About HS CounselorWeek - weekly email
This weekly email searches main media outlets finding stories that may be of interest to high school counselors, college admission officers and related organizations, with links to the original stories. It is published by de facto, inc., publishers of other e-newsletters.
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Big Picture
Remedial classes have become a hidden cost of college Washington Post - Apr 6, 2016 One in four students have to enroll in remedial classes their first year of college, costing their families nearly $1.5 billion, according to a study released Wednesday by Education Reform Now, a think tank.....
Taking High School Courses In College Costs Students And Families Nearly $1.5 Billion WBUR.org - Apr 6, 2016 When Andrea Diaz was applying to colleges, she got good news and bad news. The good news was that American University, a private four-year university in Washington, D.C., wanted her. The bad news was that it required her to come to campus early to take two summer developmental-level courses in math and English.....
College Admissions Process/Strategies
A college-admissions edge for the wealthy: Early decision Washington Post - Mar 31, 2016 Many of the nation’s top colleges draw more than 40 percent of their incoming freshmen through an early-application system that favors the wealthy, luring students to commit to enroll if they get in and shutting out those who want the chance to compare offers of grants and scholarships....
Campus Visits/Interviews/Fairs
Colleges Aren’t All the Same, but You Wouldn’t Know it From the Campus Tour Huffington Post - Apr 1, 2016 It’s that time of year when high school students and their parents are visiting college campuses. This year, I’ve been on my second go-round, visiting colleges as both a parent and a university administrator. Time and time again, after reading the brochures, listening to the information sessions, ....
Gap Year
Why Your High School Graduate May Want To Take A Gap Year Huffington Post - Apr 6, 2016 When my oldest child set off to college a few years back, I couldn’t have been more excited for him. But after two semesters at a large $60,000-a-year university in Boston, he announced he didn’t want to go back.....
Don’t Send Your Kids to College. At Least Not Yet. New York Times - Apr 5, 2016 In the past few weeks, anxious high school seniors across the country have received admissions decisions from colleges. Some might feel like they’ve won the lottery; others have dashed hopes and diminished confidence.....
Is a Trophy School Worth the Price? The College Solution Blog - Apr 06, 2016 What Families Do When the Price Is Too High. With little or no financial assistance, I often see parents contemplating one of these four options for institutions perceived as trophy schools:....
The Truth About Admission Decisions: What to Do Next Huffington Post - Apr 06, 2016 It’s the time of year that high school seniors have been waiting months for — college admission decisions are out! For some, the news is good. For others — no so much. No matter what decision you get from your top-choice college, there are a couple of things you need to do next....
This Is How to Appeal a College Rejection Letter Teen Vogue - Apr 01, 2016 The process of applying to colleges is one usually fraught with stress, anxiety, and emotions, especially if you receive a denial from your dream school. But what many applicants don’t know is that rejection may not necessarily be set in stone.....
You Got Rejected From Your Dream School: Now What? Her Campus - Apr 01, 2016 Rejection is never fun—particularly when the college you’ve been rejected by has been your dream school for years. But as tired as you probably are of hearing it—and really, who can blame you?—the truth is, everything does happen for a reason.....
Wait Listed
What to do if you’re waitlisted from your dream college Boston.com - Apr 06, 2016 When it comes to college admissions, there’s the “yes,” the answer that’s filled with congratulatory, “we can’t wait to have you” Snapchats and big packets overflowing with information for the upcoming school year. ....
The wait list—is it worth it? DC College Admissions Examiner - Apr 6, 2016 For the admissions office, it’s a kind of pressure relief valve—useful for controlling the flow of students admitted to the institution. But for the applicant who has waited six long months for a decision, the wait list feels like a one-way ticket to nowhere....
Wait-list Fundamentals Charlotte Observer - Apr 04, 2016 The wait-list, commonly referred to as “admissions purgatory” is that ugly and uncomfortable gray area – they didn’t like you enough to accept you and they didn’t hate you enough to reject you.....
