football games, ivy-covered buildings, and research libraries. What if he's right?....
College Admissions Process/Strategies
One piece of advice: Be different Charlotte Observer - Aug 25, 2014 If I could give every family only one piece of advice about college admissions and the college application process it would be this: Dare to be different. Be different from the beginning. Don’t wait like so many other people until the summer after junior year, or even worse....
College Admissions: 4 Must Know Early Admission Terms Golocalprov - Aug 25, 2014 In recent years, early round admit programs have become an increasingly important aspect of college admissions. Many colleges are filling 30-70% of their freshman class via Early Action or Early Decision...
Applying to College Is Different This Year--Here's How Huffington Post - Aug 25, 2014 School hasn't even started for most students, but the college application process is in high gear for the Class of 2015. Students, parents, and counselors familiar with the ins and outs of essays, deadlines, and recommendation forms have already noticed three big changes to this year's application landscape....
On College: Get those Common Applications in early San Jose Mercury News - Aug 25, 2014 It's a new year and a new Common App. While the Common Application hopefully has solved many of the problems that plagued college applicants last year, there are several tips that students should be aware of this year to make their experience uneventful....
Helpful tips for the ‘why us?’ college admissions essay
Bay Area College Admissions Examiner - Aug 23, 2014 Many colleges ask the question, “Why us?” as part of the college admissions process. The question is asked differently by the colleges, but the idea behind the question is always the same: why us?...
Real College Admission Essay Prompts From This Year's Applications Parade - Aug 23, 2014 Millions of high school seniors around the country are busy penning college admissions essays based on prompts like the thought-provoking ones below, which we pulled from this year’s applications. (In many cases, the prompts below are one of a few options given by the colleges.)...
Starting College: A Guide for Parents in 2014 huffington Post - Aug 27, 2014 It is late summer, 2014. With memories of high school graduations still strong but sadly beginning to fade, as in the cascade of summers before, millions of families are busily preparing for a signal event in their lives -- sending a child off to start college....
Getting parents ready for their kids to go to college Atlanta Journal Constitution (blog) - Aug 27, 2014 College counselors and other representatives are keenly aware of just how difficult it can be for parents to transition from a family of four or five to, little by little, a family of two — without children.....
| HSCW Counselors' Corners Post - Aug 21, 2014 The Ten Goals for This School Year The start of a new school year is a lot like the start of a new calendar year. Everyone begins with a sense of fresh opportunity, convinced this is the year that will be different from the time we vowed to give up chocolate, use the treadmill every day, or walk the dog even when it’s cold... More
Understanding counseling professionals and the help they offer Your Houston News - Aug 26, 2014 American Counseling Association -- Many people have little idea of who professional counselors really are and what they really do. For most of us, our experience has been limited to the school counselors we've known, or the mental health professionals we've seen portrayed on TV....
 | Competing college rankings take different views of what matters PBS NewsHour - Aug 25, 2014 The country’s best known college rankings are probably those published every year by U.S. News and World Report. While the rankings sell magazines and advertising, their influence is often criticized as pushing colleges to drive up admissions criteria and drive down acceptance rates....
Introduction: A Different Kind of College Ranking Washington Monthly - Aug 24, 2014 Last August, President Barack Obama traveled to the State University of New York at Buffalo to give a speech about higher education. It began with the usual tributes to college as a pillar of American opportunity and economic renewal. “A higher education is the single best investment you can make in your future,” the president said, repeating a message that most students have heard, ad nauseam, for their entire lives.....
New Rankings Include 'Affordable Elite' and 'Worst' Colleges EdWeek - Aug 25, 2014 Washington Monthly magazine's just-released Annual College Guide and Ranking this year includes two new lists: one looks at selective colleges that give students in need a price break, and the other identifies what it considers the poorest performing schools....
Her Campus College Rankings 2014 Her Campus - Aug 25, 2014 Here at HC, we’re plugged into what’s going on at colleges across the country. With a team of more than 4,000 students at more than 240 colleges and universities contributing to our site, we’ve got the inside scoop on who’s doing what and where. So with the new school year right around the corner, we thought it only appropriate to stack the schools… Her Campus style. ....
Thoughtful Parenting: SAT vs. ACT: A breakdown Steamboat Today - Aug 24, 2014 One the most frequently asked questions from parents is, Should my student(s) take the SAT or the ACT? What is the difference? Do colleges or universities accept both? What should we be on the lookout for?....
Career & Techincal Education
No easy answers on “career readiness” EdSource - Aug 24, 2014 The “career” piece of “college and career readiness” continues to challenge the state advisory committee that is charged with reworking the primary measure of school effectiveness in California....
Mentors working on work ethics Cortez Journal - Aug 24, 2014 “Parents can only give good advice or put them on the right paths, but the final forming of a person’s character lies in their own hands.” - Anne Frank, Holocaust victim.....
Bill promotes year-round learning programs EdSource - Aug 21, 2014 A bill that gives funding priority to summer programs for students and sets new quality standards for all out-of-school programs has passed the Legislature and is awaiting approval by the governor....
Teen Drinking
Counseling Does Little to Deter Youth Drinking, Review Finds HealthDay - Aug 22, 2014 Counseling may do little to help young people with drinking problems, a large-scale review finds. Researchers analyzed 66 studies that included nearly 18,000 people 25 and younger, many of whom were at high risk for drinking problems.....
MADD issues warning about teen back-to-school drinking, driving CBS-19 - Aug 22, 2014 TYLER (KYTX) - Mother's Against Drunk Driving is issuing a warning to parents and teens about alcohol-related crashes during the back to school season. Nearly 200 children died in texas last year in July and August -- in alcohol related crashes......

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Teen Drinking
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