The College Essay Definition by Wikipedia
An admissions essay or college essay is written by a potential student as part of some university admissions processes in order to get to know more about the student than what forms can provide.
The amount of importance that admission reviewers put on admissions essays can vary greatly. Some schools place little or no importance on the essay and others place the greatest amount of importance on the essay. Generally, liberal arts colleges place a greater importance on the essay than major universities but this is not always the case. |
The 5-Minute Rule for College Essay Examples Express Observer - Dec 26, 2017 The Benefits of College Essay Examples. Our crew of academic writers will be in a position to assist you with entrance composition entry documents on the web of 500 phrases...
Lady Bird and Your College Application Essay HuffPost - Dec 13, 2017 If you’re a high school senior, the next few days might be the most stressful of the year. Sleepless nights, nervous eating, nail biting, and snapping at whoever crosses your path...
The December affliction of Reluctant Writer Syndrome Tribune News Service - Dec 12, 2017 Reluctant Writer Syndrome, like the flu, hits every year around this time. Most typically affected are high school senior boys, who seem to specialize in procrastination....
Essay is a critical part of a college application Chicago Tribune - Dec 7, 2017 While some colleges have eased their requirements for essays in the admissions process, the Common Application continues to require one essay. Many schools also require supplemental essays. T...
Admissions Blog: How to write an amazing admissions essay SBC Blog - Nov 10, 2017 When I was a senior in high school, I was obsessed with getting into all the colleges to which I applied (16). As a result, I wrote college essays constantly and stressed myself out more than was ever required. To begin with, applying to 16 colleges was stupid, ..
GPA, essays help students rise to the top of the heap Chicago Tribune - Nov 10, 2017 From all appearances, this 18-year-old senior seemed destined for Harvard. He will graduate in the top 10 percent of his class of 550 students, has 1550/1600 SAT scores and near 800s on four SAT subject tests. ..
10 top tips on the fine art of essay editing Tribune News Service - Nov 6, 2017 “Once and done” doesn’t cut it with the college essay. Essays need to marinate and be reviewed, revised and edited again. Word or character length of college essays is critical....
College Essay Tips From a Former Admissions Officer The Jewish Link - Nov 2, 2017 As a former admissions officer from Northwestern, I have read thousands of applications and I have also helped hundreds of students with their applications and their application essays. I’m going to give you my top college essay tips for the application process...
8 Tips for Filming Your Pre-Screen College Audition Video Backstage - Nov 3, 2017 Pre-screen audition season is upon us. For most students auditioning for BFA musical theatre or acting programs, recording and submitting pre-screen audition video clips with a monologue, song, and/or dance material is the first step to securing a college audition slot at their dream program...
‘Read me!’: Students race to craft forceful college essays as deadlines near Washington Post - Oct 23, 2017 Find a telling anecdote about your 17 years on this planet. Examine your values, goals, achievements and perhaps even failures to gain insight into the essential you. Then weave it together in a punchy essay of 650 or fewer words that showcases your authentic teenage voice....
How to choose your college application essay The State Journal-Register - Oct 26, 2017 I have written at least six drafts of my college essay. I am on my third topic, and in the past two weeks I finally finished my final draft. It was a long treacherous journey that began in April with an English class assignment....
Application Essays: What Works and What Doesn’t Jewish Link of New Jersey - Oct 19, 2017 Writing the application essay is one of the most stressful parts of the college application process. Students are tasked with the job of writing a compelling essay that is authentic and unique while trying to convince a stranger they are worthy of admittance. ....
Powerful essays open admission opportunities Jackson House - Oct 13, 2017 Each year as more students are applying to colleges, they are submitting more applications than ever before, resulting in colleges receiving record numbers of applications. ....
3 College Essay Clichés You Should Avoid Her Campus - Oct 15, 2017 The college essay. It’s the most daunting paper you’ll ever write in your high school career —and for good reason. This is your first personal introduction to colleges and it has the potential to make or break whether you receive that huge ‘Congratulations!’ envelope in the mail or not. ....
7 Tips For Writing a Killer College Essay Huffington Post - Oct 5, 2017 I can honestly say that I’ve never been a helicopter mom. I’ve never stayed up later than my kid to put a few “finishing touches” on her science project. I don’t schedule meetings with teachers or principals or send carefully worded “concerned” texts to mothers ....
