About HS CounselorWeek - weekly email
This weekly email searches main media outlets finding stories that may be of interest to high school counselors, college admission officers and related organizations, with links to the original stories. It is published by de facto, inc., publishers of other e-newsletters.
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America’s Great Working-Class Colleges New York Times - Jan 18, 2017 The heyday of the colleges that serve America’s working class can often feel very long ago. It harks back to the mid-20th century, when City College of New York cost only a few hundred dollars a year and was known as the “Harvard of the proletariat.”...
Programs That Are Predatory: It’s Not Just at For-Profit Colleges New York Times - Jan 13, 2017 For the past eight years, the Obama administration has waged a battle against predatory for-profit colleges. On Monday, the Department of Education released a final salvo — a list of hundreds of college programs that load students with more debt than they can afford to repay....
College Admissions Process/Strategies
Paying Attention to College Prices The College Solution Blog - Jan 11, 2017 College price tags are meaningless. Most students do not pay full tuition price for college. That said, paying attention to college prices can be extremely helpful in making college more affordable. Here’s a simple example:..
Colleges Should Abandon Early Admissions Inside Higher Ed - Jan 12, 2017 Many colleges and universities loudly and proudly proclaim they are committed to admitting more low-income students. The institutions are sincere, but despite the best of intentions, many of their policies act as barriers to keep most low-income students out, including those students with outstanding academic records...
How To Deal With Rejection From Your Dream School University-Herald - Jan 14, 2017 A lot of high school seniors spend their final years in high school preparing to enter their dream college. However, there is the hard fact that despite all the preparation, there is the possibility of being rejected. What would you do if you are one of those who experienced this rejection?...
College Rejection Great Neck Record - Jan 18, 2017 Heart racing, pits sweating, hands trembling, so much anticipation had been building up to this moment—I could barely open the email without misclicking. It wasn’t so much the school, but the bigger manifestation of early-decision acceptance...
| HSCW Counselors' Corners Post - Jan 19, 2017 Before Moving Forward, A Look at Where We’ve Been The last couple of weeks have been filled with accolades and gratitude for all the Obamas have done to move the college access agenda forward in the United States—and with good reason. Even the most partisan of audiences can agree that the support the Obamas have given for the encouragement and expansion of college access .. More
Learn to Identify Tone for SAT Reading, Writing Success US News - Jan 16, 2017 Tone, or an author's attitude toward his or her subject, is an important element of communication. Scientific texts are expected to be objective, while memoirs, opinion pieces, persuasive essays and the like may employ a wide range of tones...
Use PSAT scores to gauge study options Camarillo Acorn - Jan 13, 2017 Students who took the PSAT in October should have their results by now. The test score report can help juniors create a plan for additional testing. Students with strong PSAT scores can relax a bit, knowing that they should be in good shape for the SAT...
How Your Income And Assets Impact How Much Financial Aid You Get Forbes - Jan 12, 2017 For families applying for federal student aid for the upcoming fall school year, you’ll want to complete your Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) as soon as possible as some schools give out need-based funds on a first-come, first-served basis. .....
FAFSA? CSS profile? Here's financial aid help NJ.com - Jan 12, 2017 Q. What's the difference between the FAFSA and the CSS Profile? - Planning for college A. The Free Application for Federal Student Aid, or FAFSA, and the CSS Profile are both used to determine financial aid for college students. .....
Career and Technical Education
Career education with the future employer in mind Herald Net - Jan 10, 2017 A corporate-led movement is afoot in the U.S. to remake old-school vocational education into new-school “career education” that includes earning valuable college credits while still in high school. . ..
5 Things to Know About New Data on Career Training Programs American Progress - Jan 13, 2017 More than 2,000 career training programs will need to improve their graduates’ earnings or cut their students’ debt levels if they want to maintain access to federal financial aid, according to the U.S. Department of Education’s Monday data release about their expectations . ..
Vocational Education Gets Belated Respect EdWeek (registration required) - Jan 16, 2017 Rising student debt, coupled with a high underemployment rate, are finally forcing the millennial generation to get real about their expectations . ..
Student Athletes
So you think your kid is a superstar… Tribune News-Service - Jan 16, 2017 What parent or child doesn’t dream of that photograph on “Signing Day” when that big athletic scholarship for their child is real. After all those practices and games in the freezing cold and the blaring heat, after all that carpooling, the snack assignments and the cheering as well as the consolation; ...
Recruiting Column: The facts on recruiting/highlight videos USA Today HSS - Jan 18, 2017 That’s right, you don’t need to spend a fortune on your recruiting video. In fact, a 10 minute video with the “Rocky” theme song playing in the background might do more harm than good. Keep in mind, college coaches aren’t looking to watch a commercial, your recruiting video is merely a way for a coach to form an initial impression of your abilities ...
California Prepares to Resume Bilingual Education VOA - Jan 17, 2017 LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA — Hilda Maldonado is an evangelist for bilingual education. As head of multilingual programming for the Los Angeles Unified School District, she welcomed California's vote last fall to repeal an almost two-decade mandate for English-only classes in public schools.,....
Teens Health
Mental Health Treatment Associated With Fewer Depressive Symptoms for Teens Teen Vogue - Jan 18, 2017 Just like physical health, our mental well-being requires attention, but according to the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), only 41% of adults who need mental health care access it. Even worse, about half of all chronic mental illnesses develop by the time we're 14, but NAMI notes it takes a long time....

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