About HS CounselorWeek - weekly email
This weekly email searches main media outlets finding stories that may be of interest to high school counselors, college admission officers and related organizations, with links to the original stories. It is published by de facto, inc., publishers of other e-newsletters.
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Free Tuition Is Not the Answer New York Times OpEd - Nov 30, 2015 THESE days, politicians on both the left and the right are very critical of higher education, especially the cost of attending college and the related debt that students and their families incur. But there is more to college affordability than lower prices....
College Admissions Process/Strategies
Applying to college? Don't make these 7 common mistakes NBC News - Today Show - Nov 30, 2015 The college application process notoriously strikes fear into the hearts of high school students and their parents each fall, but does it have to? Sara Harberson, college admissions counselor at The Baldwin School in Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania, says no....
The go-to websites for the college search Washington Post - Dec 2, 2015 It’s that time of year when glossy college pamphlets litter dinning room tables, teenagers labor over personal essays, and parents wonder whether any 17-year-old is truly capable of selecting a school that could set their path toward adulthood....
Colleges that Charge Students the Most to Apply US News - Dec 1, 2015 College costs can start accruing long before freshmen enroll in their first course. Some universities charge hefty application fees to students vying for admission, according to data submitted to U.S. News in the spring of 2015...
Great colleges with NO application fees DC College Admissions Examiner - Dec 2, 2015 As many families are finding out, applying to college can be an expensive proposition—never mind US News and Money, the average cost hovers somewhere around $41 to $42 apiece. And given the selectivity of some schools, it sometimes feels as if these fees have become a form of fundraising..
6 Facts for High School Students, Parents on Spring College Admissions US News - Nov 30, 2015 Not all college freshmen begin school in the fall. Some students may elect to pursue spring admissions, while others may be asked to defer entry by their college or university. If you find yourself in this position, there are several unique considerations that you and your family should take into account.....
Innovative colleges offer unusual application options The Acorn - Nov 25, 2015 At last month’s National Association for College Admission Counseling conference I attended a session where admissions officers from several colleges talked about new approaches they are using in applications...
College Admissions: Early Application Numbers GoLocalProv College Admissions - Nov 30, 2015 The first round of Early Decision and Early Action deadlines has come and gone as students wait anxiously for returns. Most colleges are still tallying the numbers, but a few of the Ivy League have released early statistic..
10 Colleges Where Early Applicants Get the Biggest Boost US News - Nov 24, 2015 Applying to college through early decision or early action can help students gain admission to their favorite school. But not all schools offer these programs. In fact, just about one-fifth of universities offer early decision and nearly one-third offer early action..
Letters of Recommendation
How to Secure Teacher Recommendations for Your College Applications TIME - Nov 30, 2015 Letters of recommendation can be a very powerful component of your college application. Your GPA and test scores are just numbers, and your essays are necessarily self-serving, but recommendations can show what others find admirable in you. Follow these tips to receive the best possible letters from your teachers and other mentors:...
The letter of recommendation I’ll never forget Salon - Nov 28, 2015 If there’s a “High School Teachers’ Most Thankless Tasks” list out there, then “writing college recommendation letters” has to be near the top. It has nothing to do with the students, most of whom do thank me, with notes or Starbucks gift cards or trays of homemade cookies...
Countdown to College: Top 10 tips to avoid interview blunders Charlotte Observer - Nov 30, 2015 Students being interviewed either by alumni representatives, scholarship committees or an admissions office need to walk a very fine line between being prepared and being rehearsed. Good news: While acing your interview can sometimes seal the deal, flubbing the interview is rarely the reason for a rejection...
| HSCW Counselors' Corners Post - Dec 3, 2015 Before You Yell at your School Counselor You've worked so hard to schedule, prepare, and nudge your high school senior to apply to college on time. You shared that small thrill when they hit Submit with time to spare, and you thought you were all set. More
Next Gen High Schools Need Next Gen College Counseling Ed Central - Dec 1, 2015 Earlier this November, education leaders and innovators met at the White House to share transformative approaches to high school education. This work was celebrated as part of the President’s Next Gen High Schools effort, a grant-funded program borne out of the urgent need to prepare all students...