Will My College Essay Get Me Into the Ivy League? Huffington Post - Oct 5, 2017 We’ve already covered most of the factors that contribute to a successful Ivy League college application in our ongoing series, “Who Gets into Harvard”. The final factor, and ideally the place where all of the rest comes together,...
How to write a great college admissions essay Houston Chronicle - Oct 3, 2017 The quintessential calico cat has a random pattern of different colors — black, white, orange — and everything in between. It's been said that a calico is a cat made by committee....
How to answer the “Why this college?” essay question Tribune News-Service - Sep 26, 2017 Why is the “Why this college?” essay so important? Colleges care why students put their college on their list, and many colleges incorporate the “why?” question into their applications..
College Application Essays: Just Start Writing Gazettes - Apr 23, 2017 Straight-A students from some of the best high schools in the country become unhinged at the thought of crafting a 650-word essay in response to “Reflect on a time when you questioned or challenged a belief or idea. What prompted your thinking? What was the outcome?” ...
Let personality shine through in college essays Omaha World-Herald - Apr 1, 2017 Google “college application essays” and more than 84,000 results pop up. From Harvard College blogs to Teen Vogue articles, high school and college students everywhere say writing an application essay . ...
Varsity Academics: Writing Better Essays For College Applications University Herald - Apr 3, 2017 Have you ever heard of the Latin word "Magis"? It means more. It means doing more than just the bare minimum. With that in mind, Varsity Academics encourage students to discover their full potentials when it comes to writing college essays. . ...
Freedom Returns to Common Application Essays Huffington Post - Feb 11, 2017 Like tulip enthusiasts awaiting the verdict of Punxsutawney Phil, high school juniors get atwitter this time of year when the Common Application releases its essay prompts. And, like the predictions of the groundhog, the prompts typically mean little....
The Most Important Part Of The College Application Process Huffington Post - Dec 12, 2016 ‘Tis the season! While that statement inevitably makes many people think of holiday lights, or dreidels and menorahs, and gift buying, for thousands of high school seniors and their parents, December is the advent of college application deadlines, and one of the most stressful times of their lives...
4 tips for writing a college application essay that really shines Metro - Dec 12, 2016 “It’s the most dreaded piece of writing people do in their lifetimes,” says Robinson, a former journalist and English teacher who now coaches students. “There’s so much riding on it, but no one has taught students how to write this kind of essay.”...
Ten Last Minute Tips For Crushing The College Application Essay Forbes - Dec 2, 2016 College application deadlines are creeping up on students like Marley’s ghost in A Christmas Carol, so I’ll keep this entry about application essays short and to the point, hoping they can avoid his fate (“I wear the chain I forged in life! I made it link by link and yard by yard!”)...
5 Fast Starts To A Great Essay VOA News - Dec 6, 2016 The first paragraph of a college essay, or any essay, is usually the most challenging. It’s also the most important, because it will guide the structure and set the tone of the entire essay. In a traditional essay, the first paragraph often contains the thesis statement. This thesis statement is a one-sentence summary of the paper’s main argument....
Write A College Admission Essay That Will Get You Straight To Your Dream University University Herald - Nov 23, 2016 mmet Rosenfeld is a high school teacher at T.C. Williams High School in Alexandria, Virginia who also works as a writing consultant who coaches high school seniors in crafting their admission essays. Today, Emmet shares key points to writing the admission essay that will get you to the college of your dreams...
How to conquer the dreaded college application essay Washington Post - Nov 10, 2016 Six hundred fifty words to change your life. With only that much to work with, Scheherazade, the storytelling Arabian princess of “One Thousand and One Nights,” would have been done before 10 on the first night, even if she weighed each word as carefully as a high school senior t..
Don't Make These 10 College Essay Mistakes TeenLife Blog - Nov 8, 2016 A key part of any college application is the college essay. Essays create much stress among students (and their parents) who want to craft the best possible application essay to make the best possible impression on admissions officers...
Put the personal back in the college essay: USA Today - Nov 1, 2016 November marks the start of application deadines for eager college students. Why did so many of them spend time and money having someone else help them create the perfect personal essay? Doesn't that defeat the very point? ..
Ready, set, write ... great college essays Standard-Examiner - Oct 29, 2016 It's nearing the end of the year, and if you're a high school senior, that means it's time to start college applications -- if you haven't already. Most of the application is technical information and filling out forms ..
