About HS CounselorWeek - weekly email
This weekly email searches main media outlets finding stories that may be of interest to high school counselors, college admission officers and related organizations, with links to the original stories. It is published by de facto, inc., publishers of other e-newsletters.
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How to make college admissions fairer CNN - Mar 1, 2016 (CNN)If you follow policy chatter, the future of U.S. K-12 education centers on federal policy (ESSA, RTTT, NCLB, ESEA), the Common Core, charter schools and school choice.....
How college admissions are distorting the character of high school students Deseret News - Mar 1, 2016 Ashley Gore is poised to graduate from high school with a 4.6 grade point average. She’s taken multiple advancement placement classes, ranks sixth in her class, and has some pretty nice SAT scores. But the senior at Poly High School in Riverside, California, has two B’s, which bug her...
College Admissions Process/Strategies
Junior Timeline – The 3 R’s Charlotte Observer - Feb 28, 2016 No, not “Reading, (W)Riting and (A)Rithmatic,” but rather: Research, Resume and Recommendations. Research: Spend the time determining if a college represents a good fit for you. I always suggest that my families examine what I call the “trifecta of fit.”....
Students In Context: Assessing The High School Transcript And Profile Forbes - Feb 29, 2016 When we talk about college admission, we usually focus on the application and the sequence of events leading up to it. However, other ingredients in the mix often get overlooked: the applicant’s high school profile and transcript As much as colleges need to know about the students, they also need to know their context in order to make informed admission decisions.....
7 websites to help with college applications KSL - Feb 29, 2016 SALT LAKE CITY — College Application. Those two words are enough to strike fear into graduating high school students the world over.
First of all, you have to go through the daunting task of choosing the right schools. Then you need to gather a ton of documents to fill out each application.....
Colleges Admit Quiet Students Too Forbes - Feb 28, 2016 Susan Cain’s Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking captures a dilemma in our society that can impact the college admissions process. It can seem that all the rewards go to the most extroverted and visibly accomplished applicants....
Campus Visits/Interviews/Fairs
Hitting The College Visit Trail, Part I: Planning Forbes - Mar 3, 2016 A long time ago in a galaxy far away, before rankings, websites and constant marketing, I took a Peter Pan bus from New York City to Amherst, Massachusetts to see a campus called Amherst College...
How to Write a Better College Essay TIME - Feb 25, 2016 University, along with the co-founder of WOW Writing Workshop, say that what makes a great college essay is the story that is told by the student. Using simple, everyday language,....
Pro/Con: Should college admissions accept video applications? The Franklin News - Feb 26, 2016 Pro:
Basing the level of a student’s intelligence on how well they did on a test or a homework assignment is unfair.
During my kindergarten through high-school years, I positively despised everything about prison – wait I mean school.....
6 Terrible Reasons to Choose a College TeenLife Blog - Feb 28, 2016 Congratulations! You have gone through the process of applying to a number of different colleges, and now you are beginning to receive acceptance letters. But when faced with a decision that can shape the rest of your life, what do you do? Which school do you choose?....
5 Questions to Ask Before Deciding on a College Huffington Post - Mar 1, 2016 Choosing between colleges can be a daunting task. Regardless of what admissions representatives and websites claim, you owe it to yourself to dig deep to determine what your experience will truly entail....
5 ways to rebound if rejected by your top-choice school USA Today - College - Feb 27, 2016 If you’ve been served a few college rejection letters this application season, you’re not alone — especially if your sights are set on a top-tier school. Just shy of 95% of applicants to Stanford University were rejected in 2014,...
There may be a back door into your college of choice MyCentralJersey - Feb 25, 2016 Students who have their heart set on a particular college are often devastated if they do not receive a thick “acceptance letter” in the mail full of all the particulars for Accepted Students Day, choosing a dorm, and preparing for all aspects of life on campus...
| HSCW Counselors' Corners Post - Mar 3, 2016 Didn’t Get Into an Ivy? Consider This We’re about two weeks away from the first Ivy League college announcing its admissions decisions (OK,-- MIT isn’t technically an Ivy, but you know what I mean), so it’s time to brace ourselves with a few facts that might help cushion the blow for students who get any answer other than Yes ... More
Why the 'g-word' is slowly disappearing from N.J. schools NJ.com - Feb 27, 2016 HOBOKEN — New Jersey parents may have noticed a change in the title of the person who helps their children with scheduling, personal issues, and the college search. The term "guidance counselor" is going out, and the term "school counselor" is in — but why?...
