About HS CounselorWeek - weekly email
This weekly email searches main media outlets finding stories that may be of interest to high school counselors, college admission officers and related organizations, with links to the original stories. It is published by de facto, inc., publishers of other e-newsletters.
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HSCW Summer Break
 | HSCW Summer Break - See You in August Post - June 29, 2017 Summer Break: Another school year has come to an end. I can always tell, not only by the weather but by the ever increasing returned email saying, "XYZ High School is on Summer Break. We decided we would take the hint. We'll start publishing again in mid August. Enjoy your summer!!!.
Big Picture
High school students feel disengaged in the classroom Marketplace.org - Jun 27, 2017 Most of us who went to school in this country grew up with a "comprehensive high school" - that is, a school that seeks to educate large numbers of students under a single roof. ...
LISTEN: Does a "proficiency-based" diploma provide more proof of learning? Hechinger Report - Jun 27, 2017 By 2021, all schools in Maine will be required to convert to a proficiency-based diploma. Hechinger's Lillian Mongeau, engagement editor and West Coast bureau chief, says the idea is that "the diplomas will be somewhat equivalent to each other and they'll really stand for something concrete." ...
Why some elite public schools earn a failing grade in diversity PBS.org NewsHour - Jun 27, 2017 The jewels in many an urban school district's crown are their exam schools, competitive public schools that base enrollment on test scores. With a school like New York's Stuyvesant, Boston Latin or Walter Payton (in Chicago) on their transcript ...
College Admissions Process/Strategies
Use The Common Application To Simplify The College Process Forbes - Jun 22, 2017 Once a cozy collection of fifteen or so private liberal arts colleges sharing one application form, the non-profit Common Application has grown into an organization that encompasses 702 institutions ranging from Harvard, Yale and Amherst to Appalachian State and the University of Wyoming...
High School Classes Colleges Look For GoLocalProv College Admissions - Jun 26, 2017 Summer is the time when most students find out if they will be able to take the courses that they requested for next year. And parents are often left wondering what a student really needs to be competitive in college admissions. How many years of a lab science or language are really necessary?...
Which State Has The Most Overpriced College Tuition? Forbes - Jun 26, 2017 Everyone knows that college is expensive: $8,778 per year for in-state students at public four-year colleges in the previous academic year. But the price tag might be higher or lower depending on where you live. Across America, the price of college ranges from $4,178 in Wyoming to $15,062 in Vermont-more than a threefold difference.....
Get In-State Tuition at an Out-of-State College Consumer Reports - Jun 22, 2017 If you or a family member is planning on college in the near future, you may have already started looking for ways to cut down on costs. Public colleges and universities are one affordable option: ....
Campus Visits
100 Questions to Ask on a College Visit Cappex -- College Insider Blog - Jun 26, 2017 When visiting a college campus, you need to stay long enough to ask a lot of questions about the college. That means that you should NOT rush through your college visit...
30 Questions to Ask at an Education Fair US News - Jun 26, 2017 As part of their recruitment efforts, some U.S. colleges and universities send representatives abroad to meet with prospective international students at education fairs....
Boost Your High School Resume by Volunteering This Summer TeenLife Blog - Jun 27, 2017 It's tempting for high school students to spend summer hanging out with friends, sleeping past noon, and attempting to do absolutely nothing. And while it's true that down time for growing teens is absolutely necessary,...
No job? Tips for teens to fill idle summer time ABC News - Jun 23, 2017 With the number of teenagers working summer jobs in decline since the 1980s, students and their parents have found creative ways to fill summer months. Some still find traditional summer work, ...
Summer a good time for college planning Chicago Tribune - Jun 24, 2017 I have just completed my junior year in high school. I don't expect to find a full-time job this summer and that will leave me with a lot of free time. Rather than waste the summer, my mother suggested that this would be a good chance to start planning for college applications this fall. ...
| HSCW Counselors' Corners Post - Jun 29, 2017 What Not to Do Over Summer Break It isn't unusual for counselors to experience several "last days" of the school year. From the last day the students come to school, to the last day the teachers are in the building, to the last day we are in the building, there are ample opportunities to reflect ... More
Out of High School, Into Real Life New York Times - Jun 23, 2017 This graduation season, The New York Times talked with seniors across the country who are not headed to college about their plans, hopes and dreams.....
Glitch Sends Counselors Back To School CBS Local - Philadelphia - Jun 23, 2017 PHILADELPHIA (CBS) - A technical snafu caused some Philadelphia counselors to go in to work on Thursday, even though Wednesday was supposed to be the last day for school staff......
