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About HS CounselorWeek - weekly email
This weekly email searches main media outlets finding stories that may be of interest to high school counselors, college admission officers and related organizations, with links to the original stories. It is published by de facto, inc., publishers of other e-newsletters.

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Big Picture

Has college financial aid totally backfired?
MarketWatch  - Feb 8, 2016
It’s pretty clear that college tuition has been going up over the past several decades, and there are many theories as to why. A new study offers more evidence to an already-heated debate......
Volunteer ‘Pushy Moms’ help community college students transfer to four-year schools
Hechinger Report  - Feb 8, 2016
W YORK — On a rainy December afternoon, Eren Ozsar sat hunched over his laptop in a crowded Starbucks on the Upper East Side. He peered intently at the screen as he clicked through the admissions office site for Columbia University’s School of General Studies......
Study Explores How Black Men Find Success in College
ABC News  - Feb 7, 2016
James Wanda, a senior at Pennsylvania's Lafayette College and one of two black computer science majors in his class, says at times he has felt pressure to succeed not just for himself, but for his entire race.....
This government group wants to crack down on college financial aid cheats
MarketWatch  - Feb 9, 2016
WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) —The government is getting more aggressive in trying to prevent companies from cheating students and taxpayers out of financial aid dollars......
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College Admissions Process/Strategies

Video Chat Your Way Into College: How Tech Is Changing The Admissions Process
Charlotte Observer  - Feb 10, 2016
Before he arrived in Omaha as a doctoral student in computer science, Jason Jie Xiong says, "I didn't even know there was a state called Nebraska."....
Big potential changes for college admissions?
Charlotte Observer  - Feb 8, 2016
There’s been a lot of chatter about the recent study entitled “Turning the Tide: Inspiring Concern for Others and the Common Good through College Admissions” released by the Harvard Graduate School of Education. The study proposed sweeping changes to the college admissions process with three major recommendations:......
10 Ways To Make The College Application Process Less Painful, More Successful
Forbes  - Feb 9, 2016
It’s February and high school juniors everywhere are getting ready to start the college admission process in earnest. Up to this point, most of them have probably done relatively little in-depth thinking, either about college or their post-high school selves;...
Former Yale admissions officer reveals secrets of who gets in
NY Post  - Feb 7, 2016
Working as a gatekeeper at Yale gave me lasting insight into the formation of the American elite. My colleagues and I were sent to scour the country looking for the best and the brightest young minds. ....
Concerning College Column: how to select a school once you are accepted
The Sun Current  - Feb 4, 2016
Like many good students, you’ve received favorable responses from a handful of colleges, all of which you can see yourself attending. Having several options to choose from is a nice problem to have, but narrowing the choice down to one may not be easy. How do you decide? ....
Five tips on college admissions
NC Advertiser  - Feb 4, 2016
Last week’s panel discussion on college admissions, Realities of the Process, held at The Hub, presented students and parents with an overview of the college admissions process and left the nearly 90 high school students and their parents who attended with some concrete take-aways....
Deferred: when an early application remains undecided
SF College Admissions Examiner  - Feb 7, 2016
There is good news and bad news about being deferred by an Early Action/Decision college. The good news is that the door to that school has been left slightly ajar - there is still hope. The bad news is that the door is only slightly open, and that the hope is tenuous....
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Social Media

Using Social Media During Admissions Process
GoLocalProv College Admissions  - Feb 8, 2016
According to a 2015 survey, recently by Kaplan Test Prep, 40% of college admissions officers say that they check the social media accounts of applicants during the admissions process. In a 2013 report, 35% of admissions reps said they reviewed something on these sites that negatively affected a student’s...
Why many kids are leaving social networks
The Christian Science Monitor  - Feb 4, 2016
When my digital media students are sitting, waiting for class to start, and staring at their phones, they are not checking Facebook. They’re not checking Instagram, or Pinterest, or Twitter. No,...
Archives - Social Media
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HSCW Counselors' Corners
Post - Feb 11, 2016
Changes in College Applications Become Clearer
It sure was nice having that dizzy feeling of being the center of attention during National School Counseling Week, especially since it was a nice change of pace from the dizzy feeling school counselors get just trying to do their jobs every day—or keeping up with the changes in their jobs... More

What is your Motto? College Admission and Identity
ACCIS Blog - Feb 9, 2016
When I saw this cartoon recently it got me thinking about the concept of mottos and branding. As college counselors guiding students through the college search and application process...
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How parents ruin the college application process
Star Tribune - Feb 9, 2016
It was a high-stakes night as 800 parents and teenagers filled every seat in the auditorium at Lexington’s Cary Hall. Many came with the same hope: that the five college admissions officers sitting next to me would reveal the answer to securing a bright future ...
Parents need to be aware of student loan pitfalls
USA Today - Feb 6, 2016
Parents and grandparents who signed on to their kids’ private student loans are having trouble getting out of them, even when their student is successfully paying back the debt, a new report suggests....
Choosing a college: A game you can't afford to lose
Star Tribune - Feb 5, 2016
"So are you guys on the “$100,000, $200,000 or $300,000 college plan?” asked Chuck, our financial adviser. He knew we’d spent the last 15 months visiting colleges, walking the campuses of schools from Charleston, S.C., to Vancouver, B.C., ...
Teen girls' transitions into adulthood "Untangled"
CBS News - Feb 9, 2016
The pressure to be a part of the "popular" crowd is not a new ordeal confronting teens, but the advanced technology may make them especially pronounced for teens today than during the "corded phone" days of their parents. ...
Archives - Parents

