About HS CounselorWeek - weekly email
This weekly email searches main media outlets finding stories that may be of interest to high school counselors, college admission officers and related organizations, with links to the original stories. It is published by High School Counselor Marketing.
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Why Aren't College Students Using Career Services? The Atlantic - Jan 20, 2018 One summer, a group of students with research jobs on campus, including myself, met up at a Thai restaurant in our college’s small town. This was our third free dinner of the week. . ..
New Bid to Overhaul College Admissions Inside Higher Ed - Jan 22, 2018 In recent years, a number of high school districts and a few states have moved to require high school students to complete much more sophisticated projects to assess their eligibility for a high school diploma, and their preparation for college and the world of work. . ..
College Admissions Process/Strategies
8 Things Juniors Should Be Doing Right Now to Get into Their Dream College Her Campus - Jan 20, 2018 As an aspiring collegiette, getting admitted into the college of your dreams is probably one of the highest priorities (if not the highest) in your life right now. To ensure your best chances at getting into your dream school, you should start early to make your application really stand out.. ..
Weigh High School Options for Earning College Credit US News - Jan 22, 2018 As many high school students and parents know, the cost of a college education continues to rise. In light of this reality, many students are turning to high school curricular options that can lead to college credit,.....
College visitations becoming a waste of time Tribune News Servicer - Jan 20, 2018 Question: Our 17-year-old daughter wants to begin visiting colleges. She’s a high school junior this year, and this is when the college visitations begin. We’re feeling like the Grinches Who Stole College Visitations because neither of us feel there’s any value to this practice.....
Students with Disabilities
‘College Dreams Within Reach For More People On The Spectrum Disability Scoop - Jan 15, 2018 CHICAGO — It was never a question whether Paris King would go to college. The 23-year-old, who is on the autism spectrum, loved learning — especially history — and he and his parents saw no reason why he shouldn’t continue to do so after high school...
| HSCW Counselors' Corners Post - Jan 25, 2018 A New Approach to FAFSA Completion—Want Prom? Complete FAFSA! There’s been a lot of exciting changes to the Free Application for Federal Student Aid. Thanks to some insightful planning, FAFSA can now be completed as early as October 1.. More
Why is it so difficult to figure out how much you’re going to pay for college Washington Post - Jan 19, 2018 Over the next several months, along with college admissions offers, high school seniors will get financial aid letters from schools that illustrate how they might pay for tuition. For students and their parents, deciphering the letters from most schools is almost impossible......
The SAT: What Parents Need To Know Jewish Link NJ - Jan 18, 2018 You’ve known this day was coming: Your high schooler is growing up, getting taller and beginning to think about what will happen after the 12th grade. College might seem far away, but it is never too early to begin considering important components.....
How to Take the SAT, ACT for Free US News - Jan 23, 2018 College can feel costly before students even get there, given the various fees associated with the application process. For students from low-income backgrounds, these expenses can be even more challenging.....
How to make a good impression in scholarship interviews Tribune News Service - Jan 22, 2018 Applications have been submitted, and most seniors are now just anxiously awaiting their early action and regular decision notifications. Proactive students are searching for money to defray costs for next year. ...
Career and Technical Education
Teens and Drugs

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