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This weekly email searches main media outlets finding stories that may be of interest to high school counselors, college admission officers and related organizations, with links to the original stories. It is published by de facto, inc., publishers of other e-newsletters.
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How and Why You Diversify Colleges New York Times - May 14, 2016 THERE’S a whole lot wrong with the conversation about including more low-income students at elite colleges, but let’s start here: The effort is too often framed as some do-gooder favor to those kids....
Are Income Share Agreements a Good Way to Pay for College? Washington Monthly - May 17, 2016 Millions of Americans are struggling to pay for college. Nearly 10 million students and their families took out almost $100 billion in student loans from the federal government in the 2014-15 academic year, ....
How Can Community Colleges Improve Transfer Rates? WGBH.org/on-campus - May 17, 2016 The vast majority of college students in this country say they want to earn a bachelor's degree. But according to a new report by the Aspen Institute and the Community College Research Center (CCRC) at Teachers College, Columbia University, only 14 percent achieve that goal within six years. ...
College Admissions Process/Strategies
3 Reasons to Try Out MOOCs Before Applying to College US News - May 12, 2016 Mahir Jethanandani's California high school offered only a few classes related to business and finance – disciplines he was interested in exploring. So, he turned to massive open online courses, or MOOCs, offered through Coursera to learn on his own. ...
Don't Use College Selectivity As A Measure Of Quality Forbes - May 13, 2016 In the distant past of college admission, even institutions like Harvard and Yale accepted most of their applicants. There weren’t that many to begin with, of course, seeing as the pool was mostly well-off white males with at least...
3 Healthy Ways to Overcome College Rejection US News - May 12, 2016 There was a time when your graduation gift choices consisted largely of money and watches. No more. While both of these standbys are still much appreciated...
New Pell grants to pay for college classes in high school The Christian Science Monitor - May 16, 2016 WASHINGTON — Thousands of low-income students in nearly two dozen states will soon be able to get federal grants to take college courses while still in high school, part of a program the Obama administration plans to begin this summer. ...
| HSCW Counselors' Corners Post - May 19, 2016 Apply to College *and* Financial Aid in the Same Month? School counselors throughout the land were really stoked when the US Department of Education first announced a change in the filing date for the FAFSA, or Free Application for Federal Student Aid... More
How parents can help handling rejection College Admissions Strategies Blog - May 16, 2016
Parents just want to help. The natural reaction when you see your child suffering is to try and make it better.
How do you help ease the pain of college rejection? ...
College Admissions: 700 is the New 670 on SAT GoLocalProv College Admissions - May 16, 2016 Last week, the Collegeboard released the first round of its newly designed SAT scores to students, along with head spinning concordance tables to counselors across the country. . ..
Discord on Test Scores Inside Higher Ed - May 16, 2016 ACT accuses College Board of jumping the gun in explaining how to compare scores on the new SAT. Many debate impact of seemingly higher SAT scores under new test. . ..
College Testing Wars are Building. How Can Students Find Peace? Huffington Post - May 17, 2016 It was supposed to be a quiet week in college admissions, but a story was rumbling beneath the typical spring headlines of “Colleges Receive Record Apps” last week that, if left unchecked, could trash the serene summer of many a rising senior—and it all has to do with guessing . ..
How Hard Is the New SAT? The Atlantic - May 12, 2016 SAT scores were released on Tuesday, more than two months after the first administration of the revamped exam and years after the media started to speculate about the new test’s difficulty. And it turns out that, after years of stagnation, the scores have gone up—rather significantly.. ...
Four Ways To Get The Best Financial Aid Deal Forbes - May 15, 2016 If you’re trying to get a decent financial aid package from a college, do you know you have room to negotiate? You don’t have to accept the package they offer you....
Private Colleges Offer Record-High Tuition Discounts TIME - May 16, 2016 Only about 1 in 10 students pay full sticker price. The average freshman student at a private college got about half off tuition and fees last year, according to annual study released today....
Career and Technical Education
Career And Technical Education: Boom Or Bust?l NPR.org - May 14, 2016 Career and technical education in high schools has gotten lots of attention and lip service in recent years. Business and industry see it as a long overdue focus on preparing students for the world of work. Educators say CTE ....
Student Athletes
Ohio graduation requirements changing in 2018 ABC-6 - May 17, 2016 COLUMBUS, Ohio (WSYX/WTTE) -- A parent started a petition after finding out her daughter couldn't graduate because she didn't pass the Ohio Graduation Test. The petition demands Columbus City Schools to value credits rather than Ohio Graduate Test scores. ..
4 myths that will change how you define bullying Mashable - May 17, 2016 Bullying is an abuse of power that makes someone feel small. It can happen at school, on the playground and online. Sometimes it draws an audience of onlookers who may or may not stand up for the victim. ...

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