Don't Make These 10 College Essay Mistakes TeenLife Blog - Oct 18, 2016 A key part of any college application is the college essay. Essays create much stress among students (and their parents) who want to craft the best possible application essay to make the best possible impression on admissions officers.....
How to Craft the Perfect College Application Essay Teen Vogue - Oct 13, 2016 Early action applications are due in November. Admissions officials have been educating me on what they want and don’t want. Here are five underutilized ways to give yourself an advantage. ....
5 ways to make your college application essay stand out Cincinnati.com - Oct 8, 2016 After helping students with literally thousands of essays over the last decade, I’ve noticed five clear truths that stand out among the rest when it comes to crafting an application piece. These ideas may seem obvious, but you would be surprised just how many people forget these simple steps because they are overthinking their application essays ....
Five ways to avoid that cringe-worthy essay Tribune News Service - Sep 29, 2016 You want your essay to be the one that is passed around the admissions office…. or not. It’s a little bit like the difference between being famous and infamous. We all know that a sincere, well-written essay that provides insights about how the student has matured, ....
College Admissions Expert Elizabeth Levine: College Essay Writing Photo News Service - Oct 2, 2016 How do I go about writing my college essay? Writing your college essay is one of the most difficult documents you will write in your lifetime. Why is this? So much is on the line. You are applying to college's that will define the next four years of your life....
‘The power of the college essay – no dying dogs Tribune News Service - Sep 23, 2016 My favorite college admissions adage is “A good essay can heal the sick, but can’t raise the dead.” That sums it up pretty succinctly – a strong, well-written essay has the power to move a teetering applicant into the “yes” pile ....
‘Tips for Brainstorming College Application Essay Topics US News - Sep 26, 2016 The fall semester is an exciting time. You have new classes to explore, teachers to meet and opportunities to pursue. But with that excitement comes the overwhelming list of college application tasks, which you must figure out how to prioritize alongside the rest of your high school commitments....
‘The Tricky Secret to Successful College Essays TIME - Sep 16, 2016 So you want your college essay to show admissions how amazing you are, but you don’t want to say, “Hey admissions—I’m amazing!”. Displaying your accomplishments without bravado is harder than most people think, especially in an assignment like the college application essay...
Why the student college application essay is often ‘a con job’ Washington Post - Sep 21, 2016 The best college admissions essays, it is often said, give admissions officers a glimpse into who the applicant is and what he/she values. Really now? (Not the ones written by the applicant’s parents. Not the ones in which students pretend to care about something they don’t.)...
Sure Signs of an Outsourced College Essay Wall Street Journal - Sep 16, 2016 Between now and Thanksgiving, high-school seniors face the daunting task of writing riveting, revelatory personal essays that will make college admissions officers look more favorably on their applications.....
The 3 types of essays: Good, Bad, Risky Tribune News Service - Sep 2, 2016 Let’s start with “The Risky.” One of the favorite stories being passed around by admissions officers these days is a young man’s response to an open-ended essay prompt: “Ask yourself a question, and then answer it.” So here’s what one bold young man chose to write:....
3 College Essay Clichés You Should Avoid Her Campus - Sep 7, 2016 The college essay. It’s the most daunting paper you’ll ever write in your high school career —and for good reason. This is your first personal introduction to colleges and it has the potential to make or break whether you receive that huge ‘Congratulations!’ envelope in the mail or not....
3 Big College Essay Taboos—and When to Break Them Anyway TIME - Aug 25, 2016 So many people talk about rules as they relate to admissions essays: You should always do this. You can never do that. Personally, I hate rules. Well, I don’t hate them, really. I just don’t believe in absolutes for the admissions essay, especially regarding topic selection and creative execution. I believe more in a hearty set of guidelines that allow room for personal interpretation a....
What No One Will Tell You About the New Common App Essay Prompts TIME - Aug 611, 2016 The 2016-17 Common Application platform went live last week, and in the ensuing weeks you will undoubtedly read a lot about the Common App’s personal essay. You will read about essays that worked and didn’t work. You will read about what each prompt means, which prompts are better than others, and what admissions officers are looking for in these 650-word representations of each applicant....
3 Steps To Writing a Winning College Essay The College Solution - Aug 6, 2016 After working with thousands of students from all over the world on writing the dreaded college application essay for the last eight years, I’ve finally been able to boil down the process to three simple steps.
