About HS CounselorWeek - weekly email
This weekly email searches main media outlets finding stories that may be of interest to high school counselors, college admission officers and related organizations, with links to the original stories. It is published by High School Counselor Marketing.
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A New Call to End Legacy Admissions The Atlantic - Feb 14, 2018 Up until now, most of the legal and political fights over college-admissions policies have centered around the use of race as a factor in admissions at selective colleges. But that may be changing. .......
The Impact of Parents' Education Levels Inside Higher Ed - Feb 8, 2018 The American dream -- the idea that everyone is given an equal chance to succeed -- is embedded in U.S. politics and culture. But the reality is that Americans start off in different places in ways that are sometimes difficult to overcome.......
College Admissions Process/Strategies
Step Away From College Admission Mania For Better Results Forbes - Feb 13, 2018 We in the college admission biz often talk about the "frenzy" that surrounds it: the competition, the gaming of the system, the struggle to take every possible AP class or the intensity of some parents' efforts to ensure their offsprings' entry into Valhalla ..
Don't Overlook Colleges In Your Own Backyard Forbes - Feb 9, 2018 Over the years, colleges and universities have invested many thousands of dollars marketing themselves to students all over the country and the world. They're hoping not only to increase their enrollment but also to make the status leap from "regional" to "national" institutions the way airports ..
The 7 Things Students Think About When Choosing a College Chronicle of Higher Ed - Feb 13, 2018 What happens when a high-school student from a low-income family wants to attend a private college 100 miles away, but has a parent whispering in her ear to look closer to home? The "Survey of Admitted Students: Targeting Yield Strategies," may provide some answers, as well as more questions.. ..
Choosing a college that you fall in love with Concord Monitor - Feb 14, 2018 Valentine’s Day is quickly approaching and while lovers scramble to honor this “Hallmark holiday” with flowers, chocolates and other expressions of affection, I am naturally thinking about college admission. ..
Students with Disabilities
| HSCW Counselors' Corners Post - Feb 15, 2018 Want Students College Ready? Let Them Miss Class About 40 principals and counselors attended the Principals/Counselors at ED event held this week at the US Department of Education (there’s more about the event here), and had the chance to spend a day talking about how principals and counselors ,.. More
Editorial: School counselors deserve more credit for work they do Carol County Times - Feb 13, 2018 National School Counseling Week may have been celebrated Feb. 5-9, but that doesn’t mean school counselors shouldn’t get a tip of the cap year-round. That’s because the job is far more complex and difficult than what many of us might expect.....
The Key To Raising A Happy Child NPR.org - Feb 14, 2018 For much of the past half-century, children, adolescents and young adults in the U.S. have been saying they feel as though their lives are increasingly out of their control. At the same time, rates of anxiety and depression have risen steadily....
$1.5 Million to Get Into an Ivy Inside Higher Ed - Feb 12, 2018 In 2005, Inside Higher Ed reported that a leading private college consultant was charging $9,999 each to 10 attendees for a weekend "boot camp" on college admissions. The idea that parents would pay that kind of money for a few days of advice stunned and appalled many....
3 ACT Writing Errors Students Make US News - Feb 12, 2018 The 40-minute writing portion of the ACT requires students to read a prompt and three related perspectives and then compose their own response to the central issue. Though optional, certain colleges require that students sit for the ACT writing test.s.....
Financial Aid 101: The glossary you’ll need (Part 3)) Tribune News Service - Feb 12, 2018 Every parent’s goal is to pay the least amount of money for the best quality education for their children. Understanding the alphabet soup of financial aid and knowing how to maximize your financial aid eligibility should be your first step in the process....
What You Can Use Scholarship Money For US News - Feb 8, 2018 Tuition? Books? A spring break trip to Cancún? If you've won some scholarship money, chances are you're trying to figure out what you can spend it on....
Career and Technical Education
President's call for vocational schools highlights higher education issues Baltimore Sun - Feb 12, 2018 As the president of a community college less than 10 miles from the White House, I was surprised to hear that President Donald Trump believes “many people don’t know what a community college means or represents” and that schools like mine should instead be considered “vocational schools,” ....
Teen Dating
Why you should permit, and encourage, your teen to date Washington Post - Feb 14, 2018 Recently, a friend lightheartedly told me about me the funny T-shirts her husband and his brothers received at a family event. “They said Dads Against Daughters Dating,” she giggled. All the men who received the shirts, including her husband, were fathers of teenage girls.. ..
What parents need to know about teen dating violence: Stoffel Reno Gazette Journal - Feb 13, 2018 As the mother of a son who recently graduated from college, I know how difficult it can be to discuss dating and healthy relationships with a teenager. As a longtime advocate against domestic violence, I also know how important it is for parents to have these conversations with their children starting at an early age.. ..

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