Getting Past A College Rejection Forbes - Apr 4, 2016 If anyone knows about rejection, it’s actors. Whether they’re in theater, opera or film, neighborhood playhouses, La Scala or Batman v Superman, they’ve experienced over and over the pain of being told “no” by producers and directors. It’s not a disembodied rejection, either....
| HSCW Counselors' Corners Post - Apr 7, 2016 SAT/ACT Testing for Students Not Going to College Spring testing is upon us, and this year’s round of tests brings new challenges, since many states are including the ACT or SAT in their battery of school-wide assessments for the first time ... More
3 Things School Counselors Want You to Know About Their Jobs New York Times - Well Blog - Apr 6, 2016 I’ve spent a great deal of time this year meeting and talking with school counselors, and I can attest that they have a lot of wisdom to share about how to keep students healthy, happy and successful....
Counselors Versus Cops The Atlantic - Apr 4, 2016 Many of America’s biggest school districts have prioritized security officers over counselors. In Houston, that means there’s only one counselor for every 1,175 students....
Let College Tuition Cut Your Tax Bill TIME - Apr 4, 2016 The tax code offers several tax breaks that can cut tax bills for parents and students. They include the American Opportunity Tax Credit, the Lifetime Learning Credit, and the tuition and fees deduction. ..
Beware colleges where SATs are now optional Chicago Tribune - Mar 31, 2016 A reader writes: "My counselor told me that many colleges are dropping the SAT and ACT and becoming test optional. She pointed out even Stanford does not require tests beyond the SAT or ACT. While Stanford now recommends submitting SAT Subject tests, they are no longer required."..
Students React to New SAT College Entrance Exam VOA - Apr 6, 2016 The new SAT college entrance exam has arrived. In March, hundreds of thousands of high school students took the redesigned test. The exam is getting some positive reviews from some early test-takers....
4 Important Facts for Parents, Students About the PreACT US News - Apr 4, 2016 High schoolers will soon have another way to prepare for the ACT: the PreACT. The PreACT, announced last month, will primarily serve as a practice test for the ACT college entrance exam, and is geared toward 10th-graders, says Paul Weeks, senior vice president for client relations at ACT, the organization behind the two exams...
What To Do When Your College Financial Aid Offer Stinks TeenLife Blog - Apr 6, 2016 You know that unless the financial aid package offers substantial aid, your family won’t be able to afford the tuition. Your daughter is accepted to her dream college but when the award arrives, it’s nothing close to what you need to make this a wise financial decision.r ...
7 Financial Aid Appeal Tactics To Improve Your Child's College Aid Award Forbes - Mar 31, 2016 Millions of mailboxes nationwide this week contained letters of acceptance and denials of admission to the colleges high school seniors applied to, yet for parents the most dramatic moment is when your child opens the thick envelope (meaning he or she got in) and you get a look at the financial aid offer ...
5 things you need to know about your financial aid offers USA Today - College - Apr 1, 2016 You’ve done all the hard work assembling your college list, sending out your applications and then waiting for your acceptance letters. Next up you will begin to receive financial aid packages from the colleges where you were — these typically arrive after April 1. ...
Why Upperclassmen Lose Financial Aid New York Times - Apr 6, 2016 A few weeks before Ashley Hurst was supposed to commit to college, an email arrived that she thought would change her life. An honors graduate from a magnet high school, ...
Career and Technical Education
State Chiefs Asked to Focus on Workforce Skill US News - Apr 4, 2016 As states begin taking advantage of their newfound flexibility in the federal education law by reimaging their accountability systems, they must incorporate ways to assess workforce readiness and eliminate the stigma of technical and vocational education....
Student Athletes
Recruiting Column: Parents' perspective USA Today HSS - Apr 1, 2016 This isn’t something they would ever claim so I will just say it for them… Jamie and Kathy Elliott know a thing or two about the college recruiting process. As parents of two NCAA Division I baseball players,...
Helping Michigan students make better college and career decisions hometownlife - Apr 3, 2016 What are the 10 fastest growing careers in Michigan? How well do they pay? How many of them don’t require a four-year college degree? If they do require a four-year degree, how can students gain admission to the college offering these degrees?...
College students feel MnSCU budget squeeze Minnesota Public Radio - Apr 6, 2016 When Michael Houlihan narrowed his choices for college, Eastern Illinois University and Illinois State University made the short list...
Sponsored ContentIt's Not Too Late for Summer Enrichment
Summer is right around the corner! It's a great time for students to discover and develop new interests, prepare for college, and explore new cultures and ideas. The good news is, it's not too late to find something meaningful for them to do this summer. Some of the best summer programs in your region still have available spots. Feel free to share this list of summer programs in the Midwest with students and parents. ....
Teen Drinking

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Gap Year
Wait List
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