Yes, just three steps.....
One way to write a great college admissions essay? Tell your story out loud. Washington Post - Aug 4, 2016 Carol Barash even talks like she’s writing a college application essay: The day before her father died, she said, he told her that education was changing: No longer were there few collegiate options for women, for Jewish people, for poor families. “You could go anywhere,” he told her....
How to Answer the Common Application Essay for College Admissions Huffington Post - Jun 25, 2016 The Common Application has long been the hub for applications to U.S. colleges. Every year, more than half-a-million students seeking a place in the Ivy League and 600-plus other private and public colleges, log on to a portal that collects and distributes much of a student’s application materials....
College application essay has become a write of passage Star Tribune - Jun 28, 2016 Born and raised in Minnesota, Priya George wants to expand her worldview by attending college in another state. Heading into her senior year at Wayzata High School, the 17-year-old is preparing to apply to top-tier colleges, including Boston University and Duke....
Communication Conversation: Essaying the Admissions Essay Ladue News - Jun 23, 2016 In an increased effort to select students who fit well, college admissions essays lately have gained significance. Admissions counselors want to see and feel the challenges you have faced, as your learning experiences give them a glimpse of your potential.....
Warming Up to the Idea of Writing Your College Essays Huffington Post - Jun 6, 2016 Just as in sports, where you warm up before actually playing, it’s a really good idea to “warm up” before sitting down to work on your college essays. By gradually preparing your mind and body for the more vigorous activity ahead ..
Good admissions essay may mean more financial aid Huffington Post - Jun 7, 2016 Some colleges, especially private schools, require an essay as part of their admissions process for college freshmen. That essay may also help when it comes to paying for college, according to the Kentucky Higher Education Assistance Authority..
How to Write the Best College Admissions Essay TeenLife Blog - May 24, 2016 The college admissions essay is perhaps the most dreaded part of the college application process. The essay creates frustration for students, stress for parents, and an overall feeling of dread as the deadline for submission approaches. ..
How to Approach College Admissions Essay Huffington Post - Apr 29, 2016 The college admissions process is getting more and more competitive each year. In order to apply to US colleges, students usually submit an application through the Common Application or a stand-alone system that some schools...
College Application Essays Need Stories Gazettes - Mar 6, 2016 If there is something important you wish to get across on your college essay, then it’s best to say it in the form of a story, a narrative essay....
How to Write a Better College Essay TIME - Feb 25, 2016 University, along with the co-founder of WOW Writing Workshop, say that what makes a great college essay is the story that is told by the student. Using simple, everyday language,....
Pro/Con: Should college admissions accept video applications? The Franklin News - Feb 26, 2016 Pro:
Basing the level of a student’s intelligence on how well they did on a test or a homework assignment is unfair.
During my kindergarten through high-school years, I positively despised everything about prison – wait I mean school.....
Tips for writing the "why us?" supplemental essay College Examiner - Dec 18, 2015 For students applying to selective universities, the “Why Us?” supplemental essay can be a very important part of the admissions process. The Common Application makes it incredibly easy for students to apply to a large number of colleges with the simple click of a button,..
Last-Minute Tips for Writing a Great College Essay TIME - Dec 7, 2015 First, don't be boring. Your college essays need to be memorable--but in a positive way. That will help you stand out from other applicants. Choose a topic you are passionate about. ..
COLLEGE COUNSELOR: The "Why Us?" Essay Gazettes - Dec 6, 2015 An essay prompt found often on applications is, 'Why us?' Why do you want to come here and what will you do once you arrive? A taste of this year's crop include: ..
5 Steps for Using College Admissions Essays to Address Weaknesses US News - Nov 9, 2015 A semester of lackluster grades, a disciplinary report or a poor showing on a standardized exam can all present significant challenges when attempting to get into a competitive college. Most experts advise addressing any deficiency directly....
‘Copy and paste’ is not always your friend DC College Admissions Examiner - Nov 13, 2015 Everyone has heard the story of the college applicant who inadvertently inserted the wrong institutional name in an admissions essay. Harvard likes to tell the story of receiving an essay earnestly extolling the virtues of Yale...
Selling yourself through the personal statement Baltimore Sun - Nov 9, 2015 It's that time of year again: a nip in the air, leaves falling — and high school seniors stressing over their college applications, especially the essay part...
