About HS CounselorWeek - weekly email
This weekly email searches main media outlets finding stories that may be of interest to high school counselors, college admission officers and related organizations, with links to the original stories. It is published by de facto, inc., publishers of other e-newsletters.
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The Growing College-Degree Wealth Gap The Atlantic - Apr 25, 2016 The nation’s colleges continue to graduate far fewer students who grew up in poor households. With the country’s economic potential possibly hanging in the balance, a new report urges the United States to dedicate more resources and know-how to closing the college-completion gap between wealthier students and those from low-income backgrounds.....
Designing Next-Generation Universities Inside Higher Ed - Apr 19, 2016 Predicting the future is a fool’s errand. But that shouldn’t keep us from trying to imagine what lies ahead. After all, it is often an inspiring vision of the future that drives change. There has been much recent talk about the future of residential universities. ....
Finding the Right College New York Times - Apr 24, 2016 Readers discuss how to make college admissions less stressful and ensure a good match. To the Editor: I read with interest your April 12 article about college selectivity and the increased pressure to apply to lots of very selective schools (“Common Application Saturates the College Admission Market, Critics Say,” nytimes.com)....
College Admissions Process/Strategies
Digging Deeper When Researching Colleges The College Solution Blog - Apr 25, 2016 When researching colleges, many families gravitate to what they call “great schools” without having any idea of whether these institutions merit their reputations. In reality, no college or university is a monolithic entity that is uniformly excellent, average or mediocre..
College Admissions 101: Determining a College List Huffington Post - Apr 26, 2016 Many students and parents worry about a college major or the essays, but the first major step is really the college list. The college list is a list of schools that a student chooses to apply to...
Making the final decision on college choice Charlotte Observer - Apr 24, 2016 For some students it’s super-easy; no pros/cons chart, they just know where they want to go and are happy they were accepted. But for others, it’s a dilemma....
Think through all pros, cons of college choices Poughkeepsie Journal - Apr 26, 2016 Congratulations to all who have worked hard and have been admitted to college for next fall or spring! If you’ve received multiple offers, you’re in an enviable position because you get to choose where you’ll enroll. ..
5 Last-Minute Tips for Choosing a College You Can Afford TIME - Apr 24, 2016 Before you make your final decision, be sure you know what you're getting into financially. For many students, a “dream college” is also an expensive one. But funding that dream with debt can lead to a severe case of buyer’s remorse after you leave school and have to start making payments...
6 Things to Think About When Choosing a College Her Campus - Apr 25, 2016 The college application process is hard, but sometimes the decision process can be even harder! While it’s nice to know you’ve been accepted to a few of your top schools, it can also put a lot of pressure on you when making your decision.....
Gap Year
Wait Listed
| HSCW Counselors' Corners Post - Apr 28, 2016 Odds and Ends at the End of College Season May 1st is the date many colleges ask students to submit an enrollment deposit, so it’s largely seen as the end of the college application season. Since May 1st is a Sunday, it’s being extended by one day ... More
Positive Impact of School Counselors on Our Students Huffington Post - Apr 26, 2016 Our school district sent out a survey recently about school counselors. It asked questions about parents’ and students’ experiences with their school counselors in an effort to improve their services and systems...
The 7 Words That Can Break A Parent’s Heart Huffington Post - Apr 26, 2016 When my oldest child left home for college the morning of August 29, 2013, I truly understood for the first time the emotions of my older friends who’d talked ad nauseam about the anguish they’d endured at that moment...
How To Get The Best-Possible Deal From Public Colleges Forbes - Apr 27, 2016 I talk to parents every week about how they are trying to get their children through college without incurring debt. It’s not easy, but many families will do whatever it takes to get a debt-free degree...
If you think these ‘elite’ summer programs will get your kid into college, guess again Washington Post - Apr 24, 2016 Getting into a well-regarded college is an obsession with many parents. They develop their own ideas of what admissions offices are looking for and try to “enhance” their child’s résumé by pushing them into summer programs that they believe are so prestigious that participation will give their kids a leg up on the competition....
Mastering Math for the new SAT NY Test Prep Examiner - Apr 24, 2016 With the introduction of the redesigned test this year, SAT math has changed tremendously, and most students agree that it is significantly more difficult overall. Yes, the error penalty is gone and you only have to choose from four answer choices ...
Manage Time Wisely on the ACT Writing Test US News - Apr 25, 2016 Time management can be challenging for students taking the optional ACT writing test. Rather than asking an open-ended question or for an opinion on a particular statement, ...
When and How to Appeal a Financial Aid Award NeedWallet - Apr 26, 2016 Your latest financial aid award letter arrives, and you tear it open, eager to find out how much money you’re getting — but you’re met with disappointment.....
7 Tips for Reading College Financial Aid Letters Parade - Apr 22, 2016 This time last year my daughter Annie was fielding a number of college acceptance letters while her father and I were crunching the numbers as we made our way through financial aid offers. Some of them were quite generous, with one college, in essence, offering Annie a 60 percent discount. .....
Understanding college financial aid New Jersey 101.5 FM Radio - Apr 21, 2016 Q. I have grandchildren who will be entering college in the fall and I would like to be educated so I might be able to help them. What is the step-by-step process for applying for financial aid, asking for more aid after the initial offer and if needed, applying for loans?....
Career and Technical Education
Career education making a comeback in US high schools Colorado Springs Gazette - Apr 27, 2016 ANTIOCH, Calif. (AP) - There was an emergency in Room 14. Three girls injured, one with a broken thighbone and maybe something more serious. Snapping on sterile gloves and kneeling before the worst-off patient, two 17-year-olds went to work....
Teen Depression and Suicide

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