About HS CounselorWeek - weekly email
This weekly email searches main media outlets finding stories that may be of interest to high school counselors, college admission officers and related organizations, with links to the original stories. It is published by de facto, inc., publishers of other e-newsletters.
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Poverty the Biggest Factor in Whether Students Go to College TIME - Oct 14, 2014 Income was more correlated with college attendance than other demographic factors. Income level is the greatest indicator of whether a high school graduate will attend college, according to a study released Tuesday.. ...
Why Aid for College Is Missing the Mark New York Times - Oct 8, 2014 In 1987, when he was Ronald Reagan’s education secretary, the conservative culture warrior William J. Bennett wrote a famous essay denouncing federal aid for higher education because it allowed colleges “blithely to raise their tuitions,” at little benefit to students......
Identifying The Worst Colleges In America NPR.org - Oct 6, 2014 For years,Washington Monthly has been rating and ranking the nation's colleges. But for its 2014 edition, the magazine has done something new. It has put out a list of what it says are the nation's worst colleges. That is, schools with high tuition, low graduation rates and high student debt rates.....
College Admissions Process/Strategies
4 Tips for Adding Safety Schools to Your College Short List US News - Oct 13, 2014 A great deal is written and said about how students should decide on the list of colleges to which they will apply. Students often agonize over which program is best for them, but they neglect one very important consideration when compiling this list: their safety schools. ...
Yale Application Reader Reveals 4 Proven Tips For Ivy League Admission US News - Sep 30, 2014 There are no guarantees in the college admissions game, especially at name-brand institutions like those in the Ivy League. Not everyone is going to gain admission, even if, as I noted in my previous post, they meet the top benchmarks for acceptance: stratospheric test results and transcripts. ...
HC’s Month-by-Month College Applications Checklist Her Campus - Sep 30, 2014 The college admissions process is in full swing, pre-collegiettes! It’s natural to feel overwhelmed and confused after all, there are so many drafts, deadlines and applications to keep track of! But don’t worry: Her Campus has your back. ...
5 tips to boost your chances NorthJersey - Oct 13, 2014 For high school seniors, the college admissions application season is in full swing. Whether you have started the application process, or you’re not sure where to begin, the following five tips will help boost your chances of college acceptance. ...
Money Saving Mondays: Applying to College NECN - Oct 13, 2014 All across New England this fall, thousands of high school seniors are feeling the growing pressure: Where should I apply to college? Where can I get in? And how many schools should I apply to to be sure I get enough options? ...
College is now a buyer’s market Metro.us - Oct 13, 2014 Colleges are increasingly worried about getting enough enrollments, and students can use the situation to their advantage. A survey of college admissions directors by news website Inside Higher Ed found that 79 percent were either very or moderately concerned about not meeting their enrollment goals this year...
Questions to ask current students when researching colleges Bay Area College Admissions Examiner - Oct 13, 2014 Current students at a college or university are a very important resource for prospective students. Current students are a wealth of knowledge about the institution and the surrounding area. ...
Think twice before taking ‘early decison’ college route Charlotte Observer - Oct 13, 2014 Before you hit submit for that Nov. 1 Early Decision (ED) deadline, consider this: Early Decision is binding. That means that if you are accepted, you MUST go. That’s a great option if the college you’re applying to is your dream school and you are 100 percent certain you can see yourself on their campus next fall...
Common Application Prompt, Perfectly Content GoLocalPDX College Admissions - Oct 15, 2014 The intention of this series is to show readers a sample of a good essay in response to each of the Common Application prompts. This essay is an actual college admission essay, written and submitted by a real student. It is followed by comments from admissions professionals about what makes this personal statement effective......
Expert Advice: 7 College Essay Topics to Avoid Nerd Wallet - Oct 14, 2014 “Tell us about a personal quality, talent, accomplishment, or experience that is important to you.”
In some form or other, this prompt will be on almost every college application this fall, leaving admissions officers inevitably to read hundreds of college essay topics that are far too similar......
Nurses, Counselors See Prevalence of Anxious Teens Increase Education World - Oct 13, 2014 A recent study finds that a great amount of students today are anxious due to expectations and social media. School pressure can be one of the stressors affecting teens and more and more school personnel have been tasked to help students cope.....
Ten things not to do when your child is applying to college Washington Post - Oct 15, 2014 If you are a parent trying to help a child apply for college, you know how hard the process can be. Figuring out what to do and not do can be bewildering. In this post, Liz Willen, editor of The Hechinger Report, a nonprofit, independent news website focused on inequality and innovation in education, offers some help....
The trouble with parenting the college applicant Washington Post - Oct 14, 2014 With the 2014-15 school year in full swing, many high school seniors are finding that they have two jobs: keeping up with classes and filling out college applications. This post is the second in a continuing series about one senior as she navigates the college search and application process.....
Parsing the psychology of college visits The Independent - Oct 14, 2014 I have recently begun to dive into the process of applying for scholarships, college applications and, the latest, scheduling college visits. This has meant traveling every other weekend to a far-off campus in the state of Nebraska to see if it has what it takes for me to call it home......
What to Know Before Starting SAT, ACT Prep US News - Oct 6, 2014 Deciding whether to take the ACT or the SAT as his or her college entrance exam is one of the most important decisions a high school student must make. Although the tests are similar in many ways, there are key differences to consider before choosing one and beginning your prep. ....
Top schools for entrepreneurship studies in 2015 DC College Admissions Examiner - Oct 10, 2014 The Princeton Review together with Entrepreneur magazine recently announced the results of The Princeton Review’s annual survey naming 25 top undergraduate and 25 top graduate schools for entrepreneurship studies in the U.S.....
Appealing Financial Aid and Merit Awards The College Solution Blog - Oct 13, 2014 What happens when the financial aid or merit aid package that a student receives from a school is inadequate? Is it possible to extract more money from a college? I’ve been getting questions about this lately from parents who are disappointed by some of the awards their children have been receiving.....
Everything you need to know about Parent PLUS Loans USA Today - Oct 11, 2014 No parent wants to see a child take on crushing debt, especially when it comes to college. When all other financial aid options have been explored, you may decide to take out your own federal Direct PLUS loan to help pay for a college education.....
New Jersey’s Plan to Shut Down For-Profit Colleges Washington Monthly - Oct 9, 2014 New Jersey’s higher education secretary would be allowed to revoke the ability of for-profit colleges to award degrees if they fail to achieve minimum graduation rates under a bill advanced by lawmakers Thursday...
College Admissions: 4 Fall Pennsylvania Roadtrips GoLocalProv College Admissions - Oct 13, 2014 Pennsylvania is home to the Liberty Bell, Declaration of Independence and many of Ben Franklin’s inventions. From the exciting cities of Philadelphia and Pittsburgh to countryside Amish colonies, this state boasts dozens of superb colleges...
Teen Sexting
Why Kids Sext The Atlantic - Oct 14, 2014 It was late on a school night, so Jennifer’s kids were already asleep when she got a phone call from a friend of her 15-year-old daughter, Jasmine. “Jasmine is on a Web page and she’s naked.” Jennifer woke Jasmine, and throughout the night, the two of them kept getting texts from Jasmine’s friends with screenshots of the Instagram account. ....

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