I'm a College Admissions Consultant, and I Tell My Students to Get Bs Huffington Post - Nov 30, 2015 I live in the San Francisco Bay Area, where local education was most recently thrust into the spotlight by Hanna Rosin's Atlantic cover story "The Silicon Valley Suicides." It is a sad piece about overworked and overstressed Palo Alto teenagers, who become lost and hollowed-out by the intense competition in elite region...
Study: 40 Percent of Young Adults Receive Financial Help From Parents Inside Higher Ed - Dec 1, 2015 Students who attend four-year institutions and are from high socioeconomic backgrounds are more likely to rely on financial help from their parents than those who did not attend college or those from less affluent backgrounds, according to a new study published in the journal Social Currents.....
For Dyslexic Test-Takers, the New SAT Is Even Worse Education News by Noodle - Nov 25, 2015 Advance reviews of the revised SAT are in — and things don’t look good for some students. The New York Times recently published an article that offered an early glimpse of the upcoming changes. With Common Core-inspired, evidence-based reading and writing sections and the elimination of penalties for guessing,....
Changes to ACT Require More Studying for Better Scores KFYR-TV - Nov 25, 2015 If you're planning on going to college next year or if you're the parent of a high school senior, you'll want to know about new changes to the ACT test. For some the score they receive can be the difference between getting into their dream school and even getting scholarships...
Power of impressive SAT scores goes beyond college MyCentralJersey - Nov 27, 2015 Jeff Bezos, the billionaire founder and CEO of Amazon, is one of the most famous advocates of using SAT scores in the hiring process. “Hiring only the best and brightest was key to Amazon’s success,” claimed Bezos, who himself scored highly on standardized tests from the time he was a young child.....
Caution Urged For States Using College-Entrance Exams for Accountability EdWeek (registration required) - Dec 1, 2015 You might have heard that some states are choosing to use a college-entrance exam instead of an end-of-year or end-of-course test in high school. This is one of the major trends—with a potentially big impact—identified in a new report about the changing assessment landscape.....
Pathway to College: Step-by-step guide to financial aid Pocono Record - Nov 25, 2015 For most parents of college-bound students there is one acronym around this time of year that scares them: FAFSA. The Free Application for Federal Student Aid process can make any parent or student want to curl up in the fetal position and cry.....
College Scholarships That Don't Require Good Grades US News - Nov 26, 2015 Contrary to popular belief, you don't need to be a straight-A student to win a college scholarship. While the number of financial awards you're eligible for certainly expands if you have a 4.0 GPA, there's no hard and fast rule that limits scholarships to valedictorians....
CTE degrees boost earnings gains, study finds eCampus News - Dec 1, 2015 Students who earn degrees in Career Technical Education (CTE) programs at California community colleges see an earnings increase of approximately 25 percent, according to a new policy brief from a team at the Center for Poverty Research at the University of California, Davis....
6 lucrative jobs you can get with an associate degree USA Today - Nov 30, 2015 Although this generation of students is often taught that a four-year degree is the gold standard for career success, for many lucrative and stable jobs, the path happens to be just two years long. ...
More Tennessee students college bound Lebanon Democrat - Dec 1, 2015 College students across Tennessee are relishing a break this week because of the holiday, and this year there are more of them, thanks in part to the state’s new Tennessee Promise program....
As Texas Grows, More Languages are Spoken at Hom Texas Tribune - Nov 26, 2015 Immigrants from all over the world — China, Russia, India, Italy, Venezuela — gathered at the First United Methodist Church in downtown Austin on a recent Monday with a shared goal: learning English. ...
Teen Dating
Why high school students don’t intervene to stop dating violence Washington Post - Dec 1, 2015 Students who earn degrees in Career Technical Education (CTE) programs at California community colleges see an earnings increase of approximately 25 percent, according to a new policy brief from a team at the Center for Poverty Research at the University of California, Davis....

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