Don’t just write off that supplemental college essay Boston Globe - Oct 30, 2015 After weeks of brainstorming, writing, editing, and rewriting, that frightening personal statement essay is finally done. But don’t exhale just yet. For a majority of colleges, particularly the most selective, additional essay questions are also part of the application process......
 | College Essay Tips for Parents and Students The College Solution Blog - Oct 26, 2015 It’s college essay time. That dreaded stretch of the college admission process that high school seniors AND their parents often hate. I feel for everyone going through this right now, which is why I want to help...
An MIT Team's Platform Brings Essay Feedback for Everyone BostInno - Oct 27, 2015 Fall means different things for different people. For most of us, this season is all about breaking out the sweaters and pumpkin-flavored everything. But for high school seniors, autumn is the start of the college applications mad dash...
Countdown to College: Essay topics to avoid Charlotte Observer - Oct 15, 2015 What do colleges want to know about you? That’s a good place to start when you’re brainstorming your college essay. You know colleges don’t want you to tell your life story in 500 words. But, you keep pestering yourself wondering..
8 things admissions officers wish people would stop doing USA Today - Oct 19, 2015 One of the best ways to make your admissions essays stand apart from the crowd is to avoid the most common mistakes that applicants make. Admissions officers are looking for sincere and passionate essays that help them get to know you better...
 | Getting In: The College Essay Slate.com - Oct 9, 2015 The personal statement might be only 650 words, but these paragraphs have the power to make a student stand out to the admissions office, or get lost in the pack...
5 things to know about writing a great college essay Charlotte Observer - Oct 9, 2015 As I read student essay after student essay this fall, I often find myself asking, in not such a polite tone, “What were they thinking?” Grammar and usage mistakes are rampant, and many students are clueless when it comes to writing a non-academic paper.y...
The Essay Questions Colleges Should Be Asking -- But Aren't Huffington Post - Oct 13, 2015 Friends whose son started on his college applications this week were bemoaning the process to us, knowing we have lived through it ourselves. It's been a while since our sons applied and I was curious to know if the essay topics had improved in the interim....
How to Choose a Topic for Your Common App Essay Greenwich Free Press - Oct 1, 2015 You’ve never trekked through the jungles of Thailand, volunteered on a mission trip abroad or founded a non-profit organization? Don’t worry — you will still find something to write about in your college application essay and get into a competitive college....
Don’t Make This Common College Application Mistake! TeenLife - Sep 29, 2015 What is the single biggest mistake you can make on your college application? Submitting a narrative as your essay response to the prompt. You might as well just include the wrong school name while you are at it...
College Admissions: Common Application Prompt #5 GoLocal PDX College Admission - Sep 23, 2015 The intention of this series is to show readers a sample of a good essay in response to each of the Common Application prompts. This essay is an actual college admission essay, written and submitted by a real student. ...
Don't Ghostwrite College Application Essays Huffington Post - Sep 25, 2015 Recently, I have traveled to schools, college fairs, libraries, and many homes to help kids with their college applications, including their college application essays and/or personal statements. .....
5 Common App Essay Tips That Will Actually Help You Her Campus - Sep 9, 2015 When it comes to applying for college, it seems like everyone who has ever attended college thinks that they're experts on everything pertaining to the matter. They want to give you advice on everything from where you should apply to how you can write the perfect essay....
Infographic: What Makes a Strong College Essay US News - Sep 9, 2015 Writing a college essay could very well be the most high pressure part of the college application process. At some point, there is little students can do about grades, extracurricular activities and what will and won't be said in their recommendation letters ...
8 Ways to Help the Selfie Generation Write Better College Essays Huffington Post - Sep 3, 2015 Someone recently told me that every American teenager today knows his or her best camera angle because of all the selfies they take. It's an interesting observation because these are the same students I meet when they're struggling to write their college application essays and have no idea what their best angle is....
College Admissions: Common Application Prompt #2 Charlotte Observer - Sep 3, 2015 Common Application Prompt #2 This is an actual college application essay written in response to the Common Application prompt: Learning from Failure. It is followed by comments from admissions professionals about what makes this personal statement effective. ...
Countdown to College: Get going on that college essay Charlotte Observer - Aug 27, 2015 Fear and procrastination are the two biggest stumbling blocks for seniors as they consider the college essay. The essay is uniformly considered the most stressful part of the college application process....
