About HS CounselorWeek - weekly email
This weekly email searches main media outlets finding stories that may be of interest to high school counselors, college admission officers and related organizations, with links to the original stories. It is published by de facto, inc., publishers of other e-newsletters.
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ARCHIVES Something New - Something Old
We have been asked more than once to have access to the archives. It sounds easy, but it required some thought on how to make it really useful. We are still working on it but here's what we have so far. Archives you will also see at the end of some of the topic sections a link to the archive for that topic. Let us know what you think. Thanks. |
Big Picture
Who Should Get Financial Aid? New York Times - Room for Debate - Nov 6, 2013 It’s that time of year: College students are applying for financial aid, and wondering how they’ll make up the difference if grants, scholarships and loans don’t cover the tuition bill....
Why the College Application Process Needs an Upgrade Huffington Post - Nov 5, 2013 What if you applied for a job and were told, "Sorry, your zip code, previous salary, and shoe size make you ineligible for this position?" You'd be angry, right? In many respects, a similar scenario plays out each year for tens of thousands of college applicants....
College Mentoring Program for At-Risk Students Shows Benefits EdWeek - Nov 6, 2013 Low-income students who participated in an individualized coaching program that helped them navigate through the college-application process were more likely to enroll in selective colleges and four-year institutions, new research shows. ..
College Admissions Process/Strategies
How to Make Your Extracurriculars Look Best on Your College Applications Her Campus - Nov 5, 2013 You’ve probably been told all throughout high school to get involved and participate in clubs and extracurriculars. For many college admissions officers, seeing that you’re really committed to your activities proves that you’re responsible and you can manage your time well....
How to Spot a Lousy Net Price Calculator The College Solution - Nov 4, 2013 As I’ve mentioned in previous college blog posts, net price calculators allow you to obtain a personalized estimate of what a school will cost after deducting any scholarships and grants that your child might be receiving. ...
College Admissions: 4 Things To Do While Waiting For Early Admissions GoLocalProv - Nov 4, 2013 Many parents and students are anxiously awaiting the first round of college admission responses. Early action and early decision acceptances are usually returned around December 15, but some colleges will send them out sooner and some will go later. ...
COLLEGE CONNECTION: Putting your best self forward wickedlocal.com - Nov 3, 2013 Cohasset — Whether it is a job interview or a new social situation, people generally want to make a good first impression. Applying to college is no exception. While students may attempt to awe the admission staff, knowing how best to do that is often overlooked and understated...
Letters of Recommendation
College Essays
Robots or Aliens as Parents? Colleges Gauge Applicants’ Creativity New York Times - Nov 3, 2013 As legions of high school seniors polish their college applications, plowing through predictable essay topics about their lives and goals, they might also run across something like this: “Tell us your favorite joke and try to explain the joke without ruining it.”....
What’s Happening In Your College Essay? The College Solution Blog - Nov 1, 2013 Here’s one way to check if your college admissions essay it will engage your reader: See if something happened. If not, good chance it’s a snoozer....
10 tips for preparing for the college interview Charlotte Observer - Nov 5, 2013 The college interview: The anxiety-producing rite of passage for high school seniors has, for the most part, gone the way of the floppy disk. Due to multiple factors, including the personnel required to schedule and conduct the interviews, the infamous sweaty-palms interview is no longer de rigeur....
| College test preparation creating more anxiety for students WXYZ - Nov 4, 2013 (WXYZ) - The college admission process can be stressful for students. This is especially true for students who have to take the SAT and ACT tests. For many students test preparation takes over their life. Experts say it seems like the pressure to perform is greater than ever.. ..
Reducing SAT Anxiety and Stress algonquin.patch - Nov 5, 2013 A parent remarked that his son had begun his SAT study with a combination of “zeal, anxiety, and stress”. Let me address the "Stressed and Anxious" aspect: ...
Gap Year
Learning from life: A 'gap year' between high school and college can help students Deseret News - Nov 5, 2013 Samantha Krieg’s arrival in Florence, Italy began the worst day of her 18-year-old life — or that’s what she thought at the time. But now, Krieg appreciates her memories of not knowing how to get to her apartment, and being lost for hours in a foreign city where she couldn’t understand the language.r....
6 Reasons Every Student Should Consider Taking a Gap Year Deseret News - Nov 5, 2013 Gap years are a relatively new phenomenon in the United States, compared to Britain or Australia, where it is almost common for students to take some time between high school graduation and college enrollment to focus on things other than academics.....
| HSCW Counselors' Corners Post - Nov 7, 2013 Ideal Gifts for That Special Counselor in Your Life In case you missed it, your local drug store is stocking candy canes this week—and that puts them a couple of weeks behind the local big box store that’s had Christmas trees up since mid-October... More
The New Faces of College Admissions: Parents New York Times - Nov 3, 2013 MY DAUGHTER was in college. I had let go, just as the school had suggested. Then the email arrived, asking me to pitch in and join its “admission network.” I’d thought I was finished with school volunteer work!...
I Might Not Send My Kids to College Huffington Post - Nov 6, 2013 Recently, I was at dinner with a group of friends, several of whom were mothers. As is often the case, the conversation had turned to the education system. We were discussing testing and home schooling and teachers, when another friend..
Social Media
Using Social Media to Improve Admissions Odds College Admissions Examiner - Nov 5, 2013 The terms “College Admissions” and “Social Media” are typically linked for one threatening reason: be careful what you post, because colleges may be watching you. But if colleges are watching you, doesn’t that represent an opportunity? ...
Students Becoming More Mindful of Their Online Behavior U.S. News University - Nov 3, 2013 The types of concerns students have during the college admissions process have changed dramatically over the past decade. This has a lot to do with the fact that popular websites like Facebook and Twitter simply did not exist back then....
| Florida Matters: The End Of Remedial College Classes State Impact - Florida - Nov 6, 2013 Half of Florida students who take the state’s college placement exam end up failing at least one section. In the past, those students would have brush up in remedial reading, writing or math courses before starting their college degree....
Are Parents To Blame For Raising Bullies? WDDE - Nov 4, 2013 Should parents be punished for their children's bullying crimes? One New York student thinks so. She's taking her aggressors and their parents to court, and she's not the only one who favors such action...
If a 6’5, 312-pound Miami Dolphin can be bullied… Washington Post - Nov 6, 2013 Jonathan Martin, the 6-foot-5-inch, 312-pound Miami Dolphin offensive lineman who left the NFL team because he was being bullied by at least one other player, has done a favor for school kids everywhere...
Big Pic
Gap Year
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