About HS CounselorWeek - weekly email
This weekly email searches main media outlets finding stories that may be of interest to high school counselors, college admission officers and related organizations, with links to the original stories. It is published by High School Counselor Marketing.
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Big Picture
Are Admissions Gatekeepers Diverse Enough? Inside Higher Ed - Feb 5, 2018 Leaders of American colleges talk regularly about the need to diversify their student bodies, especially at selective institutions with relatively few black and Latino students. ...
College Admissions Process/Strategies
Ten Things Every College Senior Needs To Do In February Forbes - Feb 4, 2018 The last semester of college is intense. Most students are very focused on their upcoming exams, papers, projects and other assignments. Their schedules are often crammed. They're not thinking about job-hunting — and who can blame them?..
Prepare for a U.S. College Admissions Interview US News - Feb 1, 2018 Interviews can be an important component of the college admissions process. They help schools determine whether applicants are a good fit and, in the case of prospective international students....
| HSCW Counselors' Corners Post - Feb 8, 2018 Keep the Counselor Celebration Going with a Principal Summit If social media is any measure, National School Counseling Week is becoming one very serious party. From counselor breakfasts to selfies with students to gorgeous pictures of the School Counselor,.. More
Column: School counselors serve critical role Detroit News - Feb 4, 2018 t just figures that National School Counseling Week starts the day after the Super Bowl. The country gorges on guacamole-covered chicken wings on Sunday, and when America’s most misunderstood group of educators asks for three nacho chips and a high five on Monday...
High Schoolers: Understand AP Research Assessments US News - Feb 5, 2018 The Advanced Placement Capstone is a prestigious two-year program that the College Board offers to develop students' investigative and communicative skills in anticipation of college-level studies.....
Financial Aid 101: The glossary you'll need (Part 2) Tribune News Service - Feb 6, 2018 Last week, I started putting together a financial aid primer for families interested in the intricacies involved in paying for college. While many students won't have to pay full sticker price for their college education, most families will need to evaluate the practicality of taking out loans and graduating with debt....
Apply for college financial aid now Picayune Item - Feb 6, 2018 The beginning of a new month means graduation day is that much closer for high school seniors. By now, many students preparing to attend college have already chosen a school they will attend next fall or they're still on the fence.....
Career and Technical Education
Let's quit brainwashing kids that it's a college degree or nothing Chicago Sun Times - Feb 2, 2018 I had no inkling there was a problem. The students in my college English class were working in the computer lab, where each station has a wraparound console which affords pupils the privacy they need to concentrate on their writing ..
Less Community, More Vocational Inside Higher Ed - Feb 2, 2018 The Trump administration's rhetoric for more work force and career training increased Thursday, with the president calling for community colleges to undergo a name change. ..
Trump's Vision for Vocational Education Gets a Tepid Reception New York Times - Feb 2, 2018 WASHINGTON — President Trump's calls this week for more vocational schools have received a lukewarm reception from the higher education community, including from the educators who teach in the programs he is championing. . ..
High School Student Motivation-- Career & Technical Education Classes Reno Gazette Journal - Feb 2, 2018 Maybe, but try enrolling your student in some Career and Technical Education classes that give kids a chance to make some choices that fit them. Students can become excited about school; enjoying the skills they gain, and building self confidence along the way. . ..
New England colleges have one big worry: 2025 Boston Globe - Feb 3, 2018 When she was a high school freshman, Praise Hall lived in a hotel room in Colorado with her parents and six siblings. Even back then she knew she wanted to go to college one day, but it didn't seem possible.. ..
UD raising tuition for select programs, hiring 500 new faculty DelawareOnline - Feb 5, 2018 The University of Delaware announced Monday, the first day of spring semester, that it will begin charging business, engineering and nursing students $1,000 to $4,000 more than the institution's standard undergraduate tuition rate. . ..
Teen Dating
1.5 million U.S. teens experience physical abuse Wahpeton Daily News - Feb 3, 2018 Nobody deserves to be mistreated or abused in their relationships. Approximately 1.5 million students in the U.S. experience physical abuse from a dating partner, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.. ..
Knowing the signs: Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month NBC25News - Feb 5, 2018 Experts say abuse can come in many forms from checking emails and text without a partner's permission to intimidation and belittling. luckily, there are ways for parents and teens to put a stop to violence and it starts with communication... ..

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