How to Perfect Your College Application Essay Her Campus - Aug 24, 2015 Most college applications require some standard forms about your academic history, transcript, GPA, extracurriculars, letters of recommendations and the essay. The forms are all pretty self explanatory and cover all the basics—not too bad overall. The essay is a whole different ballgame. ...
Common Application Prompt #1 GoLocalPDX College Admissions - Aug 31, 2015 Common Application Prompt #1 This is an actual college application essay written in response to the Common Application prompt: Share Your Story. It is followed by comments from admissions professionals about what makes this personal statement effective. ,...
5 Steps for Scripting a Video College Application Essay US News - Aug 24, 2015 If you? had mere seconds to change the course of your life – what would you say?
If you are submitting a video admissions essay as part of your college application, that question should be at the forefront of your mind. ...
College Admissions: 6 Steps To A Killer College Application GoLocalProv College Admissions - Aug 24, 2015 Early Admission deadlines will begin in just a few weeks on October 15 for some schools, and students will be racing to get their applications completed. So, what are the fatal mistakes to avoid? What makes a truly great app?...
10 College Application Tips: How to Write for Tired Eyes Huffington Post - Aug 17, 2015 These flourishes of onomatopoeia fly at me as I read several students' college application drafts. Normally, I enjoy a jaunty hook. But such framing devices, including snippets of conversation in media res, ...
 | What Works For Successful College Essays? WBUR.org - Hear & Now - Aug 11, 2015 It’s getting more competitive to get into top schools, and a new company called AdmitSee has compiled data on successful college application essays to help guide students...
College Essay Cliches Huffington Post - Aug 10, 2015 High school students are stronger writers, storytellers, and thinkers than they, or the adults around them, often give themselves credit for. When left to its own devices, though, even the sharpest teenage minds frequently gravitate towards college essay topics that are so common ....
7 fatal errors to avoid in your personal statement USA Today - Aug 14, 2015 n the process of planning, writing and perfecting your personal statement, what you don’t include is just as important as what you do. You already know that your statement needs to have great content and be free of errors in grammar, spelling and punctuation...
A favorite college essay tip The College Solution - Jun 14, 2015 I’ve looked at plenty of college essays over the years and the vast majority of them have been b-o-r-i-n-g.
The mediocre essays that I’ve seen have usually been guilty of one or more of these no-no’s:
. ...
Ways for Parents, Students to Revise College Application Essays Together US News - Jun 9, 2015 College application essays are intended to provide insight beyond the impersonal numbers of test scores and academic transcripts. Recommendation letters can provide a third-party perspective, but the essay is a student's best chance to speak directly to the gatekeepers of higher education.......
The Common Application announces 2015-16 essay prompts DC College Admissions Examiner - Mar 31, 2015 With feedback provided by the nearly 6,000 individuals who participated in a survey conducted earlier this month, the Common Application announced today final language for the 2015-16 essay prompts...
Essential Reading for Writing the College Essay Huffington Post - Mar 10, 2014 I last taught high school in 2005. I've been tutoring and advising individual students extensively since then, and my biggest regret about my classroom teaching has become achingly clear: I didn't spend enough time helping students improve their writing.....
Essays can make or break your college admissions Post-Tribune - Mar 6, 2014 All other things being equal, the essays will play the decisive factor in your admission. Rejection letters typically are sent to the applicants with the worst essays. Here is how I classify essays:....
What Makes a Great College Essay Huffington Post - Feb 21, 2014 A great college essay is more than a good story. Students should ask themselves some
questions before writing and while proofreading any rough drafts.....
Conquering the college essay Charlotte Observer - Dec 22, 2013 MThe college essay strikes fear in the souls of students, who stare at the blank space on the application and wonder: What should I write?....
Getting into college: Your essay may help more than you realize Atlanta Journal Constitution (blog) - Dec 12, 2013 Maggie Anderson had a successful career in marketing communications, producing video and writing. She is the author of “Do You Stand Out Enough?" She also coaches executives and entrepreneurs how to use their communications more powerfully....
 | Tips To Handle The Dreaded College Essay NY1 - Dec 12, 2013 Applying to college can be a stressful but exciting experience, and a key part of the experience is the dreaded college essay. Rob Franek, a senior vice president and publisher with the Princeton Review, offered some college essay tips....
