About HS CounselorWeek - weekly email
This weekly email searches main media outlets finding stories that may be of interest to high school counselors, college admission officers and related organizations, with links to the original stories. It is published by de facto, inc., publishers of other e-newsletters.
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Big Picture
The Republican War on College The Atlantic - Nov 20, 2017 A college education was once considered a ticket to a better career, but there are signs that degrees are losing their sparkle as graduates suffer buyer’s regret...
College Admissions Process/Strategies
How to pick a college that won't break the bank CNBC - Nov 20, 2017 Students who are looking at prospective colleges this fall might want to think a little more carefully about the total price they'll pay for that education when all is said and done.....
College Connection: Secrets of getting 'You’re Accepted' letter MyCentralJersey - Nov 16, 2017 The New York Times' recently published “Education Life” supplement featured a cover stating, “Admissions is unfair: Here’s why.” Surrounding the cynical title were clues as to the criteria that might swing a college applicant to the acceptance or rejection pile. ...
Thank Your College Admission Supporters Forbes - Nov 27, 2017 Whether you're anxiously awaiting Early Decision results or still filling out your applications, this is a good time to take stock of the people who have helped you get where you are now. .....
What students should do while they're waitlisted Los Altos Online - Nov 22, 2017 Congratulations on submitting your college applications. You may be receiving notice from your early-action and early-decision schools, so now is the time to begin your decision-making process....
Campus Visits and Interviews
If you can get a college interview, don’t tank it Tribune News Service - Nov 28, 2017 The interview was once an important staple of the college admissions process. Young men dressed up in jackets and ties, young women wore short heels, a proper dress, hose and pearls, and they sat down for a formal interview inside the college admissions office.. . ....
When Alumni Interviewers Screw Up, Things Get Weird Chronicle of Higher Ed - Nov 20, 2017 t first, the message seemed harmless. On November 8, dozens of high-school seniors in the San Diego area received an email from an alumnus of Harvard University. "Thank you for applying," it began. . ....
7 Tips From A Professor To Help You Hack Your College Visit The Federalist - Nov 27, 2017 The campus visit is the modern equivalent of the medieval pilgrimage. We travel great distances to remote locations inhabited by the learned in hopes of finding direction, security, blessedness. And it will cost a fortune. . ....
There is no substitute for a campus visit Enterprise Pub - Nov 22, 2017 On the twelfth of November, my dad and I made finally made the long drive from Oakland to eastern Michigan. I was there to tour two schools: Kettering University and the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor...
Students with Disabilities
OPINION: Dyslexia Is Very Treatable. So Why Aren’t We Helping More Kids? WBUR.org - Nov 28, 2017 “They know I struggle, but they don’t help me.” Matthew, a recently evaluated fifth-grader, explains his frustration with reading and school. His story is mirrored in countless others we've witnessed as educational consultants. A high school senior was denied an athletic scholarship....
| HSCW Counselors' Corners Post - Nov 30, 2017 Why FAFSA by Phone is a Good Thing There’s been more than a little scuttlebutt in the counseling community over yesterday’s announcement that the US Department of Education is creating a mobile phone app, making it possible to complete the FAFSA by phone.... More
What you can — and can’t — say to a high school senior at Thanksgiving Washington Post - Nov 21, 2017 Thanksgiving dinner can be fraught with tension that often stems from conversations about political differences. But some other topics should be off the table, too — at least if there is a high school senior at the table who is applying to college ...
How to Narrow a High School Student's College Application List TeenLife Blog - Nov 17, 2017 Did you know there are over 4,000 four-year colleges and universities in the United States? This makes choosing a college overwhelming. How does your high school student start with a dream list and narrow it down and settle ...
College Admissions: Teaching Parents How to Help voa - Nov 25, 2017 For most people around the world, applying for admission to a college or university is a major event in their lives.
Many young people see it as one of their first steps toward becoming adults. ...
What’s Critical in a College Admission Checklist The College Solution Blog - Nov 27, 2017 Using a college admission checklist is critical when your child is applying to colleges and universities. Allowing a teenager to apply to any colleges without a solid game plan can be a financial and academic disaster. .....
To SAT, Or Not To SAT? Houghton Star - Nov 27, 2017 One year ago, Houghton College’s Admissions Office decided to change their policy on standardized test results. The college now allows a student to decide whether they want to waive their SAT or ACT scores during the admissions process,..
Tackle Pronoun Usage Errors on ACT English Section US News - Nov 20, 2017 Do you struggle to correctly use pronouns? If so, you may understandably be wary of the ACT English section. This portion of the ACT contains 75 questions, which you must answer in 45 minutes...
FAFSA Goes Mobile Inside Higher Ed - Nov 29, 2017 Education Department plans a new platform aimed at smoothing applications for student aid and helping borrowers manage loan payments. But Congress must act to remove the most serious obstacles to completion of the FAFSA...
Colleges puzzled by surge in FAFSA verification requests Washington Post - Nov 28, 2017 Colleges and universities are reporting a surge in students being asked to verify information on their federal financial aid applications, a time-consuming process that school officials fear could derail low-income applicants....
Top 20 Filing Hints For FAFSA Cape News - Nov 24, 2017 Today’s article will focus on filling out the FAFSA itself. My comments are made in the order that you complete the FAFSA. Some of the comments for a particular line have much more background information about my recommendations than this space allows.....
Career and Technical Education
THE U.S. NEEDS MORE TRADESPEOPLE Builder Online - Nov 28, 2017 The construction industry is facing a labor crisis and there's a shortage of skilled tradespeople in the country to fill the job void. California enacted a plan earlier this year to spend $6 million on a campaign to revive the reputation of vocational education,...
How Teaching Trade Skills Can Rescue At-Risk Youth Real Clear Education - Nov 28, 2017 Spray painting walls and hotwiring cars are not experiences most business leaders look for in job candidates. But a new focus at Boys Town is not only teaching at-risk kids how to overcome past mistakes but also to learn – and profit – from them...
Teen Health
Saving Lives Via Text Message NPR.org - Nov 26, 2017 Elisheva Adler was 20 years old, sitting in pajamas in her childhood bedroom in Long Island, the first time she saved someone's life via text message...
Are Smartphones Killing Teens? Forbes - Nov 21, 2017 Older generations have the nostalgic habit of attributing the shortfalls of the latest generation to the degradation of old values. I say nostalgic because older generations have a tendency to remembe..

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