Claim This Higher-Ed Tax Credit The College Solution Blog - Feb 22, 2016 If you have a child in college, do you qualify for a federal tax credit or tax deduction? These are valuable tax benefits that can help you defray the rising cost of a college degree and yet some parents have no idea that they exist or whether they would qualify....
Something you should know about the new SAT Washington Post - Feb 27, 2016 The College Board is about to unveil its newly redesigned SAT college admissions test, with the first students set to take it next Saturday. We already know a lot about the new exam, which was designed to align heavily with the Common Core ..
College Board moves to stop test prep providers from taking new SAT on March 5 Washington Post - Mar 1, 2016 It'ss no secret that test prep professionals like to take the exams they try to coach students to ace, and for many years have signed up to take the SAT and ACT (as well as other admissions exams). But some test prep providers have just received e-mails from the College Board telling them that even though they signed ..
Reflections on the new SAT ACCIS AdmitAll blog - Feb 29, 2016 The last time College Board announced a new SAT, I was wrapping up my first year as an admissions counselor at the University of Maryland. When my supervisor asked for a volunteer to become a “resident expert” on standardized test changes,. ..
College Admissions Experts Describe Unease Over New SAT Harvard Crimson - Mar 1, 2016 The first administration of the revised SAT exam will take place this Saturday, and college admissions experts remain unsure as to whether students have been able to adequately prepare for the new test.. ..
New SAT Requires Updated Test-Day Techniques US News - Feb 29, 2016 With the SAT undergoing a series of fundamental changes this year, many test-day techniques that were previously effective will need to be re-evaluated – though not necessarily reinvented completely. Performing well on the SAT involves many steps,. ..
Top schools are seeing many more ACT scores DC College Admissions Examiner - Feb 29, 2016 For more than half a century, the ACT ran a distant second to the SAT in the college admissions test-taking race. It was the “We Try Harder,” entrance exam—popular in the Midwest and the South but hardly worthy of notice on either coast.. ..
Career and Technical Education
Job guru: Early trades training key to career Green Bay Press Gazette - Feb 26, 2016 Due to employer needs, our Wisconsin economy demands a higher educated worker than a high school diploma may provide. Some of the most in-demand and well-paying jobs in our area require additional training beyond high school...
Student Athletes
Recruiting Column: Your first impression USA Today HSS - Mar 2, 2016 You don’t get a second chance at a first impression. We’ve all heard that saying before. Well, your first impression with a college coach may happen sooner than you think. In fact, it might be happening right now. ..
Eating Disorders Often Overlooked in College Sports NBC Connecticut - Feb 29, 2016 College athletes are seen as the picture of health. But the focus, discipline and competitive spirit that makes a successful student-athlete can also fuel a serious health condition with lifelong impacts. ..
Maryland rolling out math testing for 11th graders DelmarvaNow - Feb 28, 2016 Area school districts are rolling out math and language assessments in compliance with a new state requirement to measure the readiness of rising high school seniors for college or careers. ..
OP-ED: EDUCATION INFRASTRUCTURE IN NJ -- IF WE BUILD IT, THEY WILL STAY NJSpotlight - Feb 26, 2016 Lost in the debate over New Jersey’s outmigration issue -- described in a recent report by the New Jersey Business and Industry Association (NJBIA) and highlighted by Gov. Chris Christie in his budget address on February 16 -- is the fact that New Jersey is doing an excellent job of retaining just about as many of its college students for whom we have capacity ..
Teen Dating
Preventing Teen Dating Violence KCBD - Feb 26, 2016 LUBBOCK, TX (KCBD) - More than 1 in 10 teens who date has been physically abused by a boyfriend or a girlfriend in the last year. February is Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month. It’s a national effort to protect teens from violence. ..

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