About HS CounselorWeek - weekly email
This weekly email searches main media outlets finding stories that may be of interest to high school counselors, college admission officers and related organizations, with links to the original stories. It is published by de facto, inc., publishers of other e-newsletters.
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Big Picture
Fixing America’s Universities WBUR.org - OnPoint - Mar 22, 2016 Who’s happy with America’s colleges and universities? Between the byzantine admissions process — the jaw-dropping prices for tuition and room and board — the creation of a cossetted class of tenured teachers and a sea of struggling adjuncts, you’ll hear plenty of complaints.....
Sophisticated test scams from China invade U.S. college admissions Hechinger Report - Mar 18, 2016 In the fall of 2013, Yue Zou decided that she wanted to leave Hegang, the city where she lived in the Heilongjiang province of China, and attend college in the United States. Her boyfriend, already a student at the University of Pittsburgh, was eager to help her get admitted to a competitive university.....
Why more students are leaving the U.S. for college Kansas City Star - Mar 22, 2016 When Michael Ferrante, a 21-year-old college senior, returned to Baltimore to finish school after studying in Berlin for a year, he had only one regret: Not having applied to college in Germany in the first place....
Do financial aid policies make paying for college harder for some? The Christian Science Monitor - Mar 18, 2016 College is getting more expensive – especially for low income students. On Tuesday, a study released findings that low income students face significant challenges meeting the financial requirements to attend many private universities and an increasing number of public universities, despite financial aid...
What can motivate low-income high school kids to apply to college? PBS.org - NewsHour - Mar 18, 2016 This month, many high school seniors have either just learned, or are anxiously waiting to hear, what colleges they might have gotten into. Education advocate Keith Frome has worked with students across the country, and believes the key to getting more kids to apply to college is peer pressure.....
Op-Ed A right to debt relief from crushing student loans Los Angeles Times - Mar 10, 2016 mething unusual happened in late February. Commentators on the right and left, liberal Thom Hartmann and conservative Ike Brannon, published essays on the same day, Feb. 22, saying the same thing: ..
College Admissions Process/Strategies
8 Things I Wish I Knew A Year Ago About College Applications Huffington Post - Mar 17, 2016 1. The word “fit” gets bandied about quite a bit. It doesn’t mean what people tell you it means. Fit, you will be led to believe, is whether the vibe of the campus matches up with your student’s goals and personality. Some campuses are perfect for save-the-world peaceniks like my daughter...
3 Great College Search Tools The College Solution Blog - Mar 21, 2016 Most families don’t look far when searching for colleges.
The vast majority of students, who go to four-year schools, attend public universities within their own state. And most find schools within 100 miles of their homes. Only 14% or so of students attend institutions more than 500 miles away.....
Plan your college admission strategy early NWI Times - Mar 18, 2016 It's never too early to start thinking about a college game plan. When is the right time, however, to take entrance exams, visit a college campus or fill out applications? Freshman and Sophomore year....
College Admissions: No Acceptances? Don’t Panic GoLocalProv College Admissions - Mar 21, 2016 As acceptances, rejections and waiting-list notifications arrive, panic has set in for some seniors. What do you do when you were rejected from ALL of your colleges, don’t like your options, or receive only waiting-list offers?...
Why Big-Name Colleges Aren’t Always Your Best Choice TIME - Mar 18, 2016 Depending on what you want to study, you might be much better off at a lesser-known school, this author says. Everybody assumes that the elite colleges with the lowest acceptance rates are the best at everything....
7 Things That Shouldn't Affect Your College Decision Her Campus - Mar 21, 2016 College decisions are stressful—there are so many things to consider! What do your parents want? What do your friends want? But most of all, what do you want? With a whirlwind of opinions coming from every which way, it can be hard to keep your eye on what really matters in choosing the right school for you...
Three Rates You Should Look at When Evaluating Colleges LifeHacker - Mar 18, 2016 Choosing a college is a huge decision, and there are so many things to consider. One college admissions officer suggests using the “three rates” for each college to make sure you’ll make the right choice...
Campus Visits/Interviews/Fairs
Last minute campus visit tips Charlotte Observer - Mar 20, 2016 Families are about to load up their mini-vans and head for the airports and highways this week and next for the annual spring break campus visit blitz....
Making the most of a college visit Buffalo News - Mar 20, 2016 Selecting a college can be an exciting and nerve-wracking experience for a high school student. There is quite a bit of uncertainty and confusion when picking a college, and seemingly countless questions that need answering.....
Use These 6 Tips to Make the Most of College Fairs TeenLife Blog - Mar 21, 2016 Nothing says spring like those annual spring college fairs. If you have ever attended one or look forward to attending one this spring, you know they can be a bit overwhelming.....