Weigh Borrowing Parent PLUS, Private Loan for College US News - Jun 28, 2017 To fill a gap in funding for her son's college bill, Lisa Bright was faced with a decision: take out a federal Parent PLUS loan or apply for a loan from a private financial institution.....
Parents are spending $20,000 for summer camps where their kids can "rough it' MarketWatch - Jun 26, 2017 Campers who arrived this week at the International Riding Camp will spend up to six hours a day on horseback - more than any other riding camp in the country, the director says - and their parents will pay handsomely for the equestrian immersion. A full 10-week session there costs $20,000,....
August SAT exam offers numerous benefits MyCentralJersey.com - Jun 22, 2017 College Board is offering students a brand new opportunity this summer - the chance to take the SAT exam prior to the start of their next school year. By eliminating the January SAT exam, and replacing it with an Aug. 26SAT exam, College Board believes it is providing numerous benefits to the approximately two million students who take this test each year. ....
6 Financial Aid Questions You're Too Embarrassed to Ask Huffington Post - Jun 22, 2017 While many colleges will soon send bills for this fall's tuition, most won't expect payment until late summer. That gives college-bound students and their families time to finalize financial aid details. . ...
This tool reveals what you'll actually pay to go to elite colleges Journalist's Resource - Jun 26, 2017 A new tool for calculating the cost of college hopes to cut down on sticker shock. MyinTuition is an online questionnaire that produces an estimate for what families will actually pay for a student's yearly tuition - as opposed to the stated price on the college or university's website. ...
The FAFSA form and gaps in college financial aid Journalist's Resource - Jun 23, 2017 The issue: College students who want financial aid from the federal government must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid, most commonly known as the FAFSA. The information provided on that form determines whether a student qualifies for Pell Grants. ...
Career and Technical Education
A New Kind of Tech Job Emphasizes Skills, Not a College Degree New York Times - Jun 27, 2017 ROCKET CENTER, W.Va. - A few years ago, Sean Bridges lived with his mother, Linda, in Wiley Ford, W.Va. Their only income was her monthly Social Security disability check. He applied for work at Walmart and Burger King, but they were not hiring.....
Will The Rebirth Of Vocational Education Bring Back 'Good Jobs'? Investor's Business Daily - Jun 27, 2017 Even as politicians argue over how to create or keep "good jobs" in the U.S., a recent National Federation of Independent Businesses survey reported that the percentage of small businesses saying that they get no or few qualified applicants for available jobs has hit a 17-year high....
New Funding Model to Support Career and Technical Education Programs EdWeek (registration required) - Jun 27, 2017 Four organizations have been chosen to create or expand career and technical education programs through a grant-funding model that requires government agencies to pay for the projects only after they've proven they're successful....
What Does It Mean to Be Career Ready? ESSA Plans Offer an Answer EdWeek (registration required) - Jun 22, 2017 Terry Holliday, the recently retired chief state school officer in Kentucky, has written a short piece for the Association for Career & Technical Education on what it means to be "work ready" that is rather interesting...
UT's race-conscious admissions facing new lawsuit My Statesman - Jun 27, 2017 The use of racial and ethnic preferences in admissions at the University of Texas violates state law and the Texas Constitution, according to a lawsuit filed Tuesday by a group whose leader who took a similar case to the U.S. Supreme Court twice and lost.....
La. becomes the first state to ban the box on college admission applications Louisiana Weekly - Jun 26, 2017 Governor John Bel Edwards signed House Bill 688 into law on June 16, making Louisiana the first state in the nation to ban the box on college admissions applications. Beginning this fall, the new law prohibits public post secondary education institutions in the state from inquiring about a prospective student’s ....
Parts of college planning guide now available in audio Glasgow Daily Times - Jun 26, 2017 Parts of two chapters of “Getting In,” the state’s college planning guide, are now available in audio on the website of the Kentucky Higher Education Assistance Authority (KHEAA). ....
Teen Health
Teenagers are as sedentary as 60-year-olds by age 19 Washington Post - Jun 26, 2017 The adolescent years are when people's bodies are supposed to start the ascent to their physical peak. Teenagers are growing like beanstalks. Their hormones are raging. They're eager for new experiences.....
Vaping teens more likely to take up regular cigarettes Reuters - Jun 26, 2017 (Reuters Health) - Adolescents and young adults who try e-cigarettes are more than three times as likely to take up smoking traditional cigarettes as their peers who haven't tried the devices, a research review suggests......

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