Unusual college essay questions for 2013-14 Washington Post - Nov 25, 2013 Every year colleges and universities ask applicants to write essays to explain who they are and to show how they think and write (assuming that the students actually write the essays themselves). ...
College essay requires thought, not personal drama Charlotte Observer - Dec 2, 2013 Robert Cronk, author of “Concise Advice: Jump-Starting Your College Admissions Essays” ( www.jumpstartessays.com) took issue with some of my advice in last week’s “Why this college?” column....
More ways to say ‘Why I love this college’ Charlotte Observer - Nov 19, 2013 Robert Cronk, author of “Concise Advice: Jump-Starting Your College Admissions Essays” ( www.jumpstartessays.com) took issue with some of my advice in last week’s “Why this college?” column....
Advice for Writing the "Why us?" Essay True Admission Blog - Nov 19, 2013 Kim Lifton, President of Wow Writing Workshop, joins us today to address the often misunderstood "Why us?" essay. The "Why us?" essay is a unique opportunity in the college application.....
How to nail the ‘Why this college?’ essay prompt Charlotte Observer - Nov 10, 2013 “Why this college?” That pesky prompt asks the seemingly benign question, “Why do you want to attend our school?” The “Why this college?” essay ends up frequently being a lame attempt to tell the college what they think the college wants to hear. Bad idea....
4 Clichéd College Essay Topics to Avoid Her Campus - Nov 12, 2013 It’s that time of year: deadlines for college applications will be here before you know it. As if you don’t have enough to worry about, now you have to craft the perfect essay. This essay is going to be your chance to show your potential university who you are outside of your standardized test scores and your GPA.....
Writing your college essay? How to avoid boring the reader Denver Post - Oct 22, 2013 Let's say you are at the top of your class and applying to an Ivy League school. You feel confident because you got 2200 on your SATs, are class president, run cross-country, and are in five clubs. All your life, "failure has never been in your vocabulary because you have succeeded at everything....
College application insanity gets worse CNN.com - Oct 15, 2013 (CNN) -- Every college applicant knows about the "hardship essay," which asks a teenager to write about overcoming an obstacle. Here's a suggested approach:....
How to Write College Admissions Essays: A Letter to High School Seniors Huffington Post - Sep 27, 2013 Dear High School Seniors, Unfortunately, family tensions often run high when it's college admissions' time. Phrases such as, "I don't need you. You're wrecking my life!" and "You can't go anywhere until your personal statement for the common app is done!..
“The Rite of Passage Question” Charlotte Observer - Sep 30, 2013 Bliss is boring! That’s my favorite cautionary line I’ve heard about Common Application Prompt No. 4: “Describe a place or environment where you are perfectly content. What do you do or experience there, and why is it meaningful to you?”...
The Admissions Essay Is Back Inside Higher Ed - Sep 30, 2013 Bard College announced Sunday that it will offer a new path to admission: an online essay examination in which applicants will have to submit four 2,500-word research papers ....
Tips for Common Application Prompt No. 4 Charlotte Observer - Sep 23, 2013 Bliss is boring! That’s my favorite cautionary line I’ve heard about Common Application Prompt No. 4: “Describe a place or environment where you are perfectly content. What do you do or experience there, and why is it meaningful to you?”...
Confessions of a College Application Essay Coach Huffington Post - Sep 18, 2013 'Tis the season for applying to college, and everyone and his mother have got the "How Do I Write My Application Essay Blues." The killer personal statement, now a hot commodity, may be the most popular literary genre on our virtual shelves....
How The College Essay Has Changed With The Digital Age WLRN - Sep 16, 2013 School just started, but already high school seniors are focused on college. With early admission deadlines looming, students are beginning a new rite of passage: conquering the college application and, with it, the dreaded college application essay....
Who wants to talk about their failures? Charlotte Observer - Sep 9, 2013 Who wants to talk about their failures? Most students approach the Common Application Prompt No. 2, also known as “The Edison Prompt,” with fear and trepidation. It says: “Recount an incident or time when you experienced failure....
Finding Applicants Who Plagiarize Inside Higher Ed - Jun 23, 2010 It wasn't that hard for admissions officers for the M.B.A. program at Pennsylvania State University to figure out that they had a plagiarism problem this year....