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About HS CounselorWeek - weekly email
This weekly email searches main media outlets finding stories that may be of interest to high school counselors, college admission officers and related organizations, with links to the original stories. It is published by de facto, inc., publishers of other e-newsletters.

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ARCHIVES Something New - Something Old  

We have been asked more than once to have access to the archives. It sounds easy, but it required some thought on how to make it really useful. We are still working on it but here's what we have so far. Archives you will also see at the end of some of the topic sections a link to the archive for that topic. Let us know what you think. Thanks.

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Big Picture

How Liberal Arts Colleges Can Stop Fueling the “Skills Gap
Harvard Business Review - Feb 4, 2014
HThere is a growing consensus among students, parents and employers that today’s young liberal arts graduates lack the skills needed to succeed in the post-Recession job market. Stories about this skills gap abound, such as the recent New York Times essay “Opening an Employment Door to the Young”...
What's So Bad About Encouraging Students to Be Leaders?
The Atlantic - Feb 2, 2014
Tara Isabella Burton’s recent Atlantic essay “Why Are American Colleges Obsessed with ‘Leadership’?” initially appears to make an appealing, convincing point: that American colleges—or at least their admissions departments—are detrimentally obsessed with a hollow notion of “leadership.” I expected to agree with it entirely, based on the headline alone....
Congressman: Many colleges are misleading students about financial aid requirements
WashingtonPost - Feb 3, 2014
A prominent House Democrat charged Monday that more than 100 colleges and universities, including some in the nation’s capital, are providing students with unclear or potentially misleading information about what forms they must submit to apply for federal financial aid.....
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College Admissions Process/Strategies

Colleges Most Interested in Applicants' Grades, Course Rigor
Education Week - Feb 3, 2014
It's that time of year when students have to select classes for the following year. In conversations with my students, I realize that no matter how stressed they are, their belief in what they can handle the following year is limitless...
On College column: Here's some advice on picking the right courses
San Jose Mercury News - Feb 3, 2014
Just what are admissions officers looking for when they review a college application? The top factors (in order of importance) are students' grades in college-prep courses, the strength of their high school curriculum, ...
What Nonresidents Need to Know About Attending State Universities
The College Solution Blog - Jan 30, 2014
If you have to pay nonresident tuition, are public universities worth the price? I think this is a good time to examine this issue since the Princeton Review just released it’s 2014 best value list of public colleges and universities....
College Admission Mythbusters (Part 1)
Bucks County Courier Times - Feb 3, 2014
Myth #1: An applicant should try to present as “well-rounded” to please admissions committees This myth remains pervasive among nervous applicants and their families. Sadly this misconception usually ends with many applicants entering their admissions interviews dressed in a safari outfit while simultaneously riding a unicycle, playing a didgeridoo...
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College Admissions - Majors

College Admissions: Insider Secrets for Pre-Med Applicants
GoLocalWorcester - Feb 3, 2014
TIf you have to pay nonresident tuition, are public universities worth the price? I think this is a good time to examine this issue since the Princeton Review just released it’s 2014 best value list of public colleges and universities....
The Liberal Arts Major: Would you like fries with that?
True Admissions Blog - Jan 30, 2014
Wherever we speak across the country, we're asked by parents how to find out about outcomes for graduates. They want to know how they can justify a Classics or English or Art major when STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) fields are a sure thing with sizable salaries...
Why Focusing On Your Career In High School Will Pay Dividends Later
Forbes - Feb 3, 2014
Looking back at my career, I’m always thankful that my parents pushing me to get an internship in high school. That single experience has a lot to do with how I got to where I am today....
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The High Cost Of Testing For College - Feb 1, 2014
You think college is expensive? How about the cost of SAT and AP tests? Ben Tonelli, a senior at Garfield High School in Seattle, wrote an opinion piece for The Wall Street Journal complaining about the costs.....
Archives - SATs & ACTs
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HSCW Counselors' Corners
Post - Feb 4, 2014
Ten Things Teachers Can do to Improve the College-Going Culture in Their Building (Leave a Copy of this in the Faculty Room)
1. Understand your school’s college counseling curriculum. It may seem like college counseling is all about “getting in” and finding a way to pay for college, but there’s much more to it. .... More

Mr. President, School Counselors Are This Close to Being Happy(er)
Huffington Post - Feb 3, 2014
Mr. President, it's easy to tell you've been thinking about school counselors, and we really appreciate it. The recent White House summit on college access highlighted how college is becoming more affordable and accessible, and that's good news for both school counselors and the students we serve...


