About HS CounselorWeek - weekly email
This weekly email searches main media outlets finding stories that may be of interest to high school counselors, college admission officers and related organizations, with links to the original stories. It is published by High School Counselor Marketing.
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College Admissions Process/Strategies
Common college admissions questions asked and answered Tribune News Service - Jan 16, 2018 Whether I’m leading a workshop on navigating the college admissions process or getting stopped in the frozen food aisle at the supermarket, here are some of the most common questions parents ask. ..
Rolling Admissions: 10 Frequently Asked Questions U.S. News & World Report - Jan 11, 2018 1. What is rolling admissions? Colleges and universities with a rolling admissions policy evaluate applications as they receive them. They release admissions decisions regularly ..
How to Pick a College When You’ve Been Accepted to Multiple Schools Her Campus - Jan 10, 2018 Applying to college can be one of the most stressful times in a young person’s life. Not only do you have to handle large amounts of paperwork, essays and interviews, but you are also making a huge decision that will impact you for at the least next four years....
Don’t skip the campus visit – you’ll learn about where you might learn News Observer - Jan 12, 2018 John Rosemond’s “Parenting” advice column discouraging students and families from making college visitations, which ran in The News & Observer on Jan. 9, is an extraordinary example of ignorance (I mean that in the dictionary definition sense) masquerading as expertise.....
College Admissions: Visiting Schools to Learn More VOA - Jan 15, 2018 So many everyday activities in modern life are done over the internet. This includes everything from buying clothes to watching movies to even applying for admission to college.....
Students with Disabilities
The Importance of Disabled Friends for the Disabled Psychology Today - Jan 15, 2018 I was surprised when my niece Sophia told me that she had applied for a summer staff position at Landmark College, which she had attended for three weeks the summer between 11th and 12th grades..
| HSCW Counselors' Corners Post - Jan 12, 2018 A Report on Bottom Line—What Does It Mean for School Counselors? Social media has been abuzz this past month with the results of a new study on college counseling by Andrew Barr and Benjamin Castleman ... More
The hidden homelessness among America’s high school students Salon - Jan 14, 2018 One in 30. That’s what a new first-of-its-kind study found was the number of students ages 13 to 17 who have experienced homelessness in the past year. The figure represents about 700,000 young people nationwide. .....
How Home Equity Impacts Financial Aid The College Solution - Jan 13, 2018 Have you given any thought to how home equity might hurt your child’s chances for financial aid? Luckily, at most state and private colleges and universities, the equity in your primary home is a non-issue...
More Colleges Backing off SAT and ACT Admissions Rule Campus Technology - Jan 17, 2018 A running tally shows that more than a thousand accredited, four-year colleges and universities now make their admissions decisions about all or many applicants without considering ACT or SAT test scores....
You can negotiate your college tuition. Here's how. Yahoo Finance - Jan 11, 2018 High school seniors are starting to receive their college acceptance letters. It’s a time as exciting as it is overwhelming, especially when it comes to paying for tuition. ...
Understanding financial aid award letters Jackson Sun - Jan 12, 2018 It's the time of year when high school seniors receive financial aid award letters from the colleges and universities to which they are accepted. It's an exciting time, but one that sometimes brings stress and confusion, mainly since award letters can be difficult to decipher. ...
You can negotiate your college tuition. Here's how. NJ.com - Jan 11, 2018 As prospective college students begin the process of securing financial aid for one of the most important investments they'll ever make, experts caution against misleading claims that can cost money and jeopardize identity security. ...
Career and Technical Education
Transfer Under One Roof Inside Higher Ed - Jan 16, 2018 Matthew Holland was on sabbatical at the University of Oxford last summer when he was asked to speak to members of Parliament at the Palace of Westminster about how to bridge the divide between vocational education and the traditional four-year degree....
Training Young People for Middle-Skill Jobs: New Guidelines Proposed EdWeek (registration required) - Jan 11, 2018 Programs to train young people for middle-skill jobs must avoid tracking, and should carefully balance industry-specific preparation with more generalizable skills to equip students for a changing workplace, according to a report issued this week....
Severe Bullying Tied to Mental Health Woes in Teens US News - Jan 15, 2018 MONDAY, Jan. 15, 2018 (HealthDay News) -- Teens who were severely bullied as children are at increased risk for mental health problems and suicide attempts, a Canadian study finds. The study included data on more than 1,300 children in the province of Quebec, from birth until age 15.....

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