About HS CounselorWeek - weekly email
This weekly email searches main media outlets finding stories that may be of interest to high school counselors, college admission officers and related organizations, with links to the original stories. It is published by High School Counselor Marketing.
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Do Schools Need Sports? The Atlantic - Jan 30, 2018 Struggling New Orleans high schools gave up football in order to focus on academics—but they’re starting to question whether it has to be all or nothing. ..
Why Community Colleges Are Good for You Chronicle of Higher Ed - Jan 28, 2018 The challenges facing higher education are almost always analyzed in terms of four-year colleges and universities, even though more students attend community college than any other type of higher-education institution. ..
College Admissions Process/Strategies
How to Apply to Lots of Colleges Without Going Broke Wisebread - Jan 26, 2018 The cost of college is a major expense for any family pursuing higher education, but it's important to note that the money suck begins way before the first tuition bill. It starts with the college-bound teenager's application process.. ..
How colleges spam high school students at the worst possible time New York Post - Jan 27, 2018 We tried to ignore them — but they took over. We tried getting rid of them — they popped back in greater numbers. Each January and February, just as NYC high-school juniors are dealing with finals and term papers, our inboxes are engulfed by college-admissions marketing e-mails. ..
It's Freshman Year: Check In About These College Admissions Tasks Teenife Blog - Jan 26, 2018 It’s time for a mid-year checkup. Half of the school year has passed and with a new start in January, students should evaluate their progress. Freshman year begins the process that eventually culminates in admission to college for most students. ..
College acceptance letters aren't what they used to be Tallahassee.com - Jan 26, 2018 All across the country, high school seniors are anxiously awaiting their acceptance notices from colleges and universities. My daughter is one of those seniors. She has spent four years in high school studying hard to keep her GPA high ..
Visit 10 colleges before senior year of high school Jackson News - Jan 26, 2018 A crucial part of deciding which college to attend is finding a good fit. And a great way to get more information is to tour the university. Of course, visiting colleges may not be possible for everyone, but it's a good idea to make the trips if you can......
Students with Disabilities
| HSCW Counselors' Corners Post - Feb 1, 2018 National School Counseling Week: It’s OK to Celebrate Yourself It’s gratifying to see that National School Counseling Week is finally gaining traction among some key groups. Thanks in large part to the support school counselors received from Michelle Obama during her time as First Lady,.. More
Michelle Obama surprises 2018 School Counselor of the Year. Watch the video Washington Post - Jan 25, 2018 Kirsten Perry, newly named 2018 School Counselor of the Year, was sitting in a school office with some students at Lawndale Community Academy in Chicago, waiting for what she thought would be a phone call from the executive director of the American School Counselor Association....
Guidance Counselors Deserve Recognition EdWeek (registration required) - Jan 25, 2018 With so much attention paid to the role of teachers, it's easy to forget the importance of guidance counselors ("Never underestimate a guidance counselor's power," New York Daily News, Jan. 8, 2018). ...
Options For Parent College Loans Falmouth Enterprise - Jan 26, 2018 Today we will discuss three lending options that parents can use for college loans. These loans are available from local banks, a state authority, and the government....
Mental Health Issues Overlooked in College Transition WebMD - Jan 25, 2018 Teens are more stressed and anxious than in the past, yet their parents will send many off to college with little thought about the mental health issues they might face while there, according to a new WebMD/Medscape survey in collaboration with JED....
3 Tips to Avoid Falling Behind on SAT, ACT Prep US News - Jan 29, 2018 For high school sophomores and juniors, SAT and ACT test dates in the winter and early spring can pose a unique issue: focusing on preparation after winter break and amid the threat of snow days.....
Financial Aid 101: The glossary you’ll need (Part 1) Tribune News Service - Jan 30, 2018 Students want to know if they’ll be accepted, and parents want to know how they’re going to pay for college.
College has always been expensive but a generation or two ago, the cost of attendance. ...
Career and Technical Education
Georgia embraces Germany’s apprenticeship model MarketPlace - Jan 26, 2018 Factory workers are aging and manufacturers are worried there won’t be enough young people with the technical skills to do their jobs. So 10 states have embraced Germany’s apprenticeship model to help fill these manufacturing positions. . . ..
Vocational students drive graduation growth Albany Democrat-Herald - Jan 28, 2018 It's only the second year of measurement, but so far, Oregon's shift back toward vocational education appears to be paying off in higher graduation rates.. ..
Arizona Expands Career And Technical Education KJZZ.org - Jan 29, 2018 In 2017, 49 states passed 241 laws related to career and technical education (CTE), a dramatic increase compared to the past five years, according to a new analysis. . ..
Connecticut Regents Failed To Do College Merger Homework Hartford Courant - Jan 29, 2018 It's painfully obvious that the Connecticut Board of Regents for Higher Education hasn't done its homework on Students First, the ill-thought-out planned merger of the state's 12 community colleges. . ..
Proposal would slash cost of college education in Pa. Pocono Record - Jan 29, 2018 Two independent research firms have announced a joint plan to make college tuition free for Pennsylvania students. The $1.6 billion proposal would cover that cost for most full-time Pennsylvania-resident students enrolled in any of the state’s 14 public universities. . ..
Teen Health
Sleepy U.S. Teens Are Running on Empty HealthDay News - Jan 25, 2018 THURSDAY, Jan. 25, 2018 (HealthDay News) -- Most American teenagers are plagued by too little sleep, which can hurt their health and their school performance, federal health officials said Thursday.. ..
Talk Therapy May Be Worth It for Teen Depression US Health - Jan 29, 2018 MONDAY, Jan. 29, 2018 (HealthDay News) -- Talk therapy can be a cost-effective way to treat teens with depression who don't take or stop using antidepressants, a new study finds.. ..

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