This weekly email searches main media outlets finding stories that may be of interest to high school counselors, college admission officers and related organizations, with links to the original stories. It is published by de facto, inc., publishers of other e-newsletters.
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Big Picture
The Promise and Failure of Community Colleges New York Times - Feb 18, 2015 There are two critical things to know about community colleges. The first is that they could be the nation’s most powerful tools to improve the opportunities of less privileged Americans,. ....
The Skills Gap: America's Young Workers Are Lagging Behind The Atlantic - Feb 17, 2015 Young American workers today are more educated than ever before, but the nation’s largest generation is losing its edge against the least and most educated of other countries, according to a provocative new report.....
College Admissions Process/Strategies
9 college prep insights from Freshmen Survey Part 2 Long Island College Prep Examiner - Feb 17, 2015 The key for parents, counselors and colleges to help students better plan for college and beyond may be found in a survey released last week. The findings in nine key areas can also help the college-bound develop more accurate expectations for their college experience....
3 Questions When Choosing a College Huffington Post - Feb 14, 2015 Are you stressed out over where to go to college? Congratulations! It probably means you're taking this whole thing seriously. My goal as a counselor and teacher who writes about this stuff--and has lived through it...
More high school seniors taking early admissions to college Los Angeles Times - Feb 18, 2015 While most of her classmates at Arleta High School anxiously await word on their college applications next month, Unique De La Torre has been a portrait of calm since she was accepted in December to a private New York university....
The pros of a spring break campus visit Tyler Paper - Feb 16, 2015 The formal campus visit is an important part of the college application process. I always advise juniors and rising seniors to visit at least their top two or three choices to get a clearer idea of whether a school that looks great on paper is actually a good fit for them in reality.:...
Gap Year
College Admissions: 3 Reasons To Take a Gap Year GoLocalProv College Admissions - Feb 16, 2015 For more than a decade, taking a “Gap Year†between high school and college has been a popular option for European students. The time allows young adults to travel, explore their interests, mature and rejuvenate before attending college. Now, the idea is spreading in the US...
When to Take the SAT New York Times - Education Life - Feb 8, 2015 During morning announcements, loudspeakers blare out SAT words and definitions at all elementary and middle schools in the Malverne, N.Y., school district. ....
Use January SAT results to prepare for May exam NY Test Prep Examiner - Feb 13, 2015 Juniors who have taken the January SAT are just getting their results back now and many are no doubt hoping that they won''t have to take the test ever again. But unless you are the rare student who's already scoring in the mid-700's in every section,,.....
Deciphering Misleading Financial Aid Letters The College Solution Blog - Feb 17, 2015 Financial aid awards are often confusing. I believe many colleges and universities intentionally make financial aid awards hard to decipher to trick families into thinking that their institutions are being generous even when they aren’t....
Making the most out of financial aid San Jose Mercury News - Feb 17, 2015 Many families overestimate the amount of financial aid they expect to receive or they don't anticipate loans being a part of the overall financial aid award.....
5 Myths About College Financial Aid Morningstar - Feb 17, 2015 We look at the facts regarding why even students from wealthy families should fill out the FAFSA, the (remote) odds of getting a full-ride scholarship, and more......
The Great Scholarship Hunt: How to Save $40K on College Huffington Post - Feb 17, 2015 "There are tons of college scholarships out there. You just have to find them." I've heard this mantra more times than I can count -- and as a former high school English teacher, I used to repeat it sagely to scores of 11th-graders...
Where Career Tech Meets STEM Education Middle Web Blog - Feb 15, 2015 When writing about technology – the T in STEM – I’ve yet to mention Career and Technical Education (CTE), and some of my savvy readers have pointed that out......
3 fabulous summer resources—and they’re FREE
DC College Admissions Examiner - Feb 18, 2015 Summer can’t come soon enough for the millions of families frozen in place by record-breaking cold and mountains of snow left during the historic “Winter of 2015.â€..
Ohio Counselor Evaluation System (OCES) In The Works Plunderbund - Feb 13, 2015 Deep in Governor Kasich’s budget bill (House Bill 64) on page 924 we can find language requiring the creation of an evaluation system that will cover all of Ohio’s school counselors (Ohio Counselor Evaluation System?; OCES?).....
Rothwell: Higher ed leverages Michigan’s growth Detroit News - Feb 13, 2015 The evidence is clear — higher educational attainment translates into more jobs and higher incomes. The salaries of Michiganians significantly improve for those that obtain more than a high school education.....
Michigan governor pushes blue-collar jobs Detroit News - Feb 17, 2015 Watertown Township, Mich. — Only a few short years ago, Michigan leaders talked excitedly about diversifying the state's economy beyond the auto industry, envisioning a Silicon Valley-style workforce that would be less dependent on manufacturing and more invested in technology and green energy.....
South Dakota's blue-collar crisis Argus Leader - Feb 14, 2015 Jacob Giebink has a dream; Scott Rysdon, a gnawing frustration. Giebink, a senior at Washington High School, wants to be a welder some day, maybe here in South Dakota.l......
Teen Dating
New York launches social media campaign against teen dating violence Newsday - Feb 14, 2015 ALBANY, N.Y. - New York state has started a new social media campaign against teen dating violence. The campaign includes a four-minute video featuring students from Lansingburgh High School in Troy encouraging bystanders to speak up when they see someone treated inappropriately......

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Gap Year
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