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Top Liberal Arts Colleges Where Accepted Students Usually Enroll
US News - Jan 30, 2014
College is still seen by many as the gateway to living the American dream, but prospective students sometimes don't choose to go or are unable to attend....
Federal College Ratings: Three Modest Steps
Washington Monthly - Jan 31, 2014
Having worked on Capitol Hill, in the White House, and at the Education Department I know how frustrated policy makers can get with higher education’s insistence that taxpayers should just trust that colleges are doing the best job they can and should be left alone.....
Archives - Rankings
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Some parents, educators are rethinking role of AP
Idaho Statesman - Jan 29, 2014
BALTIMORE — If there is one thing Katie Boltz has mastered in high school, it is how to use every minute of her day efficiently. With five Advanced Placement classes, the Dulaney High School senior doesn't text her friends or watch TV so she can focus on homework - but still only manages three or four hours of sleep some nights....
Parent abuse: When kids, teens bully Mom and Dad
SILive - Jan 21, 2014
STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. -- Sean Grover had witnessed the “bullied parent” phenomenon unfold before his very eyes a few years ago. The licensed social worker was leading what had been a calm therapy session with a mother and her teenage son when suddenly....
5 Myths About Teens and Technology Every Parent Should Ignore
Huffington Post - Feb 4, 2014
As the editor of HuffPost Teen, I spend a good part of my day talking to Snapchat-sending, Facebook-hating, selfie-taking, iPhone-obsessed teens that many adults love to judge. I also talk to their parents.....
Archives - Parents
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Financial Aid – Tips from an expert
Charlotte Observer - Feb 3, 2014
I frequently write about financial aid, especially at this time of the year, but I am not a financial aid expert. People have contacted me with financial aid questions ranging from divorce settlements to residency status to the impact severance packages will have on their financial aid forms.y...
6 Financial Aid Application Mistakes to Avoid
Her Campus - Jan 30, 2014
College is expensive (as you’ve probably been told!), so of course financial aid is important. There are several types of aid you can apply for (like grants, loans and scholarships), which may seem intimidating and complicated. Believe us, though; it’s worth it!...
Don't let fear of FAFSA stop you
DC College Admissions Examiner - Feb 2, 2014
Fear of FAFSA is a known, but easily treatable syndrome. Often it begins with math phobia or chronic avoidance of anything related to personal finances. Individuals who have never balanced a checkbook or filed their own taxes are particularly susceptible....
2014 Guide To FAFSA, CSS Profile, College Aid And Expected Family Contribution
Forbes - Jan 31, 2014
This comprehensive guide to college aid, updated for 2014, will help you estimate how much your family will be expected to contribute toward the cost of college, provides links to Forbes ....
Archives - FinAid/Scholarships
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How we teach kids to cheat on tests
Washington Post - Feb 2, 2014
Here is a piece about a cheating scandal in Wisconsin that speaks to a much larger problem about how and why kids cheat on tests. It was written by Vicki Abeles, a filmmaker, attorney and advocate for students and education...
Ghostwriting for Chinese College Applicants
Forbes - Feb 3, 2014
For as many colleges and universities as there are in the Western world, there exists an equivalent number of education consulting agencies in China...
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Cal State leader announces plan to increase graduation rates
SF Gate - Jan 30, 2014
California State University's chancellor announced a $50 million plan to increase graduation rates by hiring more advisers and tenure-track faculty and boosting the number of online courses......
Program guides high school students into higher education
The Spokesman-Review - Jan 28, 2014
Having no money and no role models can make the path from high school to college overwhelming. Navigating financial aid forms, applying to colleges, knowing what university is the best fit and finding scholarships requires a guiding hand.....
Program Encouraging African Americans to Attend College Scheduled for Feb. 16
Bay Area College Admissions Examiner - Jan 28, 2014
Cal State East Bay and the California State University system (CSU) are partnering with 19 African American churches in Northern California for the ninth annual CSU Super Sundays scheduled for Feb. 16. ....
Ballot measure aims to allow college admissions to consider race and gender
Bay Area College Admissions Examiner - Feb 3, 2014
The California senate voted to put a constitutional amendment on the November ballot which would allow colleges to consider race and gender in student admissions. ....
Oregon College Application Week Breaks Record, Helps Students with Post-High School Plans
Bay Area College Admissions Examiner - Feb 3, 2014
results are in: Oregon's College Application Week broke previous records of high school students applying to college, with more than 1,250 students participating in the recent statewide event....

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Teen Dating Violence

'It's Time to Talk Day' for National Teen Dating Violence Month
Newsday - Feb 3, 2014
Parents take note: One in three teens will experience some form of dating abuse. Sadly, as prevalent as it is, three in four parents have never talked to their children about domestic violence....
Online dating dangers for teens
Newsday - Feb 3, 2014
Teen dating websites are turning out to be trouble because where teens gather online, so do the pedophiles and the people who want to harm them. Some kids are putting too much their private information online. ...
Online College Fair - CollegeWeekLive


Big Pic
Teen Drinking



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