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Who Benefits From the New Summer SAT?
The Atlantic  - Feb 4, 2016
Last week, the College Board, which administers the SAT, quietly released the exam’s schedule for the next three years. It contained big news: For the first time since the mid ‘70s, students will have the option to take the test in the summer....
Don't Make These Mistakes During SAT, ACT Prep
US News  - Feb 8, 2016
When it comes to scoring well on the ACT or SAT, there is no easy path to success. Students must put in a great deal of time, effort and research to meet their target scores – but even the brightest of students can get tripped up by common mistakes......
What's wrong with the new SAT?
NY Test Prep Examiner  - Feb 9, 2016
As discussed in a recent New York Times article, "New, Reading-Heavy SAT Has Students Worried," there are radical changes in the new SAT that make it different from anything that came before. The College Board's stated purpose for the changes just veil commercial reality:......
Why the Newly Redesigned SAT Is Stressing Out Some Students
Teen Vogue  - Feb 9, 2016
The decision to take either the SAT or ACT is about to get a whole lot more difficult. The College Board, who are responsible for both exams, has just rolled out their re-design of the SAT — and not everyone is excited about the changes.......
Archives - SATs & ACTs
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Will Outside Scholarships Reduce the Financial Aid from My College?
TIME - Feb 9, 2016
Q. Will claiming outside grants or scholarships hurt our family’s financial aid chances? A. Like so much with college financial aid, it depends. If the total amount you’re awarded in outside scholarships, college scholarships, and federal grants and loans exceeds the total cost of attendance...
FAFSA mistakes you can and should avoid
DC College Admissions Examiner - Feb 10, 2016
You want to get it right. But even with its many improvements, the FAFSA can be challenging for some families to complete accurately and in plenty of time for colleges to consider...
Applying for college aid is free: Buyer beware of services offering help
Lebanon Democrat - Feb 9, 2016
NASHVILLE – Applying for college can be daunting enough. Add to that the pressures of finding the financial aid available and many students and parents can feel overwhelmed. Experts said those feelings are what scammers and unscrupulous businesses are preying on during this time of year....
Everything You Need to Know About Filing the FAFSA This Year
TIME - Feb 8, 2016
Here's a handy guide to MONEY's latest tips for completing the all-important Free Application for Federal Student Aid....
Archives - FinAid/Scholarships
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Career and Technical Education

Career & Technical Education: Not your dad’s ‘Voc-Tech’
Napa Valley Register - Feb 9, 2016
Nearly one-third of Americans with community college associate degrees or certificates make more money than those with bachelor’s degrees, according to a 2013 Georgetown University study. Once known as “Voc-Tech” (Vocational-Technical), community college Career & Technical Education (CTE) ...
Colleges can save America–community colleges, that is
Quartz - Feb 9, 2016
Rising student debt. Rigid graduation requirements. Lack of preparation for the workforce. Higher education is under fire, and students are demanding answers. ...
Archives - CTE
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Student Athletes

Should Football Be Part Of Your College Search?
Forbes - Feb 6, 2016
As a college athlete, secondary school coach, college counselor and now a university admissions officer, I have always understood the student-athlete desire to continue to play a sport after high school, and helped the students in my care whenever and wherever possible....
Recruiting Column: How NOT to talk to a college coach
USA Today HSS - Feb 5, 2016
Have you ever had a conversation with someone and you felt like you were talking to a brick wall? Maybe you have had a conversation with someone that wouldn’t make eye contact with you? ...
Archives - Student Athletes
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CTE programs help keep state's talent pipeline filled
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel - Feb 8, 2016
SCareer and technical education is celebrated across Wisconsin in February. Milwaukee Area Technical College and the Wisconsin Technical College System are proud to partner with the state Department of Public Instruction and Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development...
Minnesota collegiate system focuses on low-income students
AP - Feb 4, 2016
ST. PAUL, Minn. (AP) — Minnesota State Colleges and Universities is putting an emphasis on addressing basic human needs in hopes of improving results for its growing proportion of low-income students....
Community colleges launch new recruiting programs
Fremont Tribune - Feb 9, 2016
SCOTTSBLUFF –Community Colleges of Nebraska, a consortium of five Nebraska community colleges, recently launched a dynamic statewide awareness campaign promoting their Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs to prospective students, their parents, employers in business and industry, and high school counselors and teachers....
Missouri merit-based college aid program - Bright Flight - criticized for lack of diversity - Feb 4, 2016
A student advocacy group wants Missouri’s merit-based scholarship program, Bright Flight, to be restructured. Advocates say it should take a back seat to need-based programs that are vital for low-income students seeking a college education....
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Teen Depression

All teens should be screened for depression, task force recommends
CNN  - Feb 8, 2016
(CNN)All primary care doctors, including pediatricians and family physicians, should screen adolescents routinely for depression, new recommendations of the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force ...
Teens And Depression
Westchester Magazine  - Feb 8, 2016
Christina B. recalls a happy childhood in Cortlandt Manor—until her parents divorced when she was 12. “That’s when everything started to unravel,” she says. In high school, Christina juggled a sterling list of activities—dance, volleyball,...
Online College Fair - CollegeWeekLive


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