About HS CounselorWeek - weekly email
This weekly email searches main media outlets finding stories that may be of interest to high school counselors, college admission officers and related organizations, with links to the original stories. It is published by de facto, inc., publishers of other e-newsletters.
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Study: Finishing College a Growing Divide Between Rich, Poor ABC News - Feb 3, 2015 There is a growing divide between who earns a bachelor's degree by age 24, with the gap between the nation's richest and poorest students doubling during the last four decades, according to a report released Tuesday....
 | The True Costs Of Community College NPR.org - Jan 30, 2015 On the first day of spring semester at Berkeley City College in Berkeley, Calif., hundreds of students rush to print out their schedules and find their next class. But some have to stand in line at the financial aid office.....
US Colleges Seek Economic Diversity in Students From China ABC News - Jan 29, 2015 Widely regarded overseas as places only for children of the rich and powerful, top American universities like Yale and Harvard are increasing efforts to attract the best international students, regardless of their financial backgrounds...
The Activity Gap The Atlantic - Jan 30, 2015 Access to after-school programs is growing more unequal, and that's pushing disadvantaged kids further behind....
College Admissions Process/Strategies
4 Reasons High Schoolers Should Build Strong Teacher Relationships US News - Feb 2, 2015 An anonymous newsletter and website at Stanford, "Fountain Hopper," has pulled together a five-step process for students to gain access to all their admissions records, including comments written by the admissions officers, under the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).....
Who benefits from new college admission deadline tactic Long Island College Prep Examiner - Feb 3, 2015 A new college tactic entered the admission process this year to the surprise of counselors, parents and their college-bound teens. About a dozen top schools offered to extend their January application deadlines and not because of emergencies, storms, website failures...
COLLEGE COUNSELOR: Want To Know Why You Were Accepted? Gazettes - Jan 31, 2015 An anonymous newsletter and website at Stanford, "Fountain Hopper," has pulled together a five-step process for students to gain access to all their admissions records, including comments written by the admissions officers, under the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).....
College Admissions: The 5 Biggest Campus Visit Mistakes GoLocalProv College Admissions - Feb 2, 2015 With February and March school vacations around the corner, families are busy planning college visits. If you have a junior in high school, now is the time to get on the road! F...
10 Things to Do on a College Trip TeenLife Blog - Jan 30, 2015 “Why Tufts, Harvard, UConn or any other college?” Junior year is usually a busy time as students and their parents plan college visits. Seeing a school can help narrow a student’s top choices and ultimately, provide information....
| HSCW Counselors' Corners Post - Feb 4, 2015 Why You Should Celebrate National School Counseling Week It just figures that National School Counseling Week starts the day after the Super Bowl.
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Michelle Obama: Counselors build the bridge to college ABC News - Jan 30, 2015 Widely regarded overseas as places only for children of the rich and powerful, top American universities like Yale and Harvard are increasing efforts to attract the best international students, regardless of their financial backgrounds...
 | School Counselors Tell All Good4Utah - Feb 3, 2015 5 Things School Counselors Want Parents to Know: 1. Teach your kids how to study: How many of you ask you kids if they have homework? There is always something they can read, study and prepare for....
 | Is Your First Grader College Ready? New York Times - Sunday Magazine - Feb 8, 2015 What is college? To Madison Comer, a confident 6-year-old, it is a very big place. “It’s tall,” she explained, outlining the head of Tuffy, the North Carolina State mascot, with a gray crayon. “It’s like high school but it’s higher.”. ....
Every Teenager Should Be Required to Work a Grubby Job TIME - Jan 30, 2015 There’s been a lot of talk about Wonder Bread bags since Joni Ernst’s State of the Union response. (Consensus among my colleagues, regardless of party, is that we wore them too, but over our socks and under our boots. Exterior bags must be an Iowa thing.) Less attention has been given to her part-time teenage job making biscuits at Hardee’s. ....
This Is How LinkedIn Can Help You Pick the Right College For Your Kids Yahoo News - Feb 2, 2015 The other day I asked my daughter, for perhaps the thousandth time, what she wants to be when she grows up. Usually the answer is, “veterinarian.” Sometimes she says “lawyer.” Other times it’s musician or chef. And why not? She writes songs and is a talented cook.. ....
College & career tip of the month: time-line of the tests golackawanna - Jan 31, 2015 The colleges that require SAT subject tests are some of the most selective in the country. As a result, the students who take subject tests tend to be stronger than the much larger group of students taking the regular SAT...
Student Athletes
Athletic recruitment 101: Be realistic Charlotte Observer - Feb 2, 2015 Hey Hollywood, how about a new television show called, “So You Think You Can Be A Professional Athlete?” The stats aren’t encouraging..
College coaches learn about student-athletes from social media Martinsburg Journal - Jan 31, 2015 While high school student-athletes are learning to use social media as a tool to get more attention from college coaches, college coaches are in the same boat. They're learning how to best use social media and how to best handle their athletes' social media choices...
Fight FAFSA phobia DC College Admissions Examiner - Feb 4, 2015 Paying for college is obviously expensive for middle-class families, just like it is for everyone who doesn't have thousands of free dollars to throw around each year...
Understanding financial aid packages Tyler Paper - Feb 2, 2015 So it’s critical to carefully review the financial aid package being offered by any school that accepts your student. This offer spells out how much money you will need to come up with in order to pay for one full academic yea...
One FAFSA Tip That Will Net More Financial Aid Forbes - Jan 30, 2015 Since I recently finished the FAFSA for my oldest daughter, who will be entering college in the fall, I did a deep dive on how to fill out this form for financial aid qualification....
 | Economists Say Millennials Should Consider Careers In Trades NPR.org - Feb 2, 2015 As the economy continues to recover, economists are seeing stark differences between people with high school and college degrees. The unemployment rate is nearly twice as high for Americans with a high school diploma as for those with a four-year college degree or more....
Higher education funding squeezes community colleges Stardem - Feb 2, 2015 ANNAPOLIS — A provision in a state statute guarantees that each of Maryland’s community colleges receives no less than it did the prior year, but Gov. Larry Hogan’s proposed budget for the 2016 fiscal year includes plans to reverse that....
Teen Depression

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