Making the most of your visit to a National College Fair NJ.com - Mar 20, 2016 Ready to take the next step in your education? There's no better place to explore your options than at a NACAC National College Fair. Admission representatives from schools across the country are all gathered in one place. ....
| HSCW Counselors' Corners Post - Mar 24, 2016 College Decisions Over Spring Break Let’s face it—even though there school counselors are highly trained professionals, there are times we blame things on the elements—especially the moon. ... More
School counselors make a difference every day Kansas City Star - Mar 22, 2016 Some considered Sydney Haistings a doodler. She would sit in her freshman classes at Staley High School and draw in the margins of her notebook as her teachers lectured....
A Coalition of One's Own ACCIS AdmitAll Blog - Mar 15, 2016 The values and beliefs of the Coalition for Access, Affordability, and Success are commendable and appealing. How, then, do those most able to meet the needs of students team up to serve the students who need the most? ...
Well | How Much Money Is Enough? New York Times - Mar 23, 2016 Most of us want our children to have the best of everything, but not too much of anything. As a result, some families with much more than average impose a form of enfo..
Can Parents Measure The ROI Of College Tuition? Forbes - Mar 22, 2016 Sarah Lawrence, at $61,236 per year, tops the list of the fifty most expensive colleges in the United States. Middlebury, at the low end of the fifty, costs $59,950. That’s just tuition, room and board. ..
College admissions FAQ for parents of juniors NY College Admissions Examiner - Mar 15, 2016 As an ACT and SAT tutor whose 11th grade students are starting the college process, I often get questions from their parents, too. High school guidance counselors and college admissions offices typically offer a parents 'college night' in the spring of their students' junior year. ..
When Retaking the SAT Makes Sense US News - Mar 21, 2016 This month, the College Board debuted its much-discussed redesigned SAT. As you update your test-taking strategies, also consider the circumstances in which you would retake the SAT. Though retaking the test involves a second infusion of time and money, it is worth it in these three instances. ..
7 Smart Steps to Appeal for More College Financial Aid TIME - Mar 17, 2016 And boost your odds of actually getting it. If you can’t afford your dream college because it didn’t award you enough financial aid, don’t just give up in defeat. You still have time to appeal for an increase in grants or scholarships. ...
How to Play the College Financial-Aid Game Daily News - Mar 20, 2016 High-school seniors could be forgiven for thinking that comparing college financial-aid offers requires an advanced degree. The letters have been pouring in over the past few weeks. But along with the excitement comes a challenge: sorting through offers that often differ in ways that can blur the bottom line. ...
College Financial Aid Advice…for High School Freshmen TIME - Mar 18, 2016 If you are a high school freshman, the U.S. Department of Education encourages you to start thinking about the money you’ll need for college now. Save up some money, have an honest talk with your parents about the cost of college ...
Financial Aid: The Wrong Band-Aid Chicago Now - Mar 17, 2016 Financial Aid can seem like a life saver if you don’t have the money to pay for your college expenses. But far too often it acts like a small Band-Aid on a massive, bleeding wound. It may help in the short-term, with the hope that the wound will heal itself; but eventually the Band-Aid becomes an obstacle to the healing process...
Career and Technical Education
U.S. Department of Education Announces Competition for Schools to Create the Best Makerspaces Education World - Mar 18, 2016 The Department of Education is weighing in on what makes a great makerspace through its competition, the Career Technical Education (CTE) Makeover Challenge. "The Career and Technical Education (CTE) Makeover Challenge calls upon eligible schools to design models of makerspaces that strengthen career and technical skills through making,”...
There's Skill Involved in Solving the Skill Gap Workforce - Mar 20, 2016 We're facing a skills crisis in America. Nearly 15 million people in the U.S. want to work, but they can’t find jobs.
And at the same time, around half of employers say they have job vacancies...
Student Athletes
Kansas school aid debate raises tough issues for lawmakers Lawrence Journal World - Mar 21, 2016 Under a court order to revamp the state's education funding formula, Kansas legislators are raising issues they normally don't discuss, such as the possibility of increasing property taxes statewide and consolidating local school districts. ..
Teens Depression
What parents should know about depression in teens OC Register - Mar 19, 2016 My brilliant and hilarious 14-year-old daughter, M, is depressed, clinically so. She started showing signs a year or two ago. But even though I am well-acquainted with depression and am quick to send people off to get meds (“It’s like having diabetes! Just treat it!”), I haven’t handled M’s situation correctly....
When Depression Hits, Teens Find Help NPR.org - Mar 23, 2016 A Bay Area teenager struggling with depression shares her experience, while a social worker and young multimedia producer discuss their work helping teens cope with the illness. ..

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