About HS CounselorWeek - weekly email
This weekly email searches main media outlets finding stories that may be of interest to high school counselors, college admission officers and related organizations, with links to the original stories. It is published by de facto, inc., publishers of other e-newsletters.
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There will be no HSCW published next week due to Thanksgiving. Happy Thanksgiving! |
Big Picture
Graduation Rates Are Down, Not Up, Since Economic Downturn Hechinger Report - Nov 17, 2014 University and college graduation rates have declined since the beginning of the economic downturn, according to a new report, even as policymakers prod universities and colleges to turn out more people with degrees. ...
What going to college in the U.S. costs today CBS News - MarketWatch - Nov 17, 2014 Here's a smidgen of good news if you've got teenagers heading off to college soon. In a new report, the College Board said that U.S. public and private colleges and universities are continuing to raise their prices faster than the rate of inflation. So what's the good news? ...
College Admissions Process/Strategies
Making the Grade: College Application Tips NECN - Nov 19, 2014 Like most high school seniors, Zach is getting his college applications in order. He'll be the first tell you he doesn't have the best grades, but his SAT scores and activity list are through the roof....
What is rolling admission? Bay Area College Admissions Examiner - Nov 19, 2014 Rolling admission is probably a term students have seen as they have researched colleges. While the application materials, publications, and websites state the colleges operate on rolling admission, many also give priority deadlines.....
2015 summer internships for high school students DC College Admissions Examiner - Nov 19, 2014 As colleges increasingly emphasize the importance of “experiential” learning within their own communities, high school students are discovering real benefits in setting aside time during the summer for internships or other similar work experiences....
College Admissions: Early Apps Up for Class of 2019 GoLocalProv College Admissions - Nov 17, 2014 Over the last 30 days, students from across the country and around the world sent in college applications under binding Early Decision and non-binding Early Action programs.....
How To Write a Great College Essay The College Solution Blog - Nov 17, 2014 Today I am excited to share an online conversation that I recorded with Janine Robinson, a journalist, a consultant and the creator of EssayHell, which is a wonderful website for students who want to learn how to write a great college essay. ....
College Application Essays Don’t Matter as Much as You Think TIME - Nov 14, 2014 Parents: sit down before you read this. Kids: deep breaths. You know that beautifully crafted, deeply felt, highly unusual college application essay you’ve been polishing? It might not make a difference for your college admission chances....
| HSCW Counselors' Corners An Update on My Letter to Michelle Obama Post - Nov 20, 2014 It's been almost a year since Michelle Obama raised the importance of college awareness and college opportunity, and almost a year since I asked Mrs. Obama to make sure this discussion included awareness of the need for better training in college advising.... More
Is hiring a college planner worth it? USA Today - Nov 10, 2014 Two months before 17-year-old Alexa of northern New Jersey — a national merit scholar, Girl Scout Gold Award recipient and standout soccer player—planned to submit her application to Amherst, anxiety set in....
Helping Your Teen Deal with Peer Pressure TeenLife Blog - Nov 13, 2014 Peer pressure is something that keeps many parents awake at night, inducing panic-laden insomnia that his hard to shake. However, the truth is more reassuring: parents often have a bigger part to play, and have more influence over their teen, than they might imagine. ...
Why The College Admission Process Is Bonkers Huffington Post - Nov 18, 2014 It's a life lesson for my daughter, that's what I try to tell myself. This is how the world works. Just because you have a high grade point average, excellent test scores, a myriad of extracurricular activities, hundreds of hours of community service, and you're a legacy at your top pick college...
Career & Technical Education
The sorry state of vocational training Hechinger Report - Nov 6, 2014 I had long been under the impression that the United States had a particular problem in providing technical and specialized professional training for students who maybe aren’t academically inclined. But it turns out the United States isn’t alone...
The Promise of Career and Technical Education Huffington Post - Nov 15, 2014 On the surface, the latest jobs report from the Department of Labor is good news -- an estimated 214,000 jobs were added in October, which translates into 54 months of job growth, the longest streak of uninterrupted private sector job growth in our nation's history....
Figuring out how much college is going to cost Charlotte Observer - Nov 17, 2014 Please don’t be one of those parents who encourage their students to apply to loads of colleges and universities with no regard to how much it is going to cost. ...
An economics professor’s guide to figuring out how much college costs Washington Post - Nov 17, 2014 Students and their parents contemplating college need to have a clear understanding of what college is going to cost them long before they apply if they are going to make wise academic and financial decisions. Sticker prices upwards of $60,000 are chilling....
Remedial Courses in College Stir Questions Over Cost, Effectiveness Wall Street Journal - Nov 17, 2014 College students are increasingly spending federal financial aid and taking on debt for high school-level courses that don’t count toward a degree, despite mounting evidence the courses are ineffective and may contribute to higher dropout rates....
Boot Camp Gives Students Individualized Attention For College Essays WBUR.org - Nov 18, 2014 The College Essay Boot Camp — a day organized by 826 Boston, a nonprofit organization focusing on students’ writing skills, and Northeastern — provides the unique opportunity for every interested student to partner one-on-one with a writing tutor for the day. ....
Are N.J. colleges too expensive? Cherry Hill Courier Post - Nov 18, 2014 TRENTON – Are New Jersey colleges facing their day of reckoning when it comes to affordability and a trend of students not graduating on time? ....
Teen Dating
Time to talk to your teen Marshfield News-Herald - Nov 19, 2014 Domestic violence and sports has been in the headlines for the past few weeks. While it is important to collectively raise our consciousness about this issue, on a more personal level, this is a great opportunity to talk with your teen about healthy relationships and dating abus....
New research finds sexting is the ‘new norm’ for teens Pittsburgh Post-Gazette - Nov 17, 2014 A study being released today provides the first solid research into cyberdating abuse, and the results are startling: Two in five teens surveyed had experienced cyberdating abuse in the context of a dating relationship in the past three months....

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Teen Dating
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