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This weekly email searches main media outlets finding stories that may be of interest to high school counselors, college admission officers and related organizations, with links to the original stories. It is published by de facto, inc., publishers of other e-newsletters.
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Why Colleges Should Encourage Students to Transfer The Atlantic - Jun 1, 2014 SANTA MONICA, CALIF.—No community college in the state of California successfully transfers more students into the elite University of California system than Santa Monica College, and it doesn't take much time on this sun-splashed campus to see why....
Why Isn’t it ‘Worth It’ to Make College Cheap Again? Washington Monthly - May 30, 2014 Now, since it’s college graduation time, it’s also the season for the annual “is college worth it” discussion. No one is actually willing to say with a straight face that college isn’t worth it, but some try to talk around it..
How much will Obama’s college rating system cost? A lot. Washington Post - Jun 1, 2014 The Obama administration is developing a college rating (not ranking) system that will be based on criteria yet to be determined but that could include data such as tuition and how much students earn when they graduate and get a job. ..
College Admissions Process/Strategies
College application lessons learned the hard way Charlotte Observer - Jun 2, 2014 My first question to Jacob was: “What do you wish you knew then that you know now?” Jacob, after all, is officially a veteran of the college admissions process. While he is busily preparing for high school graduation, ...
Advice for the B Student The College Solution Blog - Jun 2, 2014 My first question to Jacob was: “What do you wish you knew then that you know now?” Jacob, after all, is officially a veteran of the college admissions process. While he is busily preparing for high school graduation, ...
The College Admissions Story Every Student Should Read The College Solution Blog - Jun 2, 2014 So last week I finished my sophomore year of college. I got a little story to tell.
About two years ago today I was still in the midst of my college process. I was torn in between two schools: my second choice, Goucher College, and fourth, St John's University. Unfortunately Goucher's tuition (even after scholarship) ...
Enhance Summer SAT, ACT Prep With Reading You Enjoy US News - Jun 2, 2014 Summer reading can be a dreaded assignment that students ignore until the first days of school creep close. The reality, however, is that reading consistently starting at the beginning of the summer can help students vastly improve their test scores come ACT and SAT exam time....
4 Strategies to Overcome Test Anxiety Huffington Post - Jun 3, 2014 Nearly all students experience text anxiety at least once in their lives. It is natural to do so when facing the GRE, SAT, or perhaps even a weekly quiz. However, test anxiety can interfere with students' logical reasoning abilities and their memories. It can even result in a serious mental block.....
College Prep for Seniors this Summer! LA College Admissions Examiner - May 29, 2014 Below are some summer tips to help you alleviate worry when your school year begins. Build your Activity Resume or Brag Sheet This should be a rough draft and a work in progress (of your extracurricular activities,...
On College: Summer is the perfect time to start preparing for admission San Jose Mercury News - Jun 2, 2014 Summer is the time to get a jump-start on your college admissions process. There are several steps you can take to make the admissions process as stress-free as possible during the fall. Even though your friends may procrastinate, there is no reason for you to do so....
College Admissions: 6 Last-Minute Summer Ideas for HS Students GoLocalProv College Admissions - Jun 2, 2014 Summer vacation is just around the corner, and many teens still haven’t made plans. While most teens want a job, they can be tough to find. So, here are some other ways to make the most of your summer and impress admissions officers:...
What Every Applicant Should Know About the Common Application Essay Teen Lfe Blog - Jun 2, 2014 To this year’s juniors, who are about to enter the hectic hullabaloo of college applications, here is a current senior’s advice on how to succeed next year. These are the tips I wish I had listened to before applying to college, the ones I wish I had known when I was a rising senior....
| HSCW Counselors' Corners Post - June 6, 2014 Three Easy, Essential Improvements to Your College Counseling Program This is the time of year you love and hate. You love it because at least one student will thank you for something you don’t remember doing, a parent of a senior will send a quick e-mail letting you know how much you’ve done for their child ... More
Report finds school counselors stretched too thin CT Post - Jun 3, 2014 GREENFIELD, Ind. (AP) — High school guidance counselors throughout the county are in the midst of saying goodbye to the class of 2014. While educators hope they're sending graduates off on the right path to their future, the truth is they just don't know for certain.....
Job Fair 2030: Imagining the future careers of the 21st century
DC Higher Education Examiner - Jun 3, 2014 It may not be fair to ask students what they "plan to do" after college. Technological innovation, as well as sociological, environmental and economic changes, significantly alters the professional landscape, eliminating or reducing the need for some jobs (travel agents and bank tellers come to mind) ...
A Parent’s Role in the College Admissions Process Teen Lfe Blog - Jun 4, 2014 Two years ago, a student at the University of Cincinnati won a restraining order against her parents for “stalking” her in college. They had installed spyware on their daughter’s phone and computer...
Parents getting ready for the coming empty nest Tyler Morning Telegraph - Jun 1, 2014 Before I took my oldest daughter off for her first year of college in Boston, a dear friend gave me some sage advice: whatever you do, don’t let her see you cry. ...
Financial Aid/Scholarships
Can Financial Aid Determine Your Fate? Huffington Post - Jun 4, 2014 As the school year comes to an end, high school seniors are saying goodbye to teachers and friends as they prepare for their journey to college. Over the last four years, these students have paid their dues by making the grades, participating in extracurricular and volunteer activities and cramming . ...
Diverse Conversations: Let’s Talk About Financial Aid Diverse Education - Jun 3, 2014 The Washington Post reports that the average college student will graduate with $25,000 in debt. With more than $1 trillion in outstanding loans, student debt outweighs credit card debt and is exempt from bankruptcy protection...
Assemblyman Pushes For Career And Technical Education Diploma Buffalo 2 News - Jun 4, 2014 BUFFALO, N.Y. — Assemblyman Sean Ryan is asking the state legislature to pass a new bill that will allow high schoolers to graduate with a diploma and industry certification. - See more at: http://buffalo.twcnews.com/content/news/743167/assemblyman-pushes-for-career-and-technical-education-diploma/#sthash.1vR7r7wP.dpuf....
Look to the past for Maine universities of the future Bangor Daily News - May 30, 2014 Grappling with the goals and future of a university is nothing new, as former Maine Gov. Joshua Chamberlain made clear in his 1871 inaugural address as the new president of Bowdoin College in Brunswick. As the University of Maine System finds itself in a continual struggle to attract students and revenue....
Teens Summer Jobs
For teens, getting a summer job an important stepping stone Modesto Bee - Jun 4, 2014 The summer job used to be a rite of passage for teens. Are teens still feeling the motivation? Apparently so.
According to the U.S. Department of Labor, from April to July 2013, the number of employed youths 16 to 24 years old increased by 2.1 million to 19.7 million...
Tips for teens to find summer jobs and internships KING-5 - Jun 4, 2014 SEATTLE -- June is a busy month for teens looking for summer jobs and internships as companies look to hire. “It’s better. There’s no question,” said Marlena Sessions with Workforce Development of Seattle - King County. n...

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