About HS CounselorWeek - weekly email
This weekly email searches main media outlets finding stories that may be of interest to high school counselors, college admission officers and related organizations, with links to the original stories. It is published by High School Counselor Marketing.
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Big Picture
Education Department Wants To Protect Student-Loan Debt Collectors NPR.org - Feb 27, 2018 Student-loan debt collectors have been accused of deceiving and abusing student borrowers and have been sued by attorneys general in a handful of states. Now, they may be getting some relief. The debt collectors, that is. Not their customers. ....
Give Money to College Students Who Need It Bloomberg - Feb 28, 2018 America's top colleges and universities are providing students with more financial aid than ever. But more of the money should go to the families who need it most.....
We’re still paying for rich people to go to college. Why? Washington Post OpEd - Feb 25, 2018 Republicans these days are full of tender concern that government welfare programs may weaken the moral fiber of their recipients. That is why they insist that benefits go only to those who prove their fitness of character through employment or job training....
College Admissions Process/Strategies
Colleges Ask Applicants For More While Reading Applications Less Forbes - Feb 22, 2018 About a year ago, the Chronicle of Higher Education's Eric Hoover reported on admission offices' efforts to "work smarter, not harder," when it came to reading applications. Deans and directors at popular colleges found themselves swamped with applications and "'reading on weekends, reading in the evenings,'" ....
Freshman, sophomore years important in college prep Jackson Sun - Feb 22, 2018 Recently, I have been hearing parents say, “we don't think about college until the spring of junior year."
Unfortunately, the emphasis on junior year performance lulls many students into thinking that if they’re serious about getting admitted to a good college, junior year is the time to kick things....
Colleges: Student protesters shouldn't worry about admission ABC News - Feb 24, 2018 As some high school students face the threat of disciplinary action for participating in gun control demonstrations, dozens of colleges and universities are sending them a reassuring message: It won't affect their chances of getting into their schools.....
Suspended For Protesting? Here's How To Explain It To Colleges Forbes - Feb 23, 2018 Most colleges require you to inform them if you’ve been suspended. Over the course of your high school years, you’ve probably decided not to do something — pull a fire alarm, punch a kid in the nose, do donuts in the school parking lot ....
Letters of Recommendation
How to Plan a College Visit Road Trip Over Spring Break Her Campus - Feb 23, 2018 Spring break is right around the corner and pre-collegiettes from all across the country are beginning to plan their long-awaited college visits. It is a prime time for visiting colleges and checking out which schools pique your interest. ....
Students with Disabilities
People with disabilities are rapidly joining the workforce. That's a hopeful trend. USA Today - Feb 22, 2018 TV reflects and shapes how we think about each other, including our family and neighbors with disabilities. Born This Way, The Good Doctor and Speechless offer role models with high expectations for inclusion and success.
These positive TV depictions parallel a hopeful trend in our country — as new statistics show 343,483 more people with disabilitie....
| HSCW Counselors' Corners Post - Mar 1, 2018 The Painful, Important Reminder of Dear White Counselor She had never met her school counselor, but that didn’t keep her from bursting into his office once the bell rang. “I know what I want to do with my life!” the student . .. More
Parents Guide: How to Help Your Child Get Student Loans Student Loan Hero - Feb 26, 2018 Your child did everything right: got good grades, was accepted to a great school, and even scored some scholarships. But it still doesn’t cover the total cost of their education. That’s not surprising considering the average cost of attending a four-year private institution is $33,480. ..
Did College Board Take Advantage of Florida Tragedy? Inside Higher Ed - Feb 22, 2018 The College Board sent admissions leaders an email message Wednesday related to the murders last week at a Florida high school -- and some recipients are questioning the taste of the message, which they see as a promotion of the Advanced Placement program.....
Don't Make Getting Financial Aid Harder US News - Feb 23, 2018 OVER MANY YEARS, colleges, federal and state agencies, and scholarship providers have worked together to simplify and streamline the process of applying for and receiving financial aid. But this year, students and colleges are facing new hurdles as they scramble....
Career and Technical Education
Leaders should highlight the benefits of 2-year vocational education MinnPost - Feb 26, 2018 My youngest son is a junior in high school and is in the midst of that difficult decision about what happens after he graduates next year. He has many great options before him, but there is clearly an assumption amongst most of those at his school and many of the people we know: ....
Student Athletes
Start early when planning your athletic recruitment timeline Tribune News Service - Feb 27, 2018 You’ve probably seen the headlines where 8th graders who can’t drive yet and haven’t taken algebra are being recruited to play athletics in college. Both sides of this equation sound a little crazy to me.......
R.I. aims to boost educational achievement after high school Providence Journal - Feb 23, 2018 PROVIDENCE, R.I. — The commissioner of postsecondary education has announced a statewide initiative to dramatically increase the number of Rhode Islanders who have a college degree or some other form of credential, so that 70 percent of working-age Rhode Islanders hold at least an associate’s degree by 2025.. ..
Teen Health
Teen sexting may be more common than you think Reuters - Feb 27, 2018 (Reuters Health) - At least one in four teens are receiving sexually explicit texts and emails, and at least one in seven are sending sexts